This page of the website contains snippets of news about Teal cars and Tealers which I hope you may find interesting; many items will have previously featured on Page 1, and are now shown here to  make room for new items there  …


 (Words which sum up Tealing by  Glen Ibbotson – our Captain Sensible)
(Photo:  Mary and  big Jeff  Turner on the Pennine Backbone Run )
For most of Great Britain Wednesday, 1st January 2014 was a day of torrential rain and high winds; and so it was at Brooklands, Surrey; no day, you might think, for displaying an open-top Teal Type 35.
But there they are in the photos among the Classics, Angelo and Antonio’s blue Teal and Cliff’s silver streak, also  amid the new year floods at Brooklands, with Angelo demonstrating the Teal on the historic banked racing  track – we applaud these foolhardy Tealers, and praise their rugged determination, when many of us would have stayed home with tea and crumpet….
An excellent launch to 2014, the 30th anniversary of the first Teals being put on sale to the public  by Ian Foster.  Lots more news about Teal 30 and this June’s Spider Run 2  to come…
2ND  JANUARY  2014
As a contrast to rain-lashed New Year’s Day 2014,  the second of January  was full  of sunshine and light breezes across the apple-green Wiltshire Downs.  Lacking the determination of Angelo and Cliff, I only ventured out in Violet in today’s fair weather,  through puddled country lanes, past admiring hillside sheep and cows basking in the gentle sunlight (and happy horse riders, who seem to me to have a natural  affinity for Teals ) through rural Calne with the exhaust echoing off mellow stone walls,  and through happy market-day Devizes crowds admiring Violet’s lines (I hope).
Many other Tealers will be out in their Teals over the winter months – do please send us your photos via the website Contact Page, so we can enjoy an all-year-round Tealing experience.  A picture of a Teal  with the first daffodils would be most welcome… Thanks!
Now I have your attention, Tealers, did you know that Brigitte Bardot was 22 when she made the film ‘And God Created Woman’ ? There are further  interesting statistics below…
On 1st January 2007 the website was launched
On 1st January 2008 there had been a total of   2000 hits
On 1st January 2009 there had been a total of   8000 hits
On 1st January 2010 there had been a total of   18,800 hits 
On 1st January 2011 there had been a total of   29,600 hits
On 1st January 2012 there had been a total of   42,400 hits
On 1st January 2013 there had been a total of   56,160 hits
On 1st January 2014 there have been a total of  69,467 hits
The latest total is shown on the hits counter at Page 1; thank you for your interest and your loyalty to the only website dedicated to the remarkable Teal marque.
Jim Cope has emailed the website from Johannesburg where his Teal Type 59, shipped out  four months ago from the UK, has made quite an inpact,  and attracted much local interest.   Jim has sorted out some early cooling problems (Jo’burg is at more tham  5000 feet amsl) and has had the wheels and the exhaust system ceramic coated, which  is both  attractive and effective …
Jim’s car (Teal of the Week No  48  ) also has most attractive mudguards, seen on rare classics and at Page 8 of this website being offered up by Ben Trumble for  Bob Jones’ approval  at the Teal ‘works’  in Altrincham.   But Jim’s piéce de resistance is …..
…the splendid golf clubs attached to the spare wheel.  Anyone for a round?  Tealer/golfer Colin Andrews would certainly admire the style and neat fitting.  And in both countries there’s room for a brolley too.  Thanks, Jim,  for flying the Teal flag high in the Southern hemisphere, along with  fellow Teal Type 59 owner Robin Day  in South Australia (Teal of the Week No 40).
On 2nd February three Teal Type 35s (Angelo and Antonio  de Souza, Sharon and David Ward, Cliff  and Jan Sedman) and the Teal Type 44 (Alan and Jane Asher) flew the flag high for the marque at the Brooklands meeting, were widely admired by the public and interviewed by  BBC Radio 4 … Here are a few photos of the Teals (and Tealers) enjoying the rare  spring sunshine – and Jan Sedman’s cake.
Photos: Antonio De Souza – thank you
Many southern Tealers trust the more advanced maintenance of their beloved Teals to the skilled hands of David Ward and his team in Egham, Surrey.  David’s MOT and Servicing garage is always up with the latest technology, and his deep knowledge of many Teals (he totally rebuilt his own  powerful and lovely Type 35) ensures that we get a super professional service.  But in the early days  David’s technology wasn’t always right up to date:
Angelo and Antonio De Souza – thanks!
To get your Teal  well cared for, call Wards MOT and Service Centre on 01784 439 160, where David or receptionist  Karen will look after you.
A Man and His Car by Glen Ibbotson (Captain Sensible)
Many Tealers feel this way about their Teal, I suspect – but Glen expresses fluently in words and rhythm our half-formed thoughts.  Thank you.
Bugatti Corner
  Teals are inspired by Bugatti….
 Keep it in the family
 How many spares does one need on Swedish roads?
 Touchy, but you know how he feels!
Teals are (usually) inspired by Bugatti…
Netherlands:  Dutch Type 35B  ditches 
France: topping up the Type 35A; memo to self –  must get some new straps…
Keeping  the seat dry… a decent golf umbrella covers a Bugatti – or a Teal…
Dot and Phil’s fine Teal Type 35 on a damp day at Colin and Irené’s
(the Oxfordshire Run 2012)
‘Could you park a little nearer the hotel next time, my darling?’   “Of course, my sweetest”
Type 59
Teal – Inspired by Bugatti
Bugatti Club Tour of Leon, Spain
Fine photos by  Dirk  de Jager   – thank you.
 1928 Bugatti Type 40
1926 Bugatti Type 34a 
1926 Bugatti Type 35 – 2007 Bugatti Veyron 
1928 Bugatti Type 44 
Bugatti Type 35 and Bugatti Type 57 Corsica
Bugattis on the Road – Leon
For those Tealers who, like me, enjoy  browsing  through websites showing news and lots of photos of Bugatti  sales and spares , The Bugatti Page is a great source;  have a look, if you wish, for instance at the Bugatti News of 2012 – Bob Jones, Bob Lewis  and  Teal even get a mention…
and there are  another 16 delightful  pages like this with previous years’ news  – such stuff as dreams are made of…
Many Tealers have admired over the past four years the delightful ONYX  EB 37 , a near-perfect British re-creation  on the small but perfectly formed Bugatti Type 37 of the late 1920s.   Many of us have wished we could afford to buy or acquire one of these very rare quality sports/racing cars, so clearly evocative of a golden age.  Last week Tealer Dave Bellis completed the deal to purchase the beauty you see in these photos, and understandably he’s cock-a-hoop….
There’s work to be done still, but nothing beyond Dave’s considerable engineering skills; he and his nephew are now working on Dave’s  Onyx (doesn’t that sound good )  to get her on the road this Spring/Summer.
Many Tealers have enjoyed Dave and his wife’s generous  hospitality in The Pennines in 2010 and in France in 2013 and are delighted at his good fortune – it couldn’t happen to a more deserving chap.  Meanwhile Dave’s Teal/Teal project is for sale (see item Page 1 ).  Contact him on    Here’s another picture:  of the lovely Onyx EB 37’s boat tail.  And the engine’s a Triumph 1500cc – the same capacity as Ettore Bugatti’s Type 37.   More news and photos to come.  Bravo, Dave.
 For more Onyx news, see below – another beauty!
Dancing Corner
 for Peter Thain and friends  of the Teal Discussion Forum
last week we had poetry – this week it’s ballet  dancing for members of our Teal Arts Appreciation Group
Comments on balance, poise, grace and underlying structure are welcome at the Forum. 
8th March 2014
For Sale this weekend (Sat 8th March 2014 from 1300) at Historics Auction, Brooklands – very early Teal, ex Ian Foster, ex Keith Lidgerwood, rebodied in aluminium by Bob Jones,  known as  HKA or Le Mistral or Old Number One.   A number of Tealers are expected to attend this Auction at Brooklands  of an iconic early Teal that many of us know well.  HKA should come up for sale after 2pm at an estimate of £16-£20K.
Result:   HKA was knocked down for a hammer price of £22,000 in the presence of distinguished Tealers Angelo and Antonio De Souza, David Ward and Cliff Sedman.  The new owner  of this historic Teal Type 35 boat-tail is Dr Dallas Burston, who is seen below with Cliff Sedman discussing engines; a satisfactory outcome for this iconic Type 35. 
A couple of months ago Tealer David Ward spotted a Bugatti Steering wheel for sale in London.  While  visiting the seller and inspecting the wheel David found out that it had been removed from a genuine 1928 Bugatti Type 37 which has been  undergoing major refurbishment for some time.  David bought the wheel (not cheap), and has been in contact with the owner of the Type 37, who sent him from France this photo of his car(s):
Bugatti Type 37 and Amilcar
Courteously, David asked the Type 37 owner if he minded that the Bugatti steering wheel was now being fitted to a Teal.  ‘ No problem, good for you ‘ was the reply,‘ I’ve been throwing money at my Bugatti for five years and it’s still not finished, and you’re driving yours.’
Here’s the steering wheel at Brooklands yesterday,   now cleaned and oiled and fitted to a modified boss created for Keith Lidgerwood,  enhancing David’s already authentic-looking  Teal Type 35.
Today – 12th March
Today, Wednesday 12th March was beautiful in Wiltshire after early mist. When it cleared about noon, a run out with Violet was called for:  out through the vale of Pewsey on country lanes, over Tan Hill to the A4, into market-day Marlborough, thronged with shoppers and schoolchildren, south uphill over the high chalk downs past drifts of daffodils to Pewsey, across the Kennet and Avon canal with gaily-painted canal boats, and back under White Horse hill, over Horton Bridge – about 30 miles in all.  Many Tealers in every county of Britain (and every region of Europe)  will have similar favourite runs to charge the batteries of Tealer and Teal alike… a joy for all of us, and a confirmation that Spring is here.
 Send me your Teal  springtime photos, please!
New TOC Club Member – With a Fine ONYX EB 37
We welcome to the Teal Owners’ Club Vince Giles of Sheffield, the builder and owner of a this very fine Onyx EB 37.  There are only 10 Onyx in existence in the world, and Vince and Dave Bellis are owners of two of them.  Vince built his Onyx up from a kit of parts supplied by Onyx Cars and Duttons, with the bodywork requiring to be cut  down to size, and the engine being a 1400cc K-series motor.  And doesn’t she look fine – more photos below.  Let me put here Vince’s own words of how he came to build his Onyx:  

‘I went to see Onyx in early 2009, ordered the various packages then and there, and took delivery of enough parts to start my build. I finished late last year, after many many long weekends, and it is now on the road. It is the  first build I have ever done. I’ve had a number of classics, so many of the principles were not new, but I did need David’s [David Golightly of Onyx] help in a number of areas such as how  to do wire edges in the aluminium  panels.



The basic product from Onyx gives one  just enough latitude to ‘imagineer’ and solve problems / implement solutions  in one’s own way to create the finished product. The bodywork is from Dutton and is for a type 37 , but the  panels supplied are all oversize and have to be cut to fit. There are 3 panels that you have to make yourself as these take up the  various ‘degrees of freedom’ given that [as per the originals] no two builds will be the same. I wish I could English Wheel – they really are a work of art with their compound curves.


The engine as per David’s original design, is a K series 1.4. Very lightweight, sits well back, almost mid engined. Power at 75BHP is therefore mid way between the quoted range for the supercharged 37s and power/ weight will be similar. Steering and handling is just superb and as you probably know, the rear axle [in design] is as per the original with inverted quarter elliptics with radius arms and a torque reaction arm.I think David will have made/ supplied in kit form around 9 now. There is one in the States, 4 in the UK including mine. As of now, I think I am right in saying that mine is the only one on the road in the UK.  The others went to Europe, including the one that Dave has acquired [which was an early one].David is not taking orders for any but is building them. He has a number of motorsport interests and feels it works better if he isn’t up against deadlines [we all know that feeling].’

 Dave has been a lively and active  member of the Teal discussion forum on this website, is located in a hotbed of Teal activity (think Neil Bridges and Glen Ibbotson), and we look forward to meeting up with him and this seriously delightful Type 37 lookalike  over the next few months. 
As the months go by we will learn a little more about Vince’s  quality Bugatti re-creation….
Tealers may wish to  know how this unusual photo was taken.  The banner-towing light aircraft took off from Old Sarum just north of Salisbury, but had to carry out several runs before we got the photo above.  On the first run he was still turning, and the banner wasn’t straight; on the second  run he was too far away beyond the trees on the horizon; on the third he over-corrected and  was too close overhead, and we couldn’t get both the banner and the Teal in shot; after some more talk on the portable VHF set, the fourth run was just right, resulting in this picture of the Teal Type 35 in a field of lilac  flax at RAF Upavon, the home to very early military  flight and weapon development  by the Royal Flying Corps  from 1910 throughout the first world war and beyond.  The aircraft is here on the correct  southerly heading for Salisbury, 25 miles from  Upavon past Netheravon airfield across Salisbury Plain to Old Sarum… several Tealers have said that in their open-cockpit Teals with the wind rushing by and the small Brooklands screens ahead  they often feel that they are in something very akin to  an early biplane cockpit –  and they love it.
01/04/2014                                          B.C. 
Later: please note the date.   
John ‘Honey’ King with his fine 6C/2500 Teal Type 35 in front of Berrington Hall, Herefordshire.  John is co-ordinating a push of a dozen Teals to the Netherlands this month, where Dutch Tealers Aaldert and Hans will meet up with them and other Classic Old Timer cars for a Tulip (and beer) tour of lovely Holland.   John is also famous for his beehives and excellent honey gathered by his bees  from all over Shrophire, and for organising the Teal presence at the Ludlow classic car and food festival,  and the Vie en Bleu Teal gathering at the Bugatti Owners’ Club at Prescott next month (May 14).
Secretary of State for Defence
Phillip Hammond MP, Secretary of State for Defence, discusses with Tealer David Ward and his apprentice Harvey the benefits of owning a Teal,  and Dave’s beautiful and powerful  DNA  in particular.  The Teal is an excellent training vehicle for instructing young apprentices, a scheme which particularly  interests Mr Hammond, the local MP. 
Tealer David Ward also explained to Mr Hammond  the intricacies of ‘Grasshopper’, Jean and Rupert Quested’s elegant period  green Teal Type 35 2-seat beauty, while Harvey the apprentice listened eagerly.
Andy Dutton’s La Tecla and Colin Andrews’ Puddle Jumper have also been at David Ward’s excellent garage in Egham in the last two weeks – Teal Centre South.
Under the Radar

Saturday 29/03/14 – 09:00 hrs. Message from Wing Commander Bridges. ‘Weather forecast for Sunday:  good visibility with some medium cloud cover.  Sortie arranged for 12:00 noon.’ Copy that……


We set off on a compass bearing 265 degrees. The old kites thrumming nicely as we cruised at hedge height to avoid detection [some chance!]. Our objective: destination Strines Inn to take on supplies. Wing Commander Bridges also wanted to relieve the locals, but I advised against it. It may be NfN [Normal for Norfolk] but it is still on the Statute Book as far as Derbyshire is concerned. Rodger that….


Landed safely as per the attached reconnaissance photograph. WCB detected loose prop nuts and flapping wing [literally!] on  10 UGX. Returned to base for fettling.


Mission accomplished. Tally Ho!



The above mission report has been received from remote Yorkshire * from our man at the controls Vince Giles,  flying no. 2  to the Winco, Neil Bridges.   The attached reconnaissance photo above  is unique as far as we know, showing the first ever image of an Onyx (Vince) and a Teal (Neil) in  formation together.


* Information from Google reveals that Strines is a beautiful village located in the hills west of Sheffield  beside a reservoir , with a famous pub, The Strines Inn, which Vince and Neil made a point of visiting to take on supplies.  Mission accomplished indeed; we salute you (cue rousing music).



Reference the above: A quotation (1912) from the great Sussex Poet, Hillaire Belloc:



‘From the towns all inns have been driven; from the villages most. Change your hearts or you will lose your inns and you will deserve to have lost them. But when you have lost your inns drown your empty selves, for you will have lost the last of England’
 – Hilaire Belloc, This and That, 1912 
The Teal and Onyx Response  –   we know our duty:
Angelo and  Brooklands – the perfect match 
A dozen Teals were  in the Netherlands from 11th -21st April 2014
Teals  invaded the Continent in April 2014 from two different embarkation points.  At the kind invitation of our Dutch Teal  friends Aaldert Postma and Hans van Dijk,   eleven  Teals with full crews  set out from Hull and Harwich to spend a week touring the Netherlands at a fine time of year, when the tulip fields are in full bloom.  Details  are on the Teal Discussion Forum, with dates, events and locations.  It was a memorable tour and  a splendid international occasion, with fine cars, toasts to friendship  and to  the  Teal cars  which bring us together. 
From Tealer Dave Bellis:

Due to a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase the car of my dreams, my Teal project re-build is reluctantly being offered for sale. The build is approx. 70% complete. I am open to offers for it in its present state ,or shall continue the build until completed and then sold. Obviously, the sale price will relate to the completeness at the time. It has UK registration on a new style V5C, with zero road tax from April. The attached photos give an idea of the build standard. It really has been a “ground up” restoration, with several build-up articles in the Club magazine. Other pics are already on the website in the relevant sections. I am happy to discuss the finer points in great detail with interested parties. The car is located at my workshop in France, but I can arrange delivery to the UK at cost. The work, so far, has been carried out to a high standard, which will reflect in the price somewhat.

However, I am working on a sensible pricing structure, for a properly constructed vehicle, based on the amounts spent so far. No ridiculous internet prices, just value for money!

The car has a lot of authentic detail and lowered bodywork for a sleeker look and, dare I say, easier entry!!

Please contact me on: in the first instance.


Tealer John King from Shropshire has his Replicar for sale.  He describes it thus:
 “The car is immaculate with a completely rebuilt engine, and body off respray and rebuild.
First reg 1970 therefore tax exempt.1600 twin port engine,extremely quick.With good mpg.
Open to offers in the region of £ 14,000.With mass of paper work. “
Would you like to be driving this attractive Replicar this summer?  Ring John on 01694 781544
More photos below:
Tealer Antonio de Souza is 20 on Wednesday, 14th May. Antonio is a talented designer, photographer and model maker from West London who has cleverly arranged for himself a cigar-smoking Teal chauffeur called Angelo  for his  many trips out to seek fine photos of Teals. Indeed many of the best photos on this website have come from Antonio’s keen eye for an angle and his high-quality  lens.  Tealers wish you a great birthday, and a splendid year of success and fun ahead, Antonio…
Teal 214 at Speed – photographer:  Antonio De Souza
 Antonio’s 20th Birthday Cake
We have received from the Netherlands two splendid links showing Tealers en route on the fine tour of Holland last month.  Dozens (well, one dozen) Teals are shown on the road, by the sea, enjoying the tulips and at the old Ford museum.  The videos are beautifully presented and thoroughly recommended – thanks to  Hans Sneep,  George and  to David Ward.   You may wish to copy and paste these links into your own web browser for best results…
 A dozen  Teals at the Dutch Ford Museum
Springtime Violet
Tealers arrived at the beating heart of  Bugatti at Prescott, Gloucestershire  for ‘La Vie en Bleu’ on Sunday 25th May. John King had arranged a Teal stand, and a dozen Tealers enjoyed a delightful (if muddy) Classic Car weekend, surrounded by beautiful Bugattis. The Teals (and Onyx)  were widely admired by the public, the Bugattis (including those inside the magnificent Bugatti Trust exhibition) were widely admired by the Tealers and the mud added a touch more authenticity!   Photos are thanks to Tealer extraordinaire David Ward.
Bugatti split-screen
early Bugattis
What muddy, classic fun!


See Next Teal News Page, please 


Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown