On Saturday 25th October 2008 at the Goodwood Circuit near Chichester the Vintage Sports Car Club held their Speed Trials – all were welcome, and four Teals and half adozen Tealers enjoyed a picnic, and exploring the delightful,exotic and oily pre-war machinery in the pits – including an Albert, Bugattis, Delage, Alvis, Maserati, MGs, Morgans, Amilcars, Aston Martin, Invicta, Fiat, Lea-Francis,BMW Stutz, Talbot and Voisin…..

Teal Type 35


Amilcar-RileySpecial 1633cc 1923-1929

Amilcar-Riley Special

Maserati Tipo 26

Comfy SCAT Seats

1934 MG K Special (1087cc)
In The Goodwood Pits

MG – 1930s M or P Type?

MG Cockpit

Twin SU MG ENgine

Ready to go

Ready – 1926 Austin 7 Salamanda (Miss Amanda Fane De Salis)

Blown 1936 Riley Special

1930 Riley Special

1935 Riley 12/4 TT Sprite Replica

Another view of the delightful, oily, noisy Goodwood pit paddock

modern machinery

Homeward Bound
The day out at Goodwood VSCC was a splendid chance to mingle with original cars of the 1920s and 1930s at very close quarters, chat to their drivers and see fine feats of fettling continuing up to the last minute before the timed sprint slots – the sights, sounds and smells of Goodwood are delightful to the enthusiast’s senses. Strongly recommended!
Last Updated on 2 years by David Brown