About 15% of all Teals cars made were four-seaters. Most of these were Type 35 four-seaters. Other Teal four-seaters such as Type 43, 44 and Specials are covered on further pages of this website, as indicated in the index at the left of the page.
The very first Teal Type 35 four-seater was built by Ian Foster in 1985 , bodied in GRP, and driven here by lovely Maggie Foster, Ian’s wife and Teal saleswoman… Only one of these four-seaters was built due to doubts about stability on the road…
Teal Type 35 four-seater chassis. When Bob Jones took over Teal Cars in 1986 he re-designed the four-seater chassis and lengthened it by 14 inches compared with the original. This is the first Bob Jones four-seater chassis, and may indeed be the one fitted to Bob Mills splendid Teal ‘Red Baron’ (see below)…
Bob Mills built his handsome Teal four-seater “Red Baron” some 30 years ago – it’s arguably the longest Teal in the world – and has been a regular on Teal runs at home and abroad ever since. Here Bob’s in Shropshire, wrapped up warm and ready to depart, with former fellow Cheshire Tealer and Teal co-builder Keith Lidgerwood admiring the instrumentation…Bob is the Chairman of our happy Teal Owners’ Club.
One of the best-looking Teal Type 35 four-seaters, in my opinion, is this lovely example owned previously by Neil Bridges and Danilo Beltrami (in Belgium). The hood, the seats and the elegant body seem to work in total harmony… what do you think ? Here’s another view:
Keen Lancastrian Tealers Ron and Sheila’s fine four-seater Teal Type 35 ‘Hirondelle’, a delight to eye and ear…this handsome Tourer has been the star of many Teal runs, piloted and navigated respectively by much-loved and senior Tealers Ron and Sheila.
Yorkshire folk Glen and Margaret’s Captain Sensible – a fine Teal Type 35 four-seater, here visiting Sussex on Rupert and Jean’s Petersfield ramble… Glen and Maggie have led many happy Teal rambles at home and on the Continent, where the four-seater Teal’s space and comfort pay off in spades…
Yorkshireman Neil Bridges has been the owner of at least three Teals (two of them four-seaters), and also a lovely Mike King ‘Type 59’ Bugatti replica . Shown here is Neil and Pam’s impressive ‘Phoenix‘, often invited to pose in front of stately mansions, where she seems quite at home. Phoenix, Pam and Neil are recently back from Normandy and Angouleme… plenty of room for bags, wine and cheese…
In the Lake District, Roger and Carola Frank’s lovely Teal Type 35 Tourer on the Borders Run – and in the background Neil’s Vital Spark, the Foster Cobra, Teal boat-tail 35, Austin Healey 3000 and Triumph TR 4 – all part of our Club run.
Teal Type 35 Tourers are pretty well-balanced, stable cars – quod erat demonstrandum .
Roger and Carola behaving badly – though they make up for it with a delightful sense of humour and many charitable acts, often involving fundraising with their happy Cumbrian Teal Type 35 four-seater. …
Long-time and enthusiastic Tealers Rupert and Jean recently led the Teal push to Portugal in their lovely dark-green Teal two-seater ‘Grasshopper’ ; and they also own this four-seater tourer, built by Rupert himself 25 years ago, and shown here on Aberystwyth sea front during the 2007 Spider Run 1. Uniquely, Rupert built into the rear seats a secure, dry trunk / box for valuables, clothes, wine, and spares, which has proved invaluable on long-distance tours. I have heard rumours, as yet unsubstantiated, that this Teal may soon become available on the market… watch this space.
Skilled engineer and stalwart Tealer Tony Davis drives his lovely dark green Teal Type 35 four-seat Tourer, powered by an uprated MGB 1800cc engine with twin SUs. Tony has written several articles for our Club magazine Teal Spiel on uprating the performance of Teal engines, transmission and suspension, and demonstates the results (below) on the Bugatti Owners’ Club hillclimb at Prescott. Tony’s Teal has done service as his daughter’s wedding car (driven by Dad), and was one of the stars of the 2014 Spider Run 2 to Land’s End.
Just because it’s a four-seater doesn’t mean it can’t perform well as a most sporting tourer! Tony’s is Teal of the Week No 123 (more photos on that web page).
Four-Seater Teal Type 35 For Sale (Oct 2015)
This rather handsome green Teal Type 35 four-seater is currently (Oct 2015) for sale on the Total Head Turners (Essex) website…
… for offers around £35K. Lots more pictures and details on their website.
Peter Colley from Cornwall owns this unusual and attractive Teal Type 35 four-seater , seen here at Charleston of Poldark fame. Note the unusual mudguards, wheels and sidescreens, and ….
the unique rear view with effective weather protection – well it does blow and rain a bit down west… but it didn’t when we all lined up at Land’s End last summer, with this beauty on pole position:
Chris and Jean Poolton’s handsome Teal Type 35 four-seater

See Teal of the Week No 72 for more details of this splendid beauty….
Last Updated on 2 years by David Brown