Teal News Pages 1 and 2 are becoming pretty full, so could be slow to download for some browsers; Teal News 3 aims to give the latest news of Teal cars and Tealers from 1st January 2011 onwards. Some of these items will have been transferred from Page 1. I hope you find them interesting,entertaining or humorous, and sometimes relevant to the fine Teal marque…

End of 25 Feb 2011 transfer from Page 1
15 March 2011 Transfer from Page 1:

We are producing some wire wheel splined hubs to suit a Teal Bugatti Replica. The wheels are being produced by Motor Wheel Services.
We will be producing these in the next 6-8 weeks and wondered if any of your Teal drivers were interested in having a set produced at the same time.
Best Regards
Dave Wood (aerospacedirect@talktalk.net)

The elegant Teal Type 35 filmed in May sunshine belongs to and is driven by Andrew Smith, the video was filmed and edited by Ollie Hutchings-Smith, and Steve Slater was driving the Austin Seven – our sincere thanks to all three.

Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown