Items transferred from Page 1 to make more room there …
Here’s a Teal Caption Competition. We’d love to have some good captions for this photo above – please leave yours on the Teal Discussion Forum 2018 (click below left in index) and I’ll add them. Here’s one to start us off:
1. ‘Colin and his best friend always loved sporting motoring – a Teal was therefore a natural progression… ‘
2. ‘I think I recognise myself, but what’s the name of the driver?’ (from Colin… any suggestions?)
3. ‘Young Neil always looked right, then left, then right again – but only put his foot down when he got the OK from the clever one in the back…’
4. ‘Evolution is a funny old business’ mused the hairy one, ‘humans travelled on all fours for thousands of years, then they finally stood up and travelled by walking on their own two feet, and now they want to progress by sitting on their arses; I despair…‘
5. ‘ Colin was always monkeying about with old machinery, and nothing’s changed.’
6. ‘I’m not at all happy with this worryingly close friendship; they seem to be aping eachother’ Colin’s Nanny
A few years later near a steel city in the far north of our land, likely lads Glen and Neil were perfecting the design of their Mark 2 twin hand-pump, chain drive, foot-steered sporting machine, closely monitored by Glen’s nanny. Speed was good downhill, but the Mark 2 needed a little assistance on hill-climbs. There was also a tendency for the left rear to fall off, but they planned to rectify this with the faster Mark 3…
…In their design the lads were paralleling the thoughts of the great designer himself, Ettore Bugatti, who also had a nanny:
Do we see a pattern emerging here?
Yes! Ettore Bugatti had exactly the same problem with the left rear, as test driver Raymond Mays found. The right rear looks a bit dodgy too. So it all hangs together seamlessly. Thank God au pairs replaced nannies – far more fun. Apparently.
We had to wait for Ian Foster and Bob Jones to perfect the designs (below). As you will have guessed, neither Ian nor Bob had a nanny. Q.E.D.
In Colin and Irené’s delightful garden at apple-blossom time stand four classic Teal Type 35 boat-tails. I love this photo.
( Photo taken by Angelo off one of Colin’s ladders on Drive it Day April 2016 on the way to Bicester – thank you Angelo – a masterwork)
Spider Run 2 – Tony Davis, Tealer for some 25 years, and now our new Teal Owners’ Club Secretary, drives this lovely sporting Teal Type 35 four-seater; here she is overnight at Exeter (with 10 other Teals) en route for Land’s End .
The Tealers are back from Dot and Phil’s glorious Lakes Run, and had a great time by all accounts (well, certainly Neil and Colin’s…). Well organised, interesting routes, narrow lanes, happy visits – well, what do you expect from Dot and Phil? The best. All this and Maggie Foster and the Boys. Classic Tealing. B.C. 18.7.18
Thanks to all Tealers on the trip for the heart-warming and only occasionally rude postcard – I missed out on the trip due to an eye problem. Also thanks to Dot and Phil (again) for brochures of some of the highlights of the Teal push, including the Lakeland Motor Museum (with Bluebird), the Ravenglass and Eskdale Steam Railway, Ruskin’s house at Brantwood, and the Ullswater Steam Boats – all this and Kendall Mint Cake to enjoy. Sincere Thanks. Brian in Sussex – no rain in 50 days – ground parched – thinking of getting a camel. Same with you? We could have a camel train….
Aaldert took his Willy with him for the splendid ORCA Old Timer’s 125 km Rally – doesn’t Aaldert’s LHDrive deep blue Teal Type 35 boat-tail look splendid – well worth the four years re-building and countless Euros (and sleepless nights) it took to bring it to this level of perfection. Congrats, Aaldert (and your Willy).
OK, I know it’s a bit childish, but quite fun too; life’s a little too serious sometimes ….
The Teal Owners’ Club was founded in 1988; the 30th anniversary of this happy band of Tealers is being celebrated this year by many Teal meetings and rallies around the country (12 at the last count – see the Teal Spiel Club Magazine or the Club Sec’s magical electronic newsletter… )
‘Teals Have Soul’ – Captain Sensible
Teals and Tealers at Saumur on the River Loire
In a Teal a waterproof tonneau is a vital accessory, given the British (and Continental) weather – recent months excepted. The kind of tonneau that zips down the middle, enabling the driver to be in the fresh air and the passenger seat covered, allows the tucking beneath out of wind and rain of route maps, hobnob biscuits (chocolate preferably), mints etc – invaluable companions to a substantial Teal cross-country sortie…
Teal sporting cars were first driven in 1984; we celebrated the 30th anniversary of Teal Cars in 2014 with the splendid SPIDER RUN 2 from John O’Groats to Land’s End – see index left for many SPIDER RUN 2 photos…
Some years ago one of Stuart Whitworth’s Teals ended up pranged and at Mike Hall’s (photo); how it happened I’m unaware (do you know?) Anyway Stu created another Teal from a chassis of Mike’s, and this chassis above emerged many years later as a delightful Type 43 (in the Netherlands). Back left you will have spotted one of Bob Lewis’ fine classic delivery van re-creations. Any more info to, please….
BUGATTI TYPE 73C : Please read the note written about this fine car – with Bob Jones-made body – by the owner, John Barton. Details can be found at Page 9, Bob Jones Teal Album. Thank you John, and thanks, Tealers for absorbing the details.
The skyblueteal discussion Forum may be intermittent temporarily while the new website provider fixes a glitch; sorry for the inconvenience, Tealers .
Many Tealers will know the attractive and unique Teal known as The Cream Cracker (TOW No 64), recovered from Belgium by David Brown ; she is now being marketed by Total Head Turners of Essex, and instead of being cream (which she has been for the past 25 years), she has now been painted blue… Did I mention the price? Around £59,000.
Some people don’t like this change much; but I rather like the blue, and especially the Cambridge/Oxford blue contrast of the rear trunk. But other changes have also been made, notably the increase in wheel size to 18 inches from the original; it looks nice, but an expert Teal engineer wonders whether when turning the front tyres will rub on the massive front wings (see first two photos to compare); and also whether on a bumpy road the vertical movement of the wheels will now destroy the wings. Any views on this on the Forum, please….
It’s June 2018 and a group of Tealers have arrived in the Pas de Calais (NOT Normandy – thank you, La Sauterelle). Here they are parked up in France on day two en route to Eastern France, Ettore Bugatti’s house and the Schlumpf car museum (including 200 Bugattis) …which Tealers’ cars can you spot?
I think I can see Neil and Pam’s maroon MX5 (they’ve owned three Teals before, and other sporting machinery), and Dot and Phil’s boat-tail, also Captain Sensible and Maggie’s handsome Teal four-seater, and there’s Rupert and Jean’s boat-tail, Andy and June (of course), Shropshire John and Wendy, with Harry and Carole on this end in their sporty LHD Replicar. Please correct me if I’m wrong, chaps (very likely). Thanks Neil for the photo via Facebook, and to the magnificent La Sauterelle* for navigation tips via the Forum… *La Sauterelle is French for the Grasshopper, made famous by the eponymous poem of Guillaume Apollinaire; now who in our Club might have such a distinguished association? Any suggestions? Please see Discussion Forum 2018 July 6th….
John King of Shropshire, experienced Tealer and entrepreneur, bee keeper and purveyor of top class honey to the great and good is well known in Teal circles for taking cars that need tender, loving care and restoring them with professional help to roadworthy beauties. He is still doing so:
Tealer Bill of Ludlow is the lucky recipient of one of John’s restored Teals (ex Neil Bridges, who also carried out much work on this Teal after discovery as a barn find in mid-Wales)…
…many Tealers will remember Tealer and restorer Keith Lidgerwood of Cheshire (and Melbourne) who often on Teal runs also enjoyed driving his REPLICAR with surgeon Mr John alternating behind the wheel. Well here is that Replicar (below) under restoration by John King – and further below, nearly ready:
Tealers have always been close chums with a common interest, and when one is in Holmfirth on Nora Batty’s doorstep, what better than a close embrace between Tealer John ‘Honey’ King and Tealer/MX5/melodious musician Neil Bridges ?
See the sign, top right…. Thanks for the happy photos, Wendy!
Tealers are regular attenders at the ‘La Vie en Bleu’ event at the Prescott Bugatti Owners’ Club in the Cotswold; 2018 was no different, with a good turn-out and Richard Ashton is on pole… with David Ward beside him. There are some fine and famous Teals here – who else can you spot?
Now that’s the way a garage should look! Six Teals at David Ward’s garage in Egham, including red GIGI really top right, the rare early Worsley/Teal (bottom right), Vince’s Type 35 DIZZY (bottom left) and, of course, David’s own fine Type 35 DOLLY. And top centre is David B’s handsome Type 59 and centre right Phil Calvert’s Teal 35 struck by a pothole – they’re a lot of them about at the moment, aren’t there?
And here is ENIGMA:
A couple of weeks earlier:
On a lovely, warm Chestnut Sunday at Bushey Park the crowds admire DOLLY (and David!) in the Procession of the Classics … showing the flag for Teals.
The hits counter on this SKY BLUE TEAL website is recording 120002 on 24th May 2018 . The website was started on 1st January 2007. That’s eleven a bit years ago. So we’ve averaged more than 10,000 hits a year. Not bad for our favourite car – The Teal. Showing the flag a different way…
The Spirit of Tealing: Dot and Phil at speed in Scottish Border Country
Q1: Where was this photo taken?
Q2: What year was this photo taken?
Q3: How many Teals are there in this photo? (there are more parked opposite)
Q4: Why has Rupert tilted his racing screen forward?
Many Tealers will know our colleague Aaldert from Amsterdam, the owner/driver of two of the finest Teals in the Club, his superb dark blue LHD Type 35 and the new-design Teal Type 43 in black and red only completed a couple of years ago. Aaldert was also a leading host of ‘Teals to Tulips’, the big Teal run to The Netherlands of 2015. Now Aaldert has another project, the complete restoration of his three-wheel Morgan:
This is Aaldert’s 1949 Morgan F-Type three-wheeler, a classic British car popular from the 1930s and very fast, if a bit of a tight fit for a big Dutchman… luckily Aaldert also has a rather larger Morgan which many Tealers will have seen on The Long Mynd in Shropshire, and touring UK with the ORCA Dutch classic motoring club, and he and Willy fit into that big Morgan grand tourer quite nicely….
We wish Aaldert well, and thank him for this thorough rebuild of a fine British classic; should you want to know more about the F-Type Morgan, there’s lots on Google, including this link:
This splendid one-off Teal (Teal of the Week No 64), built by Bob Jones and Peter Farrell for Peter and his family and recovered from Belgium by David Brown (of Type 59 fame) has now been sold to Total Head Turners of Essex, who may decide to paint it blue. Watch this space….
Footnote – She is now blue (May18). See Item above … and TOW 64.
TEAL TYPE 44 – AND TYPE 35 (Lucky Devil)
Most Tealers will know our Former Teal Club Chairman Cliff and his wife Jan. They have been one of the most adventurous and loyal Tealer couples down the past 30 years, enjoying and leading runs in their silver Type 35 all across this country, and many to France via Angouleme and to Spain, and also solo Teal trips to France and Norway; they have now purchased the magnificent and unique deep blue Teal Type 44 as well, and here they both are above. Long-time Tealers Neil and Pam visited Cliff and Jan recently, and here Cliff and Pam are enjoying a sunny local car show and at a fine stately home – what a profile! Thanks for the photos, Neil – a delight for Tealers’ eyes.
On second thoughts, was it just luck that brought Cliff and Jan these two fine Teals? No, I think not, but a strong determination and the willpower to seek out and seize opportunities when they offered themselves. Hats off.
Many Tealers will know our friend and colleague Andrew Noble, Tealer and enthusiastic classic car engineer from southern France, who attracts attention wherever he goes in La France Profonde with his magnificent Teal; he dropped in this week on David Ward’s garage at Egham (photo below) to talk Teals and renew Teal links across the channel. Welcome, Andrew, and bonne route …
Andrew at Egham, August 2018
Photo David Ward – Thank You
Teal Duo: Tony Williams of Bristol’s lovely Type 35B at Farleigh Hungerford, Wiltshire, with Type 35 ‘Brigitte’ beyond. Tony’s brother Dave in The Wirral is now custodian of this beauty. See below for this 35B’s elegant front suspension…
From Brigitte’s dashboard
TEAL JAM (Mind my Tail)
Teals (and Tealers) don’t really like being stuck in a traffc jam; without the cooling wind through the radiator (or through the hair) both can tend to overheat, though fans help…
Triumph 6C/2500 engines fit neatly into Teals, especially Type 35Bs; but not usually with triple carbs, as in this beautiful example created by Philip Searle…
….One of the finest and most impressive Teal Type 35Bs ever made – do you agree?
(Except for your own, of course…)
1922 Bugatti Type 23 (with escorts) in Italy

…over the hills and far away.

Cheerful Tealers relax with a glass of lemonade after a hard day’s cross-country
One wouldn’t want to see photos of over 100 different Bugattis, would one? You’d get bored after the first 20. Oh, actually you would rather like to see them anyway? OK, then log onto:
A wonderful selection of Bugattis on this French website, and 2000 other classic cars… Enjoy – I do….
At the Teal Owners’ Club AGM on April 15th, respected Club Secretary Andy (The Enforcer) Dutton stood down after a long and successful spell in the chair, to be replaced as Club Secretary by Tony Davis, Teal owner and driver for nearly 25 years from 1994; Tony has sent out the first two TOC electronic newsletters to Club members, updating them on coming events and on the latest Teal news.
Setting off from Cumbria for the September Angouleme classic car meet: Ian and Lavinia with Teal, elephant and well-loaded boot rack….
(southwards, ever southwards)
Teal Rendezvous on the banking (you know where) before heading across the Channel, via Portsmouth-Le Havre, with Andy and June to join up …
Tealers reach the Loire Valley (cars L to R: Rupert and Jean, Andy and June, Stu, Dot and Phil, Ian and Lavinia, Cliff and Jan) with the Chateau of Saumur as backdrop. Fine weather for Tealing.
A Tealish picnic/pitstop enroute….
….with sheepish company; then on to Angouleme
Angouleme at last – Bugattis everywhere, and Andy, ever a passionate Bugattist, loses it in a quiet square, and succumbs to his passion; egged on, it must be said, by June, Ian and Cliff. The moment is recorded by Lavinia. And later that evening the Tealers discover….
… an open garage with nine classic Bugattis free to inspect. Ian is a little stunned, and Cliff (is that Cliff at the back left?) gets stuck in with his close-up camera. Delicious. And tomorrow is the classic car racing on the roads and battlements of ancient Angouleme.
Before the races Cliff, immaculately-dressed as always, takes the opportunity to drop a few tips to a fellow Brit pilot in his 1930s Riley…is that a Bugatti beyond?
But rival pilots were plotting their races too:
and more were edging up to the Bugatti race start line…
Soon, they’re off – with the tremendous howl of ‘tearing calico’ resounding and reverberating off the old stone walls of Angouleme, trailing clouds of blue smoke and racing all out around the twisting, narrow streets of the old city and out into the few open stretches, each straight crowned with a hairpin bend….
Bugatti Race: Type 23 versus Type 35
Photos were taken, accidents avoided, tyres scrubbed, tall stories told, winners adjudged, handicaps applied, silver cups awarded. The town was en fete, the smell of steak frites, burnt high-octane petrol, ladies scent and onions wafting on the evening air, so the Tealers who were there recount. As the evening entertainment approaches, Tealers feel they should not let the side down, so dress appropriately:
A number of the Tealers were concerned that Stu had no female companionship in his Teal (‘more like a Bugatti than most Bugattis’), so they clubbed together to arrange for the close companion Baguette to join Stu; here he is getting to know her a little better:
But Baguette was not always treated with the respect that she, perhaps, deserved:
Oh Dear. The Tealers were now determined to press on south to Spain, but it was hot, and Phil was also determined to cool off in the river, so…
Phil and Teal take a cooling dip en route to Spain
(photo: Dot)
The route would now take our intrepid explorers past Biarritz to the Basque border of Spain and onwards into the Pyrennees; best dress to fit in then…
The high Picos now beckon – first, into the foothills:
avoiding local wildlife
And into the high, wild mountains, where eagles circle lazily on the thermals, and engines pant for oxygen…the rugged Picos:
and down to the sea along the north Spanish coast road for a pit stop
and to the Spanish port of Lekeitio before Bilbao and the ferry home….
There are two Teals in this photo – but can you spot them?
For more photos of this splendid September 2008 Teal trip see Page 28 of this website, and for a terrific French website of classic cars in France and on the Continent see:
The fine Teal Type 59 made by Bob Lewis for Australian vineyard owner Robin Day (Teal Of The Week No 40 on this Website – photo with Robin Day below) is now up for sale…. the asking price is Australian Dollars 97,500, or around £53,000 Pounds Sterling. Robin Day was a great chum of distinguished former Tealer Keith Lidgerwood, who used to visit for car chat and a glass or two of red whenever he was in the Antipodes….
This is a fine Jaguar-powered, immaculately-finished Teal, priced about right, IMHO. What do you think? Should she come home?

Here’s the link to Richmonds at the Adelaide, South Australia website, where there are pictures a-plenty – click on the little dots under the main image:
Thank you, David Ward, Teal Spotter Extra-Ordinaire
Comment: David Ward points out that the apparent high line of the mudguards may be because, according to the sale details, this Type 59 is fitted with 16-inch wheels rather than the normal 18-inch.
TEAL NEWS: Gary Strand has purchased the ex-John King Teal 35 auctioned recently for £11,000; this adds to a number of other Teal components owned by Gary, perhaps the makings of another full Teal. Double congratulations, Gary…
Teals at Welshpool at a fine Georgian Montgomeryshire farmhouse, with a charming hostess… Hirondelle (ex Ron and Sheila Stamp) is now for sale in Germany for £35,000; see further down this page….
Near the farmhouse is magnificent Powis Castle – here the Tealers arrive for a happy viewing:
Powis Castle – a most worthwhile visit
The Three Sensibles were there, of course
We also had time to visit the small but excellent local motor museum:
Ron and Sheila lead the way in ‘Hirondelle‘ ; Ron was particularly pleased by this museum as there were many historic motor cycles, a particular passion of his; behind I think I can see Dot and Phil, Colin and Irené, Neil and Pam, Keith in his Replicar and Neil and Vikki in the fine red Vital Spark…
Yes, there’s Scots Neil and Vikki, and … (below) Cheshire Keith (by way of Melbourne) in his Replicar
Neil and Pam particularly enjoyed the trip, this time in their two-seater…
It was important to keep Chairman Bob and the Red Baron in the picture …
…Because he was to take pole position that magical Teal summer 2011.
Tealing = Cameraderie, Cars and Education. True?
Have you ever seen such a fine and stylish Teal as this ? Well, apart from your own…
Looks like most Teal Type 35 boat-tails from this angle, doesn’t it?
But most of us have never seen such a finely-detailed cockpit as this, including the period steering wheel and full instrumentation. And is that a Bugatti-style external gearleaver feeding that splendid gearbox?
Yes, indeed. And rare windscreens, beautifully-shaped and reminiscent of 1920s-style classics such as early Bugattis and Amilcars. (See photo below to compare). Brian in Lancashire is clearly a man of imagination, is fitting an MGB engine and is the very lucky owner of this unique beauty. For more details see Teal of the Week no 135.
Below: 1927 French Amilcar CGS :
Goodwood Revival – Bugatti Type 44
Details of Teal Type 35 quality Stainless Steel handbrake (created by Bob Lewis), waterproof canvas tonneau and canvas side wind-guard. Snug as a bug!
Many folk know that the Teal Type 35 was inspired by the Bugatti Type 35 of the 1920s. There’s a delightful Haynes Manual describing the Bugatti Type 35 from 1924 onwards, detailing the anatomy of the car (Chassis, Suspension, Wheels, Engines, Cockpit, Bodywork, etc); also Engineers’ views of the car; Drivers’ and Owners’ experiences; the history of individual chassis; Restoration and Historic Racing; and many detailed appendices, specifications, etc. The whole is illustrated throughout with numerous colour photos and diagrams. It’s a delight, and I’ve just received a copy from a fellow Tealer (thank you), and can recommend the volume as a continual source of information, and a joy to dip into and browse… Amazon or one of the many smaller book sources will send you a copy. Let us know what you think on the Discussion Forum… thanks.
This elegant and well-built classic Teal reminds me of the Jaguar advert:
Grace, Space, Pace…
The owner of this attractive 1800cc Teal in Spain contacted the Facebook page of the Teal Owners’ Club to say it was for sale, and could be transported to the buyer’s home country at cost. He didn’t say how much he was asking, but left contact details. The Sky Blue Teal website was not aware of this Teal before, and it has been designated Teal of the Week (TOW) No. 157. The Spanish Teal is named ‘Celesti’ = Sky Blue. They’re out there!
This week (22 Sep18) David Ward spotted this German-registered Teal 35 four-seater below on sale at the link shown for £37,500…As Andy Dutton has pointed out, this is Ron and Sheila Stamp’s Teal (TOW13), purchased in Feb 18 by German buyers, re-registered on the Continent and on sale again in Sep 18, at a price….
She’s fitted with a 2.0litre Triumph 2000 Engine… compare this car with Chris Poolton’s above for £25,000. Thanks, David and Andy .
TOW 13 Re-Registered in Germany
Andy’s La Tecla, David’s Dolly and Rupert’s Grasshopper at Manston, Eastern Kent
Damaged RAF and USAAF bombers, often short of fuel, would recover in the war to Manston since it was the furthest south and east airfield in Britain, and deliberately had a very long and wide runway. In the 60s, 70s and 80s we used to use RAF Manston as a Master Diversion Airfield if the weather clamped at our base in East Anglia (RAF Wyton, Cambs) – the RAF maintained eight master diversion airfields with enhanced radar, Instrument Landing System, fire crews and servicing facilities at St Mawgan (Cornwall), Valley (Anglesey), Kinloss or Lossiemouth (N. Scotland), Leuchars (East Scotland), Leeming (N Yorkshire), Marham (Norfolk), Wattisham (Suffolk) and Manston itself, which had the added advantage of having foam-laying capabilities in case your nose wheel or main wheels wouldn’t come down…
No 39 Squadron RAF Canberra PR Mk9 Take Off – wheels coming up…
“Finals, three greens, flaps down“
(Canberra Photo Recce Mark 9 of No 39 Squadron RAF)
Tealers might be interested to know that Lieutenant William Leefe-Robinson of No 39 Squadron, Royal Flying Corps won the VC for his actions on the night of 2/3 September 1916 when taking off from Sutton Farm Nr Hornchurch in his BE2C biplane of Home Defence Command he climbed (in 53 minutes) to 11,500 feet and at 0205 am in freezing cold and nearly total darkness (except for exploding flak) he shot down a Zeppelin raiding London over the Thames Estuary, the first Zeppelin ever to be shot down over Britain. Leefe-Robinson was 21 years old. He died two years later just after the end of WW1 from Spanish Flu.
The tail skid of Leefe-Robinson’s BE2C was subsequently kept, suitably mounted, on the wall of the aircrew crew-room of No 39 Squadron together with other memorabilia. No 39 served on the NW Frontier of India flying Hawker Harts between the wars, then re-equipped with Bristol Blenheims in the battle for Ethiopia when Italy entered WW2, flying these also in the Western Deserts of Egypt and Libya, taking over Maryland bombers for the battle of Crete, then Beaufort torpedo anti-shipping strike aircraft from Malta in 1941-42, Beaufighters and Martin Marauders for Italy/Yugoslavia/Romania missions, Tempests and Meteors in the late 1940s/1950s, then Canberra recce through the Cold War gathering intelligence right up to 2006 based at RAF Luqa, RAF Wyton and RAF Marham, Norfolk, but usually operating several thousand miles away. Tealers can imagine these years generated a certain number of adventures.
This website is supposed to be for Teal Cars, not aircraft; but I often feel that there are some affinities (Neil B and Colin A – may agree?)
– See Colin’s Cockpit Below –
About a decade ago a very handsome Teal (Puddle Jumper) arrived for a Teal Cross-Country driven by a handsome driver (Colin), but with a very unusual steering wheel. Look closely above. Yes, the top quarter is missing. … Colin has always been an innovator, but had he gone too far here? (ps: the piece he cut out he used as a dashboard grab-handle…).
Thirsty Work – Pit Stop for Colin on the delightful Spider Run 1, Mid-Wales – and there’s the steering wheel guiding Puddle Jumper…
Many of us will know the delightful early GRP Teal Type 35 Boat-tail Gigi :
Now the original builder of Gigi (Mark Ames) has been in touch with Tealer David Ward. Mark built Gigi with his dad in 1984, the thirteenth Teal built, though they called it the 14th for obvious reasons. Mark has many photos of the construction, including Ian Foster himself fitting the bodywork… more news to come – thank you Mark, and David who is going to undertake a major restoration of Gigi, 34 years later and planned for completion next year….. Below: 1984 – Gigi chassis, engine and donor car; Ian Foster with Mark fitting the bodywork; finished Gigi painted in red and ready to go….
Gigi ready to go, now painted red, 34 years ago…. thank you, Mark
Teal News Updates
* Teal of the Week No 151 is up for sale in Germany for 30,000 Euros. It is very likely that this is the same Teal listed as TOW 74…
* John King is selling TOW No 78, Ex Neil Bridges.
* John King is buying one of the ‘Molsheim’ Bugatti Replicas, recently seen on line for sale.
* Most exciting news – a new Teal has been discovered and is now being recovered (not the German-registered 4-Seater in green (Ex Ron Stamp), also discovered this week 21Sep18 ); more details to come. It is my belief that there could be quite a few more Teals out there – more than the 150 or so we have discovered so far…. (we hope so anyway).
* Just for fun, our hits count today (12th September) is 122222 ….
Pit stop for four well-known Teals on their way to Land’s End…
‘Teals: a delightful variety of beautiful sporting machines’
“The Teal: easy to work on, a joy to look at, a pleasure to drive”
TEAL Type 35 Cockpit
Close observers of the Teal scene will have noticed that although Teal ownership is spread across the whole United Kingdom, Europe and indeed the world, there is a preponderance of Teal ownership centred on three specific counties of England: Cheshire, Lancashire and Yorkshire. This is not surprising, as Ian Foster and Bob Jones designed, built and sold Teals from bases (small factories) in Cheshire and Lancashire in the 1980s and 1990s, and Bob’s agent Ben Trumble built many Teals in Leeds in the 1990s. On Teal rallies the wit and wisdom of these fine northern Tealers has lightened many a local crisis and amused and entertained on countless stopovers in B and B, pub and hotel. But one unique style of humour has glowed throughout the Teal world, that of the Yorkshire Tealer. Yorkshire wit, wisdom, useful tips and self-deprecating comments have been a leading feature of the Teal world, and so we have established a Wise Thoughts from Yorkshire corner on this Teal website, which will be added to every week or so….
Wise Thoughts from Yorkshire
‘Ivverything’s good to good fowk’
‘It’s better to fettle an’ shout about it, ner nivver to fettle at all’
‘Let your missus know who t’boss is reight from t’ start – it’s no use kiddin’ thissen.’
‘Tha can onny understand life if tha looks at it back’ards, but tha’s got to live it forrads.’
‘E’s that mean, e’d nip a currant i’ two’
‘a laugh at yer own expense costs nowt’
‘Tha can allus tell a sensible chap – he thinks on t’same lines as thissen.’
‘Horse-power were a lot safer when just t’hosses ‘ad it’
‘She’s a lass o’ few words but she uses ’em a heck of a lot’
(more Yorkshire wisdom to come …please also see one page from the end of this website ‘Captain Sensible’s Teal Talk’. The Tealer author of these wise and humorous thoughts is from ….Yorkshire)
See also the Teal Discussion Forum on this website, September 2018
1931 Bugatti Type 54
In 1996 NORMAN DURBAN purchased the right to make Teal Type 35s from BOB JONES. Norman’s own Teal is known as APRIL after its registration plate RPA1L, and she is a beautiful and powerful Teal, with a 6C/2500 triple-carburettor Triumph engine.
In September 1999 Norman and his son (above) entered the TARGA LIEGE, a cross-country endurance race/challenge for dozens of different kit cars, starting with registration and inspection at a damp SPA, Belgium, motoring at speed through Luxembourg, France, the Alps, six Alpine passes (including the Galiber), via Rome ,Monte Casino and the Amalfi Coast to Sicily, Etna and the old Targa Florio circuit, and back through Italy, The Stelvio and the Dolomite mountains to Cortina and Mulhouse of Bugatti fame, ending at Spa – a two-week feat of endurance indeed….
For those who’d like to know more about this unique challenge, there’s a six-minute video on You Tube, including many kit cars and shots of April Teal at:
Comment on video: Hawk-eyes David Ward spotted at 8 seconds into the video as the cars line up at the Chunnel what appears to be a second Teal – what do you think? Under the £6.99 sign in the middle, pale blue with the smaller wheels, perhaps an early GRP Teal… or is it another Bugatti look-alike?
Interesting comment from experienced (and wise)Tealer Andy Dutton: ‘The other Teal in the video was owned by a guy from Essex. I met him once at Brooklands with Cliff, but cannot remember his name. If you look hard enough you can see that he fitted a Roll bar behind the seat, presumably for this rally.’
It is possible that the second Teal in the video was driven by Alan Claydon of Essex, who apparently had a roll bar fitted to his Teal (thank you Rupert).
April’s powerful engine 6C/2500
* Norman’s plans to build Teals for sale sadly didn’t work out, and the Teal Owners’ Club subsequently purchased the rights to the Teal Type 35 from Norman in 2010.
* April is still around 19 years after the Targa Liege, and Tealer David Ward is in touch with Norman…
Spotted in Kent over the bank holiday weekend, a girl and her matching Teal – does your nail polish match your Teal – if not, shouldn’t you catch up with this fast-growing trend ? Surely Boots must do French Blue? And who is this lady trendsetter anyway? (Clue: thanks, Rupert).
The Red Baron ponders his next move; wingman Ron in support
This lovely Teal Type 35 belonged to Ron Arnold from Dorset; does it still, or has it since been sold? Please tell us if you know who owns this splendid car now. Thank you. (PS: For more photos please see the Black Beauty page on this website – index left)
On Sunday 25th November 2018 Tealers got together to celebrate both 30 years of the Teal Owners’ Club, and the coming Xmas season, at The Barns Hotel Huntington, Cannock WS12 4PB for the annual Chritmas lunch/raffle/speeches/hugs at 1200 for 1230…
Afterwards: The Barns did us proud: Thirty-five Tealers enjoyed a hearty four-hour lunch and much greeting of old friends and comparison of axle ratios and turning circles; photos of Teals were exchanged on phones, Bob Chairman’s speech was enjoyed and a splendid raffle raised money for Club funds, ably and amusingly administered by Phil and Dot . Tealers had come from far and wide, including Aaldert and Willy from near Amsterdam, Rupert and Jean by train, Richard and Cynthia from Lowestoft (good to see you back on your feet, Richard), David and Sharon from Egham in a smart, rather fast Mercedes registered EGH4M, and many other members from Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Lincolnshire, Hertfordshire, Shropshire, Middlesex, Essex, Sussex, and most other counties of Britain. The Onyx was ably represented by Vince, and the Replicar by Harry and Aaldert. Thanks to Bob, Tony and Dot with Phil for pulling together this happy, cheerful, irreverent crowd of Tealers; there are some photos of the gathering on the Teal Owners Club Facebook page. Oh, and there was a rebate for Teal Owners Club members on the cost of the lunch, thanks to Dot’s careful stewardship of our funds. Thanks!
Birds of a feather : Replica Bristol Scout flanked by Fiona and Colin’s and Wendy and John’s Teal Type 35s in Shropshire
(photo Wendy, many thanks)
It Happens…
(photo Len Ibbotsong – thanks)
Where is this famous TEAL cafe?
Tealers have stopped for a T and P break at this fine remote cafe on the right many times. But where exactly is it? Near a famous pass? Answers on the Discussion Forum page please… (photo:Wendy, thanks)
1937 Bugatti Type 57 Atlantic… Poetry? Sculpture? High Art? All three?
Bavarian Type 37 with period paintwork
Teal 35 Spider Run 2 – Francesca (before the storm)
Harry’s Replicar – power Source (700 watts)
Bugatti Type 51 – Mr Burgess at Chateau Impney
Mr Burgess exits, physically unhurt …
2003 MG TF and 1993 Teal Type 35
(Stable Companions)
Don’t try this in your own garage without a chaperone on hand…
(Film: La Grand Bouffé , with Marcello Mastroianni acting his socks off)
Pat Burns’ Fine Teal Type 35 boat-tail in Wales.
Pat was a leading light of Spider Run 1, which included parts of three legs within Wales, driving his admirable (and well-lit) Teal…
Tealers David and Janice in their totally-delicious (and powerful) Jaguar-motored Teal Type 59 on their way to the Shuttleworth Collection of early aircraft Nr Biggles-wade, Bedfordshire.
Teal Type 59 – the other end – what a pretty yet purposeful stance…
Hans VanDijk’s Teal from the Netherlands appears to be going at some speed – love those yellow headlights – thanks for the artistic picture, Hans… (all photos of Teals look pretty artistic, don’t you think?)
Teal Stained Glass (not quite a religion ?)
Memories of Summer
Wolfgang’s delightful Teal Type 35 boat-tail in high summer meadows in southern Germany – a perfect picture…
Rarely used, but nice to know it’s there….
12000 MILES £19000
* Inspection, Trial or Test most welcome Phone 01694 781544
Does the idea of watching scores of different historic Bugattis arriving at Molsheim for a Bugatti Festival excite you as it does me? If you copy and paste this link to a splendid 12-minute long video into your browser you will be delighted by the sight of Type 13s, Type 23s, Type 35s, Type 37s, Type 43s, Type 44s, and Type 57s (and a few others unknown to me) arriving in style. Turn up the sound if you like a good burble!
But which Teal?
Ah, that lovely Teal – Keith’s, then John King’s; but what’s that other classic sporting car?
Here’s another view
(Clue: It’s an insect,but not a Grasshopper)
Yes, it’s a Fergus Mosquito Replica 1930s Aston Martin Ulster
Cheshire Tealer Keith and co-driver Liverpool heart surgeon John bought the Mosquito and the silver Teal together in a job lot from a garage-owner in Ayr – what beauties…
Teals at Ludlow, within the Castle walls, thanks to John ‘Honey’ King
(Dot and Phil, Neil and Vikki, John and Wendy, Rupert and Jean, Brian, Glen and Maggie in smart classic Mercedes)
All the above items on this page were transferred from page 1 to make more room there.
Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown