Transferred from Page 1 – news of Teal Activity in Summer/Autumn 2012


  Room to Breathe – Ian Alecock enjoys the Pennines in his
Teal Type 35 ( photo Lavinia – thanks) 
Teals at David Ward’s Garage
David Ward owns a cracking Teal Type 35 which he has totally rebuilt; he  is also the proprietor of  Ward’s   MOT and Service Centre in Egham, Surrey.  Above he welcomes new Tealer Tim  Beasley’s Teal  for work (top), with his own Teal (Triumph 6C/1600)  parked behind.  A number of Tealers are now having our Teal servicing and MOT  carried out by David, who knows and understands the Teals and carries out high-quality servicing at fair prices.
Teals in Line Astern
Distinguished Tealer Neil Ramsey has sent this  lovely photo of three of our Teals (Vicki’s and his, Dot/Phil’s and Irene/Colin’s) in line astern at last fortnight’s rally in Oxfordshire – a delightful image in depth; and doesn’t Neil’s  cockpit look attractive?  Vicki has spent many happy hours driving down from Scotland on  luxurious Teal seating, warmed by the super-efficient heater, and protected from wind and rain by the substantial Brooklands screens, while playing with Neil’s red ejector switch.   The  photo below shows Brian’s machine on Irene and Colin’s elegant drive under the arching  apple tree… thanks, Neil
Three Teals were among the many lovely cars at last week’s Goodwood Revival; David Ward has sent us some terrific photos of the event, the cars, the people – and the Teals.  They seem to have had a jolly good day out among much fine machinery (and high fashion).  David sent 160 photos: email me on and I’ll forward them.  Or click here for more Goodwood Revival snaps of fine sporting  cars…
There has been much discussion of the number of Teals built between 1983 and 1998, with the total  varying from about 150 to around 300 depending on who you talk to;  at the website, emails arrive from all over the world, often bringing news of previously ‘unknown’ Teals.   The internet also provides info on Teals for Sale worldwide, through garages, agents and private individuals.  Recently we’ve ‘discovered’ these Teals below, and more pop up every month…
The Teals above were in general not known to the Teal Owners’ Club, but are motoring happily around France, Belgium, Germany, Malta, Japan and  UK.  Most were for sale.  On the basis that perhaps  one Teal in twenty  is on the market at any one time, there could be a fair few Teals happily doing their own thing.  In the past 28 years it appears that a considerable number of Teals have made their way to the Continent, as well as many Tealers in UK  operating independently.  All would be welcome in the Teal Owners’ Club – just contact
…and friends of Dot and Phil in France are about to start assembling a new Teal from an uncompleted Teal Kit, once they have acquired a new boat tail, which seems likely quite soon….
Bob Mills went into hospital recently for a second hip op  – he already has one false one, and signs himself the bionic man.  Tracy reports that all went well, Bob’s home  but has been cautioned to take things easy for a bit.  Bob has always been an active chap (particularly on the squash court), and it’s going to be hard to keep him in his armchair.  Bob, from the South Wirral,  is a skilled engineer and  built his Teal four-seater more than 20 years ago. He has worked on numerous Teals  and other cars with Keith Lidgerwood, is excellent company,  and we hope to see him back behind the wheel as soon as he can safely swing his new hip over the sill…  We wish Bob, Tracy and the family all the best, and rapid healing for our own  Bionic Tealer. 
Colin’s Happy Chilterns Canter
A dozen Tealers (Dot, Phil, Maggi, Glen, Vicki, Neil, Yvonne, Chris, Francesca, Brian, Irene and Colin) are just back from Irene and Colin Andrews’ happy Teal get-together and rally in Oxfordshire.  Saturday 1st September saw an interesting trip to the codebreakers’ base at Bletchley Park (at least two visits are needed to take it all in), followed by evening Pimms on the lawn and a delightful meal at the Andrews’ attractive property near Wallingford.  Sunday  saw an early start for a visit to a welcoming friend of Colin’s in the village, who showed us over his splendid Bugatti Type 55, before we headed off with six cars through hilly and wooded Oxfordshire, replete with pretty brick-and-flint villages, past numerous attractive Breakspear’s pubs, to lunch in the square in Henley, followed by a reserved park-up at the handsome National Trust Grey’s Court, with a bonus village fair in the grounds.  There we met up with welcome new Tealer Tim from Shillingford and viewed his Teal, which attracted much interest from the crowds in our line up of six differing Teals.  After a soaring drive back across the Chiltern Hills,   afternoon tea, banana and coffee cake was taken in Irene and Colin’s  drawing room, followed by a fairwell dinner near Oxford, and a group drive north on Monday, some heading for Yorkshire, some for Lancashire, and some beyond to the Scottish Borders.  Thanks to Irene and Colin for a happy, well-organised and memorable long-weekend of friendship and Tealing – a happy mix.
All in all, Colin’s Chilterns Canter was a most happy  Teal long weekend – thanks to Irene and Colin .
Meanwhile ten Tealers are  heading this week  for Portsmouth, Caen, Saumur and Angouleme, then onwards for Spain under the guidance of Jean and Rupert Quested; we wish them well in their happy fifteen Tealing-days  adventure…
Tealer Angelo de Souza is a member at Brooklands, and spends much of his free time enjoying the Club, in company with son Antonio, and often Tealer David Ward.  Angelo is a well-known figure at Brooklands, and half-jokes that he’d like his ashes scattered there… Here he and his impressive Teal are pictured this August in front of the famous Brooklands Memorial Wall.
and the Tealers are Out and About
 The Wigton Motor Club Rose and Thistle Challenge – On a day of torrential Cumbrian rain, three classic Teals with six classic Tealers (Cliff, Jan, Ian,  Lavinia, Roger and Carola) lined up among 69 cars for the Wigton car rally (or swim).  Owning a classic and rallying it in the English summer can be risky, as we all know, but also great fun.  It’s good to see these nine classics on the road, overcoming all difficulties, and much admired by gritty Northerners.
Talking of gritty northerners….
Ready for The Off:  Bob Mills under starter’s orders; Phil flags them off on the Teal Backbone Run 2012
Tealers Dot, Phil, Bob, Vicki and Neil : The Wensleydale Wanderers
“We don’t want a hood on our Teal, do you darling? Darling?”  Vicki and Neil (far northerners) dodge the raindrops in Vital Spark
David Ward’s classic Teal Type 35 (6C/1600) on the Sussex Run
Keith Lidgerwood, our own Teal No 1 Oz, shows his affection for his new Teal Type 35 (6C/2500) Silver Streak
 The Teal  Best of British Tour  started at Tewksbury on Saturday 7th July  under the guidance of Glen and Maggie, and incorporated elegant country houses (and Tealers), splendid dinners, lovely country drives over the Malvern Hills and beside the rivers Avon and Severn, and to cap it all a terrific extended  visit to the Morgan factory to see classic Morgans, modern supercars and the delightful Morgan 3 being built from scratch to completed car.  We all fell in love at least once.   Eighteen Tealers took part, and we also enjoyed a fine quiz from Phil and Dot, with much controversy and laughter.  Glen had sensibly  warned us that the weather might not be great, but five Teals were there, and other sporting machinery as well.  The Tealers moved onwards on Tuesday 10th from Tewksbury northwards to Chesterfield, Kendal and Hawes.  Full details will come in Teal Spiel, but here are a few photos of the first few days, with  happy Tealers driving and dreaming….. and one of the Tealers in the photo  above having appendicitis, which came to a  head two days later….
From the top: Andy’s rain dance; Tealers to the Manor born; Morgan ash frames before bonding to strong aluminium chassis;  pretty Morgan 3s – several Tealers bought raffle tickets for the new Morgan three-wheeler (back to the 1930s) and the TOC bought a ticket too, with the Morgan to be raffled for Club funds should we win.  We can dream, can’t we?
Notable Landmark: this website  www.skyblueteal had it’s 50,000th visitor in July.   Teals seem to command considerable interest. Good, and thanks to all who support the Teal marque – beauty and fun in a classic shape…. now what else could that apply to?
Can’t find your favourite photo?  Have a look at Teal News pages 1 to 5 towards the end of this website, where I transfer items  previously on Page 1…

Want to buy or sell a Teal? Tealers may like to browse

(Type Teal Bugatti into their search box)


  There were  three  Teals to buy  on  14th September 2012, and there may well be a famous Teal for sale shortly via Teal Spiel…



Sat March 31st to Mon 2nd April 2012 [ 2 nights]
Staying at the   George Hotel,    Load Street, Bewdley   
  Twenty-four Tealers enjoyed a delightful weekend – see photos on Teal News Page 4  – thanks Glen and Maggie.
Sat12/Sun13 May   Ludlow –  Marches Transport Festival       Phone Sally 01584 – 873957 by 1st April (really!) to book your place at the Car/Food Festival in lovely Ludlow
 Sat9/Sun10 Jun   Backbone Lancs/Yorks      Dot and Phil
Sat16/Sun17Jun  Charity Transport Rally at    ELIM  HUNDRED END LANE,  HESKETH  BANK, NR SOUTHPORT  PR46XL contact Brian Moorcroft
22 Jun/24 Jun      Sussex Arundel/Chichester            Rupert
7Jul/14Jul           Best of British Tour  –  Tewksbury, Forest of Dean, Cotswolds, Malvern, Warwick,  Peaks,  Dales,  Lakes                                 Glen
2/3 Sept     Ox and Bucks Teal Classic:  Codebreakers, Bugatti, Henley and Grey’s Court                                                           Colin
a dozen Tealers had a splendid time on Colin’s Chilterns Caper…
12Sep/27Sep      France-Angouleme/Spain-Picos   Jean
Rupert writes:
West Sussex ramble : Friday 22 to Sunday 24 June
Angouleme and Spain : 12 to 28 September
Depart Portsmouth on Wednesday evening 12 September on overnight ferry to Caen, one night en route, arrive Angouleme afternoon Friday 14 September for the classic car racing weekend (see page 26).  Leave Monday morning 17 September, 3 nights en route, arrive at accommodation near Potes, Northern Spain on Thursday 20 September.  Stay 1 week, leave on Thursday 27 September. Depart the same afternoon from Santander on overnight ferry to Portsmouth, arrive in England Friday 28 September.
Currently 5 Teals have booked to take part, and ferries and accommodation are booked, but there is space, either in the same or adjacent accommodation, if anyone is interested in part or all of the trip.
For either tour contact me on: or 020 8647 4895.
Best wishes
Transferred from Page 1 on 29th November 2012:
1” You’re right, Maggie,  Bugatti 55s  don’t have an  automatic gearbox…”
2.    “No, Boris, you can’t fit your head between the spokes.”
3.     “Maggie, I wish you hadn’t bought that extra-strength camomile shampoo…”
4.     ” No, this camera doesn’t have a zoom lens.”
5.      “Old Bugattis have a special smell, don’t they?”
6.     ” The accelerator’s tiny;  luckily my foot’s quite big.”
7.     “All that money, and it doesn’t even have a radio!”
8.     “I’m telling you Neil, it’s nothing like a Teal.”
9.    “Are you sure it’s  a Bugatti, Colin?  It’s not painted blue…and the handbrake’s inside.”
10.     “Well, I prefer a Teal, Colin ; they look so much more authentic.”
11.    Glen bites the wheel as he is caught unawares by Dale Winton.
12.    Glen searches desperately for the 2p rumoured to have been lost in 1973.
13.    “We used to hotwire these when they were new.”
14.    “I’ll just send these snaps to the Chinese; they’ll knock up an authentic Bugatti in a few days.”
15.   “You’d think in a car like this they’d at least fit a bit of carpet, Francesca,  wouldn’t you?”
16.    Blondes tend to have more fun.
17.  “Don’t worry, Phil, I know what I’m doing: I bet there’s a battery isolation switch under here somewhere”
(There’s a prize!)
The winner voted for by 40 Tealers at the Derby lunch:  Caption Number 12 written by…. Glen Ibbotson(!) , who wins a wind-up clockwork model Bugatti Type 35
Do your pyjamas have a Teal badge?
(Available at the Teal Lunch – badges, not pyjamas, Phil)
You’ve probably always wanted a triangular cloth Teal badge that you could sew onto your pyjamas;  or blazer, jacket, shirt or gillet,  cap or beenie.  Well here’s your chance: Woven cloth Teal badge with whipped edges and cloth backing, 4.7 inches (12cm) across the wings by 2 inches (5cm) high.  Perfect for Teal rallies, end-of-season lunches or down the pub, where you will surely be asked about the meaning  of Teal, and will reply suitably modestly.  £5 each (of which £2 will go to  Teal Owners’ Club funds) or a special offer of £10 for two. TOC members  please send  cash or cheque to  Brian Crook in Wiltshire, who will mail  your badge or badges post haste to you.  I have 50 badges, and when they’re gone, they’re gone, as they say.  Perhaps two each as a limit to start with?  Thanks!
Chiltern Teals
Tealers Chris and Yvonne have sent photos of our September 2012 Teal run in the Oxfordshire Chilterns, led by Colin and Irene, with Dot and Phil, Neil and Vicki, and Glen and Maggie as well as  Chris and Yvonne themselves.  Brian and Francesca joined up later.  Viewers of a delicate nature should not worry over much about the apparent wife-swapping between some cars; this is a common feature of most Teal runs, broadening the mind and bringing new excitement to the Teal experience.
Irene and Colin, Yvonne and Chris were perfect hosts;  there was laughter, good food, bonhomie, espirit-de-corps, Bletchley Park, a Bugatti, Henley, Grey’s Court, Pimms, wine and toasts, not forgetting the cakes, before the final farewell line up at Collett’s Garage and departure to the four points of the compass… Thanks for the photos, Chris.
Tealers Angelo de Souza and David Ward took their stylish  Teals to the Brooklands Autumn Show for classic cars  on a sunny October weekend.  They parked among some fine machinery, including a  lovely Bugatti 35B, admired by Angelo below. (This is an amended version of the original text – thanks, David).
Looking across David Ward’s powerful Teal Type 35, totally  rebuilt by him in the past year, to Angelo ‘Brooklands’ De Souza’s Teal (left) and the  pretty  Bugatti.
Ulrike pauses beside a roadside cross in Bavaria in her lovely Teal Type 35 Traumeauto (Dream Car) in autumn sunlight…
Ulrike and Rainer purchased their Teal from the stable of Keith Lidgerwood, who with Bob Mills carried out several improvements to bring the car up to Ulrike’s specification.  Rainer and she have spent the last 18 months arranging for registration plates to be issued in Germany, successfully now as can be seen from this image of the Teal with a delighted Ulrike.  (personal footnote: your webmaster played  a very modest role in modifying this fine Teal, helping at Sorbie  with Bob and Keith to cut, shape and file the mounts for the right front headlight!).  Enjoy the autumn near Munich, Ulrike and Rainer (who drives the attractive Michelotti-designed Bugatti replica shown  below).
Deja-vu?  The September Tealers under the guidance of Rupert and Jean successfully  recreate the famous 2009 image of Teals at Saumur on the river Loire, making  their way south to the classic car races at Angouleme, and then onwards to northern Spain.
Suitable accommodation was reserved, picnics enjoyed sur l’herbe, refreshments sought out, alternative routes considered,  and splendid meals consumed.  More pictures are going to be added, and the story of how the continental ferry strike greatly altered plans for a direct return from Spain will unfold.  Please watch this space – and read the full raw details in the next Teal Spiel for TOC club members….
Impressive Bugatti Type 35 Replica
In the mid 1990s Sheffield Tealer Glen Ibbotson owned this fine Bugatti Type 37 replica by Mike King of Kent, who has built about 60 of these excellent cars, comparable with our Teals in authentic looks and high build quality… 
photos: Glen – thanks
Tealers will note the authentic-looking front suspension, the drop-arm steering, the external handbrake and gear lever, the fixed mudguards with wheels turning underneath and other differences…and what terrific headlights! The full story of the happy development of this lovely car has been sent by Glen, and if any member of the TOC would like the details, email me at, and I’ll forward Glen’s email.
 Another Mike King  Bugatti replica was  owned by distinguished Tealer Neil Bridges, also from Sheffield  –  a  Bugatti  replica with high exhaust, ‘perforated’ chassis  and rivetted tail ridge (a bit like a 59?),  which turned up three years ago in the village next to mine in Wiltshire and was sold through this website.  Here it is below, with my  Teal beyond in the first picture.  Small world…. 
Tealers in 1993 – Who do you recognize?
This is a Teal fancy dress party nearly 20 years ago.  I think I recognize Pat and John Elwell, and the good-looking Glen and Maggie, and is that Cliff and Jan?  Who else? 
Glen, who has a better memory than most Tealers, suggests :
Back row left to right.
Maureen Fenn,Karin Poolton,Jean Poolton,Cliff,Jan,can’t remember,Donna Hartley,Irene Andrews,Ellen Rainsford,Maggi,Pat,Janet Coley,
Front Row
David Poolton,Peter Fenn,don’t know,Bobby Knutt,George Rainsford,me,John,Kit Wallis,Compo( Keith)
Not in the picture were Colin,Chris Poolton,John Coley


Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown