This page contains Teal News and updates from November 2014 onwards which have been moved from Page 1 to make space there for the latest info…
Teal News 9 from November 2014 onwards
This magnificent Teal Type 43 is the brilliant concept of Aaldert Postma in the Netherlands, and was built last year by skilled Teal engineer Mike Hall in Evesham before being shipped to Holland for wiring, lighting, trim and paintwork. There’s a little more work to be done, but Aaldert (who organised the Teals to Tulips Run this Spring) hopes to have this unique beauty on the road for the New Year. Photos below show the Teal 43 leaving Evesham, and further below Aaldert with his youngest son and a little grandson in his fine Teal Type 35 (Teal of the Week No 71) in the Amsterdam sunshine – three generations of Tealers. We congratulate Aaldert on bringing to life two very beautiful and desireable Teals…

It’s the first of January 2015, it’s cold and a bit damp, but that doesn’t stop determined Tealers from turning up to show the flag, as they have on New Year’s Day for several years past….
Here’s Angelo in the magnificent (and famous at Brooklands – she’s in their catalogue adverts) Teal 214, entering Brooklands, photographed by Antonio, and …
David Ward’s fine DNA Teal Type 35 boat-tail with 214 beyond. In the foreground left you can just see the front wheel of Jan and Cliff’s replica….
David’s Beautiful Bébé
Our Favourite Teal garage owner, David Ward of Egham, gave himself a rather special Christmas/New Year present: a baby Bugatti in a box… and when the box was opened, the truly beautiful detailed model Bugatti Type 52 Bebe was revealed…
Here David’s baby Bugatti shell is seen at Ward’s MOT and Service with a very fine Teal Type 35B behind… and
here in close-up the attractive Bugatti-like lines can be admired. David has been searching fr a good model Bugatti for a couple of years, but those found on the internet to date had been either poor quality replicas or over-priced. Happily this baby Bugatti had been owned by a collector in Leeds for ten years or so, and now is in the hands of a skilled and enthusiastic restorer – David himself. All he needs now is to fit suspension, steering, boat-tail and trim – a project worthy of the man!
At David Ward’s, November 2014
Three fine Teals at David Ward’s garage (Teal Specialists) in Egham in November – and much more beside (that looks like a rather speedy Merc, doesn’t it, at the back centre?) . For more details of the magnificent silver Teal 35B see further below on this page…

…and the three differing cockpits. Teals have become a regular attraction at Brooklands, in all kinds of weather, thanks to Angelo, Antonio, David, Sharon, Cliff, Jan and Andy with June.
For Sale
in December 2014
This elegant Teal Type 35 four-seater is for sale now (17Nov14) at Total Head Turners in Essex. New Blockley tyres set off the stylish bodywork rather well, power apparently comes from a 1700cc motor, and there’s a hood for the occasional (!) rainy day experienced on Teal rallies….
Many more photos at Yours for £32,500.
in December2014
Respected twenty-year Tealers Neil and Vicky Ramsay, who have led many Teal rallies in The Lakes, Yorkshire, Northumberland and Scotland, most recently The Spider Run Two this summer, have sold their well-known red Teal to a new Club member near Tewksbury, and replaced it with this good-looking 2005 Morgan Plus 4 – we hope to see all three on future Teal runs….
A few days ago this lovely Type 59 replica pulled into David Ward’s Service and MOT garage in Egham (Teal Specialists). It was built in 1987/1988 by Robin Denny on a Triumph Vitesse chassis, and he has driven it 60,000 miles. He widened and lengthened the chassis, moved the 2.0 engine back 28″ and lowered it by 4″; he got the fore and aft balance to 51 rear and 49 front, he improved the cylinder head, used Triumph Spitfire front springs to compensate for the lighter front end; he had MIKE KING make the radiator surround and I think (says David) he said the top and bottom sections of the tail in fibreglass. If you look very closely you may be able to read the radiator badge that reads KING.
Thank you Angelo and David for the photos, and Robin Denny and Mike King for creating this lovely sporting car.
John King writes:
Completely rebuilt with new engine, gearbox/
overdrive, replacement rear differential & many new parts, recently
taxed, mot & serviced, extensive original build file and provenance.
This really is a superb example of this make and will give the new owner bags of fun.’
PRICE offers around £30,000.
or 01694 781 544
Tealer John Williams, recently of Kent and now of the far north of Scotland, beyond Inverness (Sutherland), has created an unusual Teal badge, which I promised to show you in December – and forgot.
Many Tealers will know (perhaps from Page 4 of this website) that when Bob Jones starting making Teals in 1986 he did so at Harrowby Mill, Farnworth, near Bolton. From that date nearly all Teals had a fine brass plaque fitted either on the cockpit dashboard or on the engine bulkhead – or both. This plaque declared the car to be a Teal Bugatti Type 35 (for instance), hand-made in Farnworth, U.K. with the chassis/engine number etched or stamped (see photo).
John Williams has taken this basic idea of Teal Farnworth and skillfully incorporated it with his radiator badge, as seen below:
John has a most attractive Teal Type 35 boat-tail, as seen here at last year’s Teal AGM:
And now John’s Teal has a new registration-plate, as seen here during a trip from Kent to Wiltshire last September.
Aaldert writes from Amsterdam with news of his ‘new’ Teal Type 43:
Of course Aaldert also has a magical, re-bodied in aluminium, left hand drive Teal Type 35 boat-tail – a rare Teal indeed :
Aaldert winning the Concours D’Elegance last year – well, his Teal Type 35 actually won, but Aaldert looks pretty good too! We look forward to photos of Aaldert’s two Teals together, and congratulate him on putting these two fine sporting cars back on the road.
Many Tealers will know of the jewel-like Onyx, a fine Bugatti Type 37 replica of which there are two in the Teal Owners Club. See the Teal News 7 Page of this website for more info on this Onyx and also of the beauty owned by Vince Giles. (By the way, what’s the plural of Onyx?). Above we see a very recent photo (Jan 15) of the cockpit of Dave Bellis’ Onyx as it is being currently restored and fitted out in UK. Meanwhile at his home in France Dave has a fine Teal project nearly completed and ready for sale, shown further down this page of the Sky Blue Teal website…. with email address for those wanting to know more on availability, specification and price… Good luck, Dave, with your two fine projects – planned on the road this summer season.
This photo of the rather lovely Bugatti Type 37 (wire wheels, 4C/1500 engine) with cows raised the question in one Tealer’s mind as to what could possibly interest the five cows more than this fine old Bugatti? Another Tealer suggested that the distraction was probably a handsome bull. If there’s bull involved, replied the first Tealer, then probably Angelo de Souza’s up the road to our left…
Photo: Don Stephan; thank you, and also to David Ward for spotting the amusing picture.
Caption from Angelo de Souza: ‘ All Good Tealers Go To Heaven’
David Ward’s Teal Type 35 boat tail as seen from Angelo’s T35 cockpit
heavenly photo by Antonio – thank you.
Angelo and David at Brooklands with Teals beyond – nothing personal, chaps….
It’s possibly a Citroen, Dave advises, and Angelo agrees. BF 4145 from about 1920. A beauty.
Photo Antonio – thanks!
PRATS are international: Tealers in Northern Spain in 1988 outside PRATS restaurant, including Cliff, Glen Colin and George, all four still Tealers 27 years later. Hats off.
Dot being monstered in her Teal by a Welsh Dragon on the Shrewsbury Run…
Bugatti Type 51 and Teal Type 35 share garage space in The Netherlands…
In the high Pyrenees: Puddle Jumper, Colin, Glen and George on a classic Teal Spanish run of 1988.
and now for something completely different
You’ve probably noticed that everyone who looks at a Teal, leans on a Teal, gets into a Teal or drives a Teal has a smile on their face…it seems that the look of any Teal, the sound of the engine, the feel of the wheel and the sheer exhilaration of driving a Teal, solo or in company with other Teals, makes life’s troubles slip away…I’ve opened a new page of this website dedicated to photos of people clearly enjoying their Teal (or someone else’s)… Above as a taster we see Glen and Maggie (top) in their dry four -seater Teal Type 35, Neil and Vicki in their semi-dry Teal Type 35 boat-tail, Roger and Corola topless in happy mood in Scotland in their Teal four-seater, and below David and Sharon in Stroud on the Spider Run 2014 and Dot and Phil in Leominster on the Ludlow Run… many more to come on a new page, now open three pages from the end of this website…
“The sun on your back, the wind in your hair, the road winding ahead towards the distant hills, and good company at the long day’s end; all’s well with the world”
and (below) the Lady Mayoress of Aberystwyth enjoying Pat Burns’ lovely Teal Type 35 boat tail on Spider Run 1 (2007); and Rupert parking his first Teal Type 35 four seater (with rear seat storage), built by himself. This photo also at Aberystwyth on the 2007 Spider Run. Rupert and Jean are among that rare and lucky group of people enjoying two Teals…see Happy Tealers Page, three from the end.
Welcome to the Sky Blue Teal website …
Ron and Sheila Stamp, Teal Backbone Run 2010
Mike and Joyce Astill, Teal Backbone Run 2010
Dot and Phil Massey, Teal Backbone Run 2010
The website for lovers of the Classic Teal Marque
Many Tealers have said that they regret the closure last year of the Teal Discussion Forum on this website; the Forum has therefore been re-opened, and is now available (29/03/2015) on the Index on the left of this page three-quarters of the way down….
Tealers never forget that their lovely cars are inspired by the beautiful and functional creations of Ettore Bugatti. Is this a fine 1920s Bugatti Type 35?
Well, no: it’s Colin Andrews’ lovely aluminium-bodied Teal Type 35 boat-tail ‘Puddle Jumper’, photographed from an unusual angle… but it needs a second or third look to tell, doesn’t it?
All Tealers understand that week-long Teal cross-country rallies from one end of Britain to the other can be a bit tiring, so a chap needs to catch up with a quick nap now and then; but…
…it seems that Bugatti rallies are just as tiring, and a girl must get her beauty sleep (and a snack) when and where she can…
Hooray! The Spring 2015 issue of Teal Spiel has arrived, and is packed with articles and interest for lovers of Teal cars: up-coming Teal events and trips (including Portugal); Teals at Brooklands; Teal Spares available from the Club; articles by Angelo de Souza and David Ward on ‘My Teal’; news from Tealer David in France about his Teal and Onyx ; how to make a stainless steel Bugatti-type radiator surround, the buck having been donated to the club by Peter Colley (thanks); bolt-on brake drums; a Teal for sale; Teal days out in the wonderful Yorkshire Dales coming up courtesy of Dot, Phil and Glen; news from Neil and Pam Bridges and John King; Suzi the Editor and Andy the Enforcer’s news; Bob Mills’ thoughts while darning his socks and polishing his Teal (not necessarily at the same time); the Calendar of Events; Dame Glenda Sensible’s personal problems page; Aaldert’s two beautiful Teals (Types 35 and 43) photographed in The Netherlands; how to solve radiator over-heating problems and reproof your hood (if any), not necessarily at the same time (again); welcome to three new Club Members; insurance, tyres and Teal maintenance, the latter at Ward’s wonderful Teal-Friendly garage…all this, and also Captain Sensible’s provoking thoughts on love, life, and the meaning of Tealing. A bargain for £18 a year – contact our Club Membership Sec Dot Massey at to join this excellent club and receive your personal copy of Teal Spiel – thanks Suzi and Andy for producing this full-colour delight!
22nd March 2015: Below, Angelo de Souza negotiates the Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner, London in his splendid Teal Type 35 No ‘214’ while wearing his washing up gloves …. (photo Antonio – thanks). Many more pics of Angelo and his lovely Teal 214 in London this weekend at the Vintage Classic Car Boot Sale are at this link:
Thanks, Angelo, showing the flag in the heart of the capital.
ps: comments are coming in to this website suggesting that those are not Angelo’s washing up gloves, which are pink; they are in fact his gardening gloves.
More Pictures of The Week:
Typical Teal Badge bar – what badges do you have on your Teal? Please email with interesting/ rare/ humourous badges! Thanks … here are some more Teal badge bars, some a little unusual:
An impressive and varied array on this early Teal, including one reading Canadian and American…
and the same Teal with different registration plate eight years later: a crisper shot of the badge bar from David Ward who has done much work on the car recently…
Those appear to be Bass and Old Speckled Hen badges either side of the Teal Owners’ Club… but that’s nothing compared with this 1988 pic of Roger Butcher’s Brillo pad Special:
An impressive line-up of bitters…
Pat Burns’ badges are elegant and simple – and his lighting arrangements seem more than adequate…
Tony Williams had the classic RAC and AA badges – and an impressive crank handle on his Teal Type 35 B (note suspension)
Another very fine Type 35 B wears classic badges: Seven Fifty Motor Club, BARC and Bugatti Owners’ Club…
Stuart Whitworth’s badges on his Teal include The Automobile Club of France, the Bugatti Owners’ Club and the Touring Club de France… Stu’s Teal looked more like a Bugatti than most Bugattis, so much so that at the National Car Museum/Bugatti Museum of France at Mulhouse he was waved into the private car park reserved only for Bugattis… did the badges play a part?
But perhaps David Ward’s own Teal bears the most amusing ‘badge’ so far:
Angelo de Souza has some attractive badges on his famous Brooklands Teal Type 35 numbered 214, but they are no match for his collection at home:
Two Bob Jones photos
Bob Jones delivering an early example of the powerful Teal Type 59 (6C/3800) which he designed and built. Note the unusual cross-bracing between the front mudguards.
Bob Jones happy in theTeal Type 35 four-seater Tourer which he designed and built. Bob’s favourite photo. (amended caption)
Where’s your favourite photo gone? Probably to Teal News Page 9 to make room for more pictures here on Page 1; or it may now be on the new HAPPY TEALERS page, three from the end of this website….see Index left top.
Is your Teal under-represented on this website? If so, please send a few photos and a liitle bit about your Teal and its adventures to who will attempt to rectify the situation. Thanks, Tealers.
Are you a Facebook kind of person. No? Me neither. But here’s an exception: distinguished Teal builder Bob Lewis, who almost certainly made the handbrake of your Teal, and who has been involved in building fine Teal Type 35s and 59s for more than 25 years, has set up a Facebook page for the Teal Owners Club with many fine photos of Teals and Teal events. And you don’t even have to log in to Facebook to see them.
Just type into your browser and up will come an exciting range of Teal-related photos and text. Give it a try – I did and was most happy that I did so… a recommended link for all Tealers – thanks, Bob.
Tealers may remember that last autumn John King of Shropshire (The Honey King) acquired a Teal that was not frankly in the best of condition. Over the past three months he and his engineering colleagues in Shropshire have been working to bring this fine early Teal Type 35 boat-tail up to scratch – and things are going well, judging by the above photo taken in the last few weeks. John hopes to have her back on the road in the Spring… this is one of a series of Teals and other classic Bugatti look-alikes that John and his team have restored; they are getting a deserved reputation for fine work. Thank you John for saving another Teal for enjoyment now, and also for the pleasure of future generations – she’s a honey!
Hooray! The Spring 2015 issue of Teal Spiel has arrived, and is packed with articles and interest for lovers of Teal cars: up-coming Teal events and trips (including Portugal); Teals at Brooklands; Teal Spares available from the Club; articles by Angelo de Souza and David Ward on ‘My Teal’; news from Tealer David in France about his Teal and Onyx ; how to make a stainless steel Bugatti-type radiator surround, the buck having been donated to the club by Peter Colley (thanks); bolt-on brake drums; a Teal for sale; Teal days out in the wonderful Yorkshire Dales coming up courtesy of Dot, Phil and Glen; news from Neil and Pam Bridges and John King; Suzi the Editor and Andy the Enforcer’s news; Bob Mills’ thoughts while darning his socks and polishing his Teal (not necessarily at the same time); the Calendar of Events; Dame Glenda Sensible’s personal problems page; Aaldert’s two beautiful Teals (Types 35 and 43) photographed in The Netherlands; how to solve radiator over-heating problems and reproof your hood (if any), not necessarily at the same time (again); welcome to three new Club Members; insurance, tyres and Teal maintenance, the latter at Ward’s wonderful Teal-Friendly garage…all this, and also Captain Sensible’s provoking thoughts on love, life, and the meaning of Tealing. A bargain for £18 a year – contact our Club Membership Sec Dot Massey at to join this excellent club and receive your personal copy of Teal Spiel – thanks Suzi and Andy for producing this full-colour delight!
22nd March 2015: Below, Angelo de Souza negotiates the Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner, London in his splendid Teal Type 35 No ‘214’ while wearing his washing up gloves …. (photo Antonio – thanks). Many more pics of Angelo and his lovely Teal 214 in London this weekend at the Vintage Classic Car Boot Sale are at this link:
Thanks, Angelo, showing the flag in the heart of the capital.
ps: comments are coming in to this website suggesting that those are not Angelo’s washing up gloves, which are pink; they are in fact his gardening gloves.
More Pictures of The Week:
Typical Teal Badge bar – what badges do you have on your Teal? Please email with interesting/ rare/ humourous badges! Thanks … here are some more Teal badge bars, some a little unusual:
An impressive and varied array on this early Teal, including one reading Canadian and American…
and the same Teal with different registration plate eight years later: a crisper shot of the badge bar from David Ward who has done much work on the car recently…
Those appear to be Bass and Old Speckled Hen badges either side of the Teal Owners’ Club… but that’s nothing compared with this 1988 pic of Roger Butcher’s Brillo pad Special:
An impressive line-up of bitters…
Pat Burns’ badges are elegant and simple – and his lighting arrangements seem more than adequate…
Tony Williams had the classic RAC and AA badges – and an impressive crank handle on his Teal Type 35 B (note suspension)
Another very fine Type 35 B wears classic badges: Seven Fifty Motor Club, BARC and Bugatti Owners’ Club…
Stuart Whitworth’s badges on his Teal include The Automobile Club of France, the Bugatti Owners’ Club and the Touring Club de France… Stu’s Teal looked more like a Bugatti than most Bugattis, so much so that at the National Car Museum/Bugatti Museum of France at Mulhouse he was waved into the private car park reserved only for Bugattis… did the badges play a part?
But perhaps David Ward’s own Teal bears the most amusing ‘badge’ so far:
Angelo de Souza has some attractive badges on his famous Brooklands Teal Type 35 numbered 214, but they are no match for his collection at home:
Two Bob Jones photos
Bob Jones delivering an early example of the powerful Teal Type 59 (6C/3800) which he designed and built. Note the unusual cross-bracing between the front mudguards.
Bob Jones happy in theTeal Type 35 four-seater Tourer which he designed and built. Bob’s favourite photo. (amended caption)
Where’s your favourite photo gone? Probably to Teal News Page 9 to make room for more pictures here on Page 1; or it may now be on the new HAPPY TEALERS page, three from the end of this website….see Index left top.
Is your Teal under-represented on this website? If so, please send a few photos and a liitle bit about your Teal and its adventures to who will attempt to rectify the situation. Thanks, Tealers.
Are you a Facebook kind of person. No? Me neither. But here’s an exception: distinguished Teal builder Bob Lewis, who almost certainly made the handbrake of your Teal, and who has been involved in building fine Teal Type 35s and 59s for more than 25 years, has set up a Facebook page for the Teal Owners Club with many fine photos of Teals and Teal events. And you don’t even have to log in to Facebook to see them.
Just type into your browser and up will come an exciting range of Teal-related photos and text. Give it a try – I did and was most happy that I did so… a recommended link for all Tealers – thanks, Bob.
Tealers may remember that last autumn John King of Shropshire (The Honey King) acquired a Teal that was not frankly in the best of condition. Over the past three months he and his engineering colleagues in Shropshire have been working to bring this fine early Teal Type 35 boat-tail up to scratch – and things are going well, judging by the above photo taken in the last few weeks. John hopes to have her back on the road in the Spring… this is one of a series of Teals and other classic Bugatti look-alikes that John and his team have restored; they are getting a deserved reputation for fine work. Thank you John for saving another Teal for enjoyment now, and also for the pleasure of future generations – she’s a honey!
(and see further below for a great Teal Type 35B)
Photos: Bob Jones – thank you Bob
These photos of Teal Type 35Bs in kit form and under construction were taken at Grimsditch Hall in about 1995 by Bob Jones. Did you notice the Bugatti-blue Type 35 back right in photo 1? That’s Mike Astill’s, the owner of Grimsditch Hall, where Teals were made by Bob Jones in the substantial outbuildings of the Hall from about 1992 to 1998. Many will notice the Type 35Bs narrow radiator, the altered front suspension, the lack of bracing irons across the radiator and the optional rear hatch, as well as the clean beauty of the design of the Teal Type 35B. Thank you Bob and Mike. Now see below for a great Type 35B…
Teal Type 35 B created by Philip Searle
The unique Teal Type 35B shown in the following photos was created by Philip Searle in 2004-2006 with painstaking attention to engineering detail and with no expense spared. The end result is simply stunning to view and also to ride in.
Type 35B chassis – note front suspension attachment points
Triumph 6C/2500
Philip Searle
In 2009 this fine car was purchased by John Williams of Wiltshire, to whom I am grateful for the following photos; your webmaster’s blue Teal Type 35 is shown beside for comparison two photos down…
In 2010 this splendid Teal, surely one of the finest ever built, was sold to a London Teal enthusiast, where it still resides, often mistaken for an original Bugatti to judge by photos and videos on sporting car websites. Understandably.
Part-finished Teal reluctantly for sale due to new project. Superb workmanship so far, using mainly new parts. Car is V5 registered in my name and checks out on MOT computer. At the moment, the Teal is here with me in France. I could deliver it free to England in the Spring, when my new project is coming from UK, on the return journey. Free overnight accommodation provided for serious buyer. These cars are becoming increasingly rare and valuable. This is a great opportunity for someone prepared to put in a bit of effort. Only looking to recover costs so far, so very reasonable price. I’ll throw in the 2 years labour free of charge!! Please contact me at
Do you remember clearly the Teal Triangle Run in the summer of 2008? No, me neither, but I remember that it was fun, and that it has been a major omission from this Teal website. So I’ve written a photo-essay on that happy eight-day run departing from the aircraft museum at RAF Cosford, west into Wales at Lake Bala, to Caernarvon, to Chester, Jodrell Bank and Holmfirth, and across the North Yorkshire moors to lovely Robin Hood’s Bay. You can find this essay, with many photos of our run, half way down the index at left at Teal Triangle Run – 2008. I hope you may enjoy the happy memories it triggers.
…if you’d like to copy this whole website into your own computer, including more than a thousand photos of Teals, use the excellent and totally legal website copier provided by Microsoft Windows at ; then you’ll find this Teal website in it’s entirety in the ‘my websites’ file in your Documents folder or your HTTrack folder. It works, and you can update your download any time. Recommended.
Your favourite photo or Teal of the Week may have been moved to the Teal News 9 page or to the Teal of the Week 121-140 pages ; it’s quite fun looking, and sometimes one finds something quite unexpected…
Note: Previous Teals of the Week are shown on the Teals of the Week 1-20 website page, Teals of the Week 21-40 page, Teals of the Week 41-60 page, Teals of the Week 61-80 page, Teal of the Week 81- 99 page, Teal of the Week 100-120 page, and Teal of The week 120-140 (see index left) – the aim is to build up week by week, in no particular order, a data base of photos of as many Teals as can be found .

Want to buy or sell a Teal? Tealers may like to browse
(Type Teal Bugatti into their search box at very top of their page)
(and see further below for a great Teal Type 35B)
Photos: Bob Jones – thank you Bob
These photos of Teal Type 35Bs in kit form and under construction were taken at Grimsditch Hall in about 1995 by Bob Jones. Did you notice the Bugatti-blue Type 35 back right in photo 1? That’s Mike Astill’s, the owner of Grimsditch Hall, where Teals were made by Bob Jones in the substantial outbuildings of the Hall from about 1992 to 1998. Many will notice the Type 35Bs narrow radiator, the altered front suspension, the lack of bracing irons across the radiator and the optional rear hatch, as well as the clean beauty of the design of the Teal Type 35B. Thank you Bob and Mike. Now see below for a great Type 35B…
Teal Type 35 B created by Philip Searle
The unique Teal Type 35B shown in the following photos was created by Philip Searle in 2004-2006 with painstaking attention to engineering detail and with no expense spared. The end result is simply stunning to view and also to ride in.
Type 35B chassis – note front suspension attachment points
Triumph 6C/2500
Philip Searle
In 2009 this fine car was purchased by John Williams of Wiltshire, to whom I am grateful for the following photos; your webmaster’s blue Teal Type 35 is shown beside for comparison two photos down…
In 2010 this splendid Teal, surely one of the finest ever built, was sold to a London Teal enthusiast, where it still resides, often mistaken for an original Bugatti to judge by photos and videos on sporting car websites. Understandably.
Part-finished Teal reluctantly for sale due to new project. Superb workmanship so far, using mainly new parts. Car is V5 registered in my name and checks out on MOT computer. At the moment, the Teal is here with me in France. I could deliver it free to England in the Spring, when my new project is coming from UK, on the return journey. Free overnight accommodation provided for serious buyer. These cars are becoming increasingly rare and valuable. This is a great opportunity for someone prepared to put in a bit of effort. Only looking to recover costs so far, so very reasonable price. I’ll throw in the 2 years labour free of charge!! Please contact me at
Do you remember clearly the Teal Triangle Run in the summer of 2008? No, me neither, but I remember that it was fun, and that it has been a major omission from this Teal website. So I’ve written a photo-essay on that happy eight-day run departing from the aircraft museum at RAF Cosford, west into Wales at Lake Bala, to Caernarvon, to Chester, Jodrell Bank and Holmfirth, and across the North Yorkshire moors to lovely Robin Hood’s Bay. You can find this essay, with many photos of our run, half way down the index at left at Teal Triangle Run – 2008. I hope you may enjoy the happy memories it triggers.
…if you’d like to copy this whole website into your own computer, including more than a thousand photos of Teals, use the excellent and totally legal website copier provided by Microsoft Windows at ; then you’ll find this Teal website in it’s entirety in the ‘my websites’ file in your Documents folder or your HTTrack folder. It works, and you can update your download any time. Recommended.
Your favourite photo or Teal of the Week may have been moved to the Teal News 9 page or to the Teal of the Week 121-140 pages ; it’s quite fun looking, and sometimes one finds something quite unexpected…
Note: Previous Teals of the Week are shown on the Teals of the Week 1-20 website page, Teals of the Week 21-40 page, Teals of the Week 41-60 page, Teals of the Week 61-80 page, Teal of the Week 81- 99 page, Teal of the Week 100-120 page, and Teal of The week 120-140 (see index left) – the aim is to build up week by week, in no particular order, a data base of photos of as many Teals as can be found .

Want to buy or sell a Teal? Tealers may like to browse
(Type Teal Bugatti into their search box at very top of their page)
More Teal News to come…. see Teal News 10 page for news
from 10 April 2015
Last Updated on 2 years by David Brown