WELCOME to 2020, the year when the virus kept most of us indoors, and lost us many of our friends before their time. No pubs, no cafes, no visiting family. And, above all, a year when there was almost no Tealing.
A Little Tealing at Prescott, July 2020
Bugatti Owners Club made a very good start to the first week of opening in July, under social distancing rules, only entrants and their passengers on site. Difficult, but it allowed them to demonstrate that they should be allowed to continue. A little flat if you wanted to be a spectator, but on the plus side, there was a good display of the usual thrilling motors.
Sadly, there wasn’t much of a Teal presence, just one there. But to make up for that, it was driven by three different people, and made a good showing. Not in the ditch, not even once !!!! Maybe nearly, just once, a matter of finding second gear we think.
Full marks again to the BOC though, for showing they could make it work, opening the door for other similar events.
Below, Daniel at the first bend, giving it some beans !! So far, so good.
George, driving or just posing ?
That’s all for now folks !
and everybody loves a Morgan ? Don’t they ?
Last Updated on 2 years by David Brown
This, then, is a partial history of that time, and I leave it to you to decide the order of importance of all these things.
Certainly, interest in things Teal hasn’t dropped away, as is evidenced by the continued good auction prices found by the cars, and that the Owners Club rises in numbers again.
Overall, we must hope for better times and keep the faith.
Ah, yes, posing !
Except for this, not there, but you’ld like it, wouldn’t you ?
And the last look at Bugatti in traditional Prescott pose.
This one’s really the last, and maybe best of all!
bye for now.
some photos courtesy of Stuart Wing and Dennis Wood. Thanks