This page continues the Teal News items from Teal News Page 1, which has lots of Teal information , and may therefore be a bit slow to open for some browsers. Recent news of Tealers, Teal cars and events are included here – if you have an interesting snippet of info you’d like to share with fellow Tealers, please let me know via the Contact Form page. Thanks – Brian Crook. 11July 2010.
Teal News from July 2010:
Teal News No. 37 – July 2010. Andrew Smith, Tealer, photographer and pilot, e-mails photos of his April wedding to Jane at Old Windsor, and of the Reception, and of White Waltham, with their Teal Type 35 two-seater very much at the heart of events…

Regular viewers of the Sky Blue Teal website will have noticed that both Jane and Andrew are spirited Teal drivers, and the Teal News 1 page contains several photos of the pair out in a snowy Teal before Christmas 09, Jane enjoying the Chiltern Hills in the Teal in her Father Christmas outfit. We wish them both well.
Teal News No. 38 – 11 July 2010. Ulrike e-mails that now Germany are out of the World Cup football, Rainer and she decided to organize a mini-Bugatti rally around their home area of Bavaria – she is in her Teal Type 35 (ex Lidgerwood) and Rainer in his Michelotti-designed Bugatti Type 35 Replica – here they are sunlit beside their two delightful sports cars:
Beauties in Bavaria
Teal News No 39 – Backbone of England Run.
On the recent Backbone of England tour in the Pennines organised by Dot and Phil Massey, Keith Lidgerwood appeared with his newly-restored Teal ‘Le Mistral’. This is an historic car, being one of the very first Teals ever built, in late 1983/early 1984, by Ian Foster, the original designer and owner of Teal cars for himself , his wife Maggie and their twin boys, Guy and Mark. The car was originally fibreglass-bodied, but was re-skinned in aluminium by Bob Jones in 1987, and since has been fitted with a windscreen instead of Brooklands screens.
Keith and Bob Mills have now given this lovely early Teal a full rebuild and fitted it with 18 inch wire wheels, and the result is stunning. The car looks purposeful and powerful, and it goes fiercely well, as I can testify when trying to keep up….
The photos below show the origional Teal HKA in 1984, and last month on the Backbone Run, with Keith , Guy and Mark, twin sons of the man who built it .
Transferred from Page 1:
27-28 JUNE 2010
Jeff Turner’s and Mike Astill’s Teals patriotically parked at Hellwith Bridge Station
The full story of the splendid Backbone of England Ruun now has its own full page on this Teal website – see index on Page 1
Teal News 40 – 28th July 2010 at Herefordshire Vintage Auctions
Tealer Keith Lidgerwood had decided to sell his 1926 Vauxhall 14/40 Princeton (Estimate £25,000-£30,000) and 1928 Rolls Royce Phantom 1, significant in the history of RollsRoyce (Estimate £35,000-£40,000), at the lovely HVA Auction site in rural Herefordshire, and I went along to make up the numbers on Wednesday, 28th July 2010. In the morning in the handsome old barns some 580 lots of automobilia were laid out for auction, including dozens of lots of original and remanufactured Bugatti spares with a whole bodyshell in ash for a Bugatti Type40 Grand Sport.
The auctioneer went at the cracking pace of 150 lots an hour, and I came away happy with a fine prewar enamel 18-inch-square coloured MG K3 advertising plate from a garage wall, and a pre-war Lucas No 38 brass trumpet horn in need of a new rubber bulb. In the afternoon 22 vintage cars were auctioned in the sunlit coutyard, including Keith’s two classics.
The excellent results (both cars sold within estimates), photos and more narrative are to come on this webpage when we’re back from the Teal Sussex and Kent ramble organised by Rupert Quested…
Keith’s Rolls Royce Phantom 1, purchased by a Henley RR agent, who intend to return the car to its original design, with a polished aluminium sporting open body of magnificent proportions originally designed by Hooper (15EX).
Along with 500 + lots of automobilia and another sixteen classsic cars, this friendly and exciting auction at HVA auctions of Hereford was a terrific day – highly recommended for Classic Car lovers of all ages.
Teal News 41 – Teal Owners’ Club South Eastern Ramble – Kent and Sussex – 30/31July and 1 August 2010
Rupert and Jean Quested organised the first recent Teal ramble in the south east of Britain. We met up at Tunbridge Wells and Battle on the Friday lunchtime, and after a pub lunch we enjoyed together (Rupert and Jean, Dot and Phil Massey, Colin and Irene Andrews, Chris and Yvonne Kemp [TR8] and Brian and Francesca Crook [MG TF] ) the excellent display of the Battle of Hastings – 1066 and all that – with film, voice recorder, ramble and tea.
(sorry, can’t undo the underline; finger trouble! Brian)

Teals misted out at Alfriston
(and Francesca wrapped up well)
We all dined together in Hastings, and set off on a murky Saturday morning for Pevensey, Alfriston (viewpoint misted out), the excellent Filching Motor Museum, where we were joined by David Ward and family, and Mr and Mrs Doug Miller (looking for a Teal kit) to view three hangers full of delightful Bugattis and other fine classics. Then as the skies cleared most headed for Brighton before dinner together in Hastings.

Filching Manor Bugatti Type 35, one among many fine classics
On Sunday 1st August, we headed east in company with Roy de Boise in his terrific little three-wheeler Lomax (see photos) past lovely Rye for the Military Canal Road and the mysterious Romney Marsh, where we lunched together at St Mary’s-in-the-Marsh, and were joined by Chris and Yvonne’s daughter and granchildren, before dispersing in the afternoon in various directions, including the Hooe Classic Car show.

Teal South East Ramblers at St Mary’s-in-the-Marsh
(There’s a Triumph TR8 and an MG TF to the right; the delightful cream three-wheeler is a Lomax, based on the Citroen 2CV and powered by 602cc )
Thank you Rupert and Jean for research, reconnaissance, route and happy organisation – more to come, please.
Plus (Transferred from Page 1):
Teal Owners’ ClubSouth Eastern Ramble –
Kent and Sussex 30 July – 1 August 2010
Filching Manor, Sussex, home of a fine collection of Bugattis and many other classic cars. The Teal Southeastern Ramble visited the manor on Saturday 31st July; here the four Teals of Rupert and Jean (organisers – many thanks), Colin and Irene, Dot and Phil and David Ward and family are parked in front of the 15th Century Manor before viewing three hangars full of delightful classics – and the go-cart circuit. Chris and Yvonne were also there in their TR8, together with the MG TF of Brian and Francesca.
Teal News 42
Regular viewers of this Teal website may recall (see Teal News 12, Teal News Page 1) that Aaldert Postma from Amsterdam is having his Teal rebodied in aluminium, and changed to left hand drive, among many other mods, by Mika Hall and Bob Lewis, experienced Tealers and Teal builders for more than 20 years. Aaldert came over to view progress on his car towards the end of July , and then visited Keith Lidgerwood and Bob Mills in Cheshire. Here are a few photos of the fine Aaldert Teal Type 35, to which he is going to fit 18 inch wires in The Netherlands.
Aaldert’s very rare left-hand drive Teal

Shiny new aluminium body replaces GRP

Neat battery stowage

New Aluminium bodywork
We thank Mike and Bob for the photos, and wish Aaldert well for the completion of this major Teal project, and a speedy return to the delightful roads of Holland – and Britain!
(10th August 2010)
Teal News 43
Lytham Hall – 8th August 2010
A cheerful band of Tealers with seven Teals gathered at Lytham Hall in Lancashire on Sunday 8th August 2010, including Dot and Phil Massey, Keith Lidgerwood and John Chalmers, Ron and Sheila Stamp, Roger and Carola Frank and Jeff and Mary Turner; stories were told of Tewkesbury, Peak, Backbone and Kent runs, front suspensions compared and analysed, and plans made for future Teal trips. This annual event has become a happy get together for Tealers – thanks Dot and Phil.
Teal News 44 – 23rd August 2010
An unnamed correspondent has e-mailed in with photos of a private collection in south-west England. It seems the colour Bugatti Blue varies as much on the real thing as on Teals! What a lovely toy-box from which to chose….
Thank you, anonymous – and the collector clearly has fine taste.
(Teal News 45, transferred from Page 1)
David Thomas from Cornwall writes:
“The spec is as follows:
The doner car was a1976 marina; the engine has been bored out to 2
litres, high performance pistons fitted and a high lift kent cam the
gearbox is from an Ital it has electronic ignition and a Triumph
spitfire electronic overdrive. Since I purchased the car two years ago
the gearbox and clutch have been completely overhauled, the car has been
stripped to the chassis and rebuilt using stainless steel bolts, rewired
completely and resprayed . It has alloy wheel and is a very lively
runner. I know of no problems with the car and I am very sad to have to
part with it ,but unfortunatly due to a stroke I am left with half my
body paralised and cannot drive it any more.
The car and work carried out on it in the last two years have cost me in
the region of 20 thousand pounds but being practical I know I will not
get my money back so I was thinking of asking £11000 including the
numberplate I would also ask the purchaser to collect.
My contact details are
Phone 01208814259
address Wadebridge Cornwall
PL 27 7LG “
Teal News 46 – Some September 2010 Teal Events
Happy Birthday Sheila!
Tealers enjoyed a particularly happy day on Sunday 12th September, celebrating in Southport, Lancashire at the surprise 80th Birthday party for Sheila Stamp. Husband Ron ( many Tealers will recall a boistrous party in Chester two years ago on the Spider Run to celebrate Ron’s 80th), sons David and Graham and their wives arrived with Sheila at the spacious Royal Clifton Hotel where more than 30 Tealers surprised Sheila with a more or less (mainly less) tuneful rendition of Happy Birthday; drinks followed, and then a fine dinner, birthday cake, improved singing of Happy Birthday, cards, gifts, presentations, speeches, laughter, more singing and a humorous and moving guitar and song finale by talented Tealer Ian Alecock.
Sheila was graceful and charming, and spoke of this surprise party as one of the best evenings of her life. She and Ron know with what affection and respect they are held within the Teal Owners’ Club – and we know what a terrific example they both give to the ‘youngsters’. Happy 80th Birthday, Sheila!
Sheila’s 80th at Southport – a great Teal family occasion
Sheila and Ron
– this delightful photo by Dot and Phil Massey – thanks
Four Teals (and eight Tealers) have just returned from a six-day tour of northern France – including WW II and earlier battlefield sites such as Azincourt (25 October 1415 – Charles VI of France vs Henry Vth of England). Glen and Maggie Ibbotson, Colin and Irene Andrews, Rupert and Jean Quested and Phil and Dot Massey upheld the annual tradition of Teals touring France, and during the trip were approached by a French gentleman, who invited them to his castle, which turned out to be the magnificent Chateau of Tramecourt (see ). Whisky was sipped with the family on the terrace, photos taken and good wishes for the entente cordiale exchanged. More details below transferred from Page 1:
French nobility mount Teals in Normandy (photo Dot and Phil Massey)
Teals arriving at the Chateau of Tramecourt, Normandy, September 2010
Photo of the Teals of Colin and Irene Andrews, Dot and Phil Massey and Glen and Maggie Ibbotson by Dot and Phil Massey.
Rupert and Jean Quested in their Teal are there too.
Roger and Carola Frank have just returned from the weekend Kittock Rotary Charity Run based on East Kilbride – Bertie performed splendidly in adverse conditions, and 400 more happy miles were added to Roger’s handsome Teal Type 35 four-seater. Photos of the rally are at
Black Wire Wheels
Above: Tealer Nick Mansell from Berkshire has had his wire wheels black stove enamelled and treated by Motor Wheel Services of Slough, giving his Teal the elegant and authentic appearance of many 1920s and 1930s Bugattis and other classics. Don’t they look fine? Here are a couple more examples: Bugatti Type 37 and Ron Arnold’s Teal Type 35.
or how about a blue-wheeled Teal Type 35?
What’s This?
It’s the 31-foot turning circle, cut in soft ground in Cheshire, of a Teal Type 35 two-seater – previously its turning circle was 50 feet; and here’s the steering gear newly-fitted by Keith Lidgerwood:
For more details of this exciting trial mod, which should help in those moments when we’ve taken a wrong turn on a rally and 10 Teals have to do a formation 180 degrees (remember?), please see the Vehicle Information Forum (VIF Item 1) page of this website.
An unnamed correspondent has e-mailed in with photos of a private collection in the south-west of England – what a delightful private toy-box! More photos at the Teal News 2 page.
See Vehicle Information Forum page (Item VIF 3) on this website –
strongly recommended safety reading for all Tealers.
See the full exciting story of The Backbone of England Teal run on the new page, one page from the end of this website , and in Teal Spiel
Teal Shrewsbury and Welsh Borders Rally –
15-19 September 2010
A fine gathering of Tealers assembled at the attractive old market town of Shrewsbury, Shropshire for a happy rally involving climbing the Long Mynd (on wheels), touring Knighton and the hilly Welsh Border country, IronBridge, Lake Vrynwy, a cruise on the River Severn , several Teal dinners, and a variety of cars ( the Teals of Dot and Phil Massey, Ron and Sheila Stamp, Glen Ibbotson, Peter Wright and Bob Mills; the powerful Morgan Aero of Aaldert Postma from Holland , whose Teal is currently being modified in Worcestershire for pickup in two weeks’ time; the Replicar Bugatti Replica of Keith Lidgerwood and John Chalmers, the organisers – thanks; the Vortex [Lotus 7 type] of Bill Greenwood ;and the MG TF of Brian Crook).
A selection of these fine vehicles is shown above at the top of the exhilarating Long Mynd climb above Church Stretton. Weather was mixed, with sunshine and sudden heavy showers, creating interesting driving conditions in this beautiful, hilly borders scenery. Happily there was much laughter and good companionship – Tealing – a different experience.
Tealer Aaldert Postma from The Netherland joins Dot Massey in her and Phil’s Teal Type 35 between Ironbridge and Shrewsbury (after his English Cream Tea) on the afternoon of Friday 17th September. Aaldert admired the quality of finish in detail on Dot and Phil’s Teal.
Heading for Lake Vrynwy, mid Wales: the Teals of Dot and Phil Massey, Peter Wright and Glen Ibbotson. Photo: Keith Lidgerwood, John Chalmers driving.
1-18 October 2010
Three Wise Men?
All contributions and suggestions for a suitable caption gratetfully received on the Teal Discussion Forum Page…
1. It must have been really quiet at The Priory that weekend.
2. ‘Now where was I?’ asked Colin.
3. ‘I’m flabbergasted’, said Colin. Keith asked helpfully: ‘does that mean you’re appalled how much weight you’ve gained?
4. ‘Keith, get him to buy another round; anyone who speaks like that must have loads of money’, suggested Phil.
5. ‘At least one of us lowers the average age of Tealers…’
6. ‘People keep photographing me in my Teal; it must be my rugged good looks’, Phil declared.
7. ‘Yes, scarlet – apparently Neil really wanted a Ferrari’.
8. ‘No, not you, you dummy – I meant the calormeter.’
9. ‘You’re right, Keith, that bonnet strap would keep it up better.’
10. ‘I do believe that big chap gets better-looking every day’ (dodgy source!)
11. ‘Three of the stars take a break during the filming of “Last of the autumn wine” ‘
12. ‘I’m telling you, Colin, in Australia I’m almost as famous as you are in the TOC’
13. Keith: ” Have you noticed, you never see Phil and Robert Kilroy-Silk in the same room?”
14. Keith: ” I do wish Phil wouldn’t stand like that when he’s behind me.”
15. Phil: “Can you believe it, the barmaid didn’t ask for my i.d. when I ordered the beers.”
16. Keith: ” No funny captions from Captain Sensible yet?” Colin: “No, he’s yet to upgrade from a quill pen .”
17. Colin excels in the beer-burping contest, as Keith looks on in amazement.
18. The Teal Pride weekend proves to be a great success.
19. Colin: “Yes, Keith, I can quite see that an adjustable steering wheel would be useful in your Teal; luckily I don’t need one.”
20. Phil thinking: if these two carry on like this, then all of this will soon be mine.
The Winner chosen by the Webmaster was No. 11:
‘ “Three of the stars take a break during the filming of “The Last of The Autumn Wine.” ‘
Well done, and thank you, Irene – your prize is on the way.
Stop Press 18 Oct 10 : Aaldert Postma’s Teal Type 35 has now been converted to Aluminium body and to left hand steering
by Mike Hall and Bob Lewis, and is now back in the Netherlands. Aaldert will be carrying out further work on steering, wiring, paintwork and wheels, and will send photos when all is complete.
Teal Caption Competition No 2
The second competition was won by Andy Dutton with this excellent caption, referring, of course, to Keith Lidgerwood’s love of his rear-engined Volkswagen-powered Replicar, a regular performer on Teal rallies…. Thanks, Andy!
Footnote: the photo was taken at Laycock, Wiltshire, and shows Mike Birch, Peter Haywood and Brian Crook comparing Teal diffs and rear suspension
October 2010 Request to Tealers – first Tealspiel edited by Suzi Rigby out in December 2010
Please send your Tealspiel piece to Suzi at :
or printed pieces to me Pat Elwell, The Byre, Edial Farm,Lichfield Road, Burntwood, Staffs WS7 0HZ
The Chairman of the Teal Owners’ Club, Pat Elwell, invites you to the
SUNDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2010 at the
1.00 pm for 1.30pm
Choice of Meals from good menu 3 courses £9.95
All Tealers Most Welcome.
The hotel has offered a special price for the Sunday night of £60 for a double room, £35 for a single. Call 01704 533771 or email
Please make a note in your diary now…. and e-mail Pat Elwell
Report of Teal end-of-season lunch on page 1 – 22 Nov 2010
now transferred below:
The happy gathering of 40 Tealers and families at the end of season lunch at the Royal Clifton in Southport was great fun, with drinks beforehand in the ante room, an enjoyable carvery lunch (for a bargain price – always welcome to Tealers), speeches by Suzi first, who told us a little about her exciting plans for Teal Spiel, whose first new issue comes out next month (December), and also by Pat, our chairman, who recalled the many happy events of the past year, plans for the future, and read out Colin Andrews’ letter about the Teal Owners’ Club fine prospects, and closed with his generous offer to buy us all a drink at the bar in the name of Andrews, spelled I-b-b-o-t-s-o-n. .. Thanks Colin, and good luck with the wedding…
Pat wished Tealers and their families a very happy Christmas, and looked forward to seeing us all in the Spring. The lunch and chat afterwards gave us a chance to catch up with many old friends, hear more good stories about great Teals at home and abroad, and make new friends. The Teal is clearly a very special car that brings together many and various peoples in friendship, warmth and laughter. Good, and thanks to all Tealers and family at the lunch, and to those that we missed, but talked about happily behind their backs.
The day finished off with an evening parade before the official switching on of the Southport lights on a freezing cold full-moon night, with bands, lanterns, pantomime characters (not to be confused with Tealers), a Morgan 4-seater and happy banter before some retired to the pub, then to the hotel jazz band, and others to watch the results of Strictly… a happy day.
Transferred from Page 1 on 21 Dec 10
Teal Caption Competition Number 3:
Please suggest suitable captions for this photo via the Discussion Forum page – thanks!
1. ‘Stu, we seem to be at least one wheel short of a full set….’
2. ‘A Tealer can dream, can’t he? ‘
3. ‘Yes, Stu, your new minimalist bodywork should give you quite a weight advantage,’ Phil agreed.
4. Wearing his spacesuit, Phil’s eager to test NASA’s economy model luna rover prototype
5. ” DOT!! DOT! COME HERE! Something’s happened to our Teal! “
6.. “Easy winter project, only requires completion and paint “
7. “Honey, I shrunk the Teal”.
8. “It’s the ideal Christmas present for Colin, Stu – a lightweight golf trolley”
9. “Power to weight ratio should be great – if we had an engine.”
10. “I had one like this when I was a kid; now, where are the pedals?”
11. Phil: ” If I fit a steering wheel here, and a bread oven in the front, I could have a mobile bakers – just right for all those Teal picnics! “
12. “Sorry, Stu, I just couldn’t hold the reins tight enough.”
13. ” Push harder, Dot. Nothing’s happening!”
14. * Phil tries the zen approach to building a Teal.
* = the closely-observed winning entrant (Tony Davis); and thanks to all the excellent and amusing entrants.
Teal Caption Competition No 4 (Nov/Dec 2010)
(Ideas for Caption Competition No 4 via the Discussion Forum page, please….)
1. “I’m peddling as fast as I can, Betty”.
2. A good turn out at the opening of the new Teal Spiel editorial offices.
3. An early Lidgerwood special reverses down Prescott after failing the tuning circle at the first bend.
4. The rules for the early Le Mans races were in French and very clear: no vehicle shall exceed 6 metres overall in length; but Derek was more a feet and inches sort of chap.
5. The downhill speed of the Whitworth Special was quite considerable. This was more than compensated for in the uphill sections.
6. Under the Handicap System No. 58 had been given a fair head start; but already Derek though he could hear the snarl of the Type 35 in the woods behind him.
7. Now at maximum speed downhill, Claude wondered if using his wife’s hairpin to fix the brake calipers had been such a good idea after all.
8. * Dyslexic sign writer escapes the angry crowd at middle east rally.
9. Not before time, 376 of Claude Besset’s children watch their dad speed off to the chemist.
* indicates the subtle winner (Roger de Havilland). And thanks to all entrants.
Welcome Roger De Havilland – and Gigi!
New Tealer and artist Roger has sent us some pictures of Gigi – and her christening – welcome to the club, Roger – looks like you and your beauty will fit in well!
Good News – The December issue of new TEAL SPIEL, the Teal Owners’ Club quarterly magazine, is heading your way this week – if you’re a member. If not, see how easy it is to join on the TEAL OWNERS’ CLUB page of this Website.
Stop Press: Teal Spiel Dec 2010 has arrived (18 Dec) – a bumper issue, with photos of around 50 Tealers on Suzi’s new colour cover (and our past Chairman, Dad John, and the dog!). Inside it’s packed with Teal articles: the Peaks Run by Captain Sensible; happy Le Mans memories from Andy Dutton; Aaldert from Holland on Wales; Puddle Jumper Colin’s Spanish practices – with photos; Keith Lidgerwood’s weird world (well, he is from down under); up the pole on The Long Mynd; Frank Jones and his cars by Peter; Suzi, our Editor and her madcap family (not you Archie), The Vehicle Information Forum, Bob Mills and Tony Davis tuning up – and a host more cartoons, features, jokes and Teal tips. Thanks, Suzi, for producing a smashing first issue.
Send your copy for the March issue to Andy Dutton at in e-mail format by 15th February 2011, please, and he will collate for Suzi. Thanks.
More Good News:
one page from the end of this website
Stop Press – updated 8 Dec 2010 with more Cap’n Sensible Teal tales of adventures on the Continent – and photos
Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown