This page summarises Teal news from January 2017, often transferred from Page 1 of this website to make room for new items there…








An attractive drawing by Scott Milnes of Neil Bridges’ lovely Teal  Type 35 four-seater tourer Phoenix (below)











On 1st January 2007 the website was launched


On 1st January 2008 there had been a total of 2000 hits
On 1st January 2009 there had been a total of 8000 hits
On 1st January 2010 there had been a total of 18,800 hits
On 1st January 2011 there had been a total of 29,600 hits
On 1st January 2012 there had been a total of 42,400 hits
On 1st January 2013 there had been a total of 56,160 hits
On 1st January 2014 there had been a total of 69,467 hits
On 1st January 2015 there had been a total of 83,031 hits

On 1st January 2016 there had been a total of 95,810 hits


On 1st Jan 2017 there have been a total of 107,929 hits 


The latest total is shown on the hits counter at the bottom of  the index on the left…







Piratical Tealers Neil and Ron Fly the Flag 





Dark Horse 






John Barton sent photos from France of his Bugatti Type 43 and the monoposto single-seat Bugatti Type 73 driven by his daughter; could this be the Bugatti Type 73 re-bodied by Bob Jones at Teal Cars in the 1980s?

and here’s John’s daughter in the same Type 73 in the garage, and…

… here’s the original post-war Bugatti Type 73 re-bodied by Bob Jones at the Teal ‘works’. Interesting.

You decide – I think it’s the same body… and very pretty too.


Dedicated Tealer Bob Mills helps rebuild (with Keith Lidgerwood) the lovely Teal Type 35 boattail which is now owned and driven by Ulrika near Munich… Bob is Chairman of the Teal Owners’ Club, and enjoys getting his hands dirty – he built his own fine Teal four-seater ‘Red Baron’.

Bob and Keith hard at it into the evening to ready Ulrika’s Teal for shipping to Germany. The photographer who took these shots was given a modest task suitable to his (lack of) skills – but the chamfering by file of the right-hand headlight mount of this Teal is, in my humble opinion, a work of art. (not illustrated, for good reason).

and here is Tealer Ulrika on holiday in Austria with her fine Teal, and her husband’s handsome Michelotti Bugatti close behind.

Pretty as a picture!


Bugatti Type 51 and Teal Type 35

Winter Sunlight

In Scottish Border Country: Tealers Ian Alecock (driver) and Lavinia (camera) catch a lovely photo of Teal 35 boat-tail Brigitte with Brian at the wheel. Many say he’s been going downhill ever since. But what a heartbreakingly-beautiful landscape…


Watch This

At least one member (and probably many more ) of our Tealer community is a keen collector of Bugatti memorabilia – and he has this magnificent Bugatti wrist watch, which he wears on special occasions.

What a delightful memento – you can guess why this caption is green.

Speaking of Bugatti memorabilia, on the Backbone of England Run One, Dave Bellis and Jackie, our hosts in Dent, showed us (over coffee for 20 Tealers) their splendid, detailed Bugatti Type 35 model (now moved):

There was also a rather fine bronze of a Bugatti T35 which I coveted, and I was not alone…

For more details of this splendid run, organised by Dot and Phil Massey, see page 32 ‘Teal Backbone Tour – June 2010’ on this website.

Do you have any Teal/Bugatti memorabilia you’d like to share with us? Please do send us a photo to Thanks.


at last, Welcome to:




Two very early Teals made by Ian Foster in 1984 and badged as ‘Worsleys’…

You’re right, they’re rubbish photos, but all I have of the Worsley badge, blown up from 1983/4 images. Anyone have a better photo? The later 1984/5 Teal badge soon graduated to this:

Complete with Harry Potter lightning flash, designed by Mike Alderson, Ian Foster’s southern sales agent in 1985, and made in enamel in Andover, but not seen on many Teals.

and then this :

with several variations:

By 1988 Bob Jones had introduced the splendid art-deco Teal badge which we know and love:

and which adorns most Teals today

Bob Jones takes Fran Crichton (see Teals in the 80s page with Lindsay Crichton) for a spin in Ian Foster’s very early Teal HKA while it was still in GRP bodywork, before Bob re-bodied it for Ian in aluminium .

Ian Foster’s 1984 ‘HKA’ and Lindsay Crighton’s ‘Bluebottle’, two of the earliest Teals built.

Early Tealer Dave Wilson sits beside Lindsey Crichton’s Bluebottle, now re-registered as JSU 534. Note the soda siphon tap positioned on the radiator cap and….

….Dave ‘using’ it to wash his hair.

These photos of Bluebottle were taken 30 years ago. Can she still be around and running today? Judge for yourself – here’s a photo found on the internet by Dave Bellis and David Ward:

Could this be (formerly dark blue) Bluebottle? What’s that on top of the radiator cap?



There’s a great new facility at the official TOC website, run by Colin for the Club. He’s opened a Gallery where Club members can submit their favourite photo(s) of their Teal, which will then be put on line in glorious colour for all to enjoy. Just go to and click on Galleries, then submit your photo. It’s simple and easy (I’ve tried it) and there are already lots of interesting photos of our favourite cars. Thanks, Colin.



Some Fine Bugattis

Here I have photos of many delightful Bugattis – and the odd delightful Teal to keep you on your toes…

(with thanks to the Bugatti Club of Italy and Jaap Horst’s Bugattipage.)


Welsh Beauty

John King and Wendy’s delightful and well-restored supercar at Lake Bala in North Wales on a recent trip from the Kings’ Shropshire Manor House…. many of us wondered how John had become the super-helmsman that he demonstrated on the Teal Llangollen narrowboat run a couple of months ago. The secret can now be revealed below:

It turns out that skilled businessman and restorer John King has a superyacht anchored not far away from King’s Manor, which he helms whenever he can be spared. It’s a honey.

John King (above) is often laid up having his bottom scraped. So a chap needs a back-up spare boat, especially a busy bee-keeper….

And here’s the beemaster’s spare – sweet indeed.

Wishing all Tealers days of wine, roses – and honey- in 2017


Now prepare yourself for a shocking sequence of photos…..

1932 Bugatti Type 51 at Chateau Impney; Mr Edmund Burgess clipped the kerb and….

This was the result; mercifully the marshals were on the spot immediately, and Mr Burgess crawled out from under his lovely Type 51, and went for a medical checkup. This occurred on 16th July 2016. Phew.

You’re also thinking about the car, right? So am I: Scraping along on radiator, bonnet, racing screens, fillers, boat-tail. Ouch.


Spider Run Special?

Someone’s pretty handy with a hammer and hacksaw to form the bodywork. But what is it, and what chassis does it run on?


Without Comment:

Bugatti Camionette (with sofa)







Barons Auctions,  Sandown Park,  28 Feb 2017 and on Ebay: 


copy and paste into your browser for the link


Estimate:  £20,000 


Anyone going from the club? 


Result: unsold at £20K – thanks, David. Anyone want to make an offer to owners Chelsea Cars, Barons or Ebay? 








This is Teal of the Week No 104, which took part in  Spider Run 1 







Welsh Beauty 











Pat Burns’ lovely Teal Type 35 in Wales – and with the lovely Mayor of Aberystwith    (Spider Run 1).







Large amounts of Teal info and numerous photos that were located on this page of Sky Blue Teal  have now be transferred to the ‘Teal News 15 from Jan 2017’ page – (see index left).  This is to make way for exciting news about a ‘new’ Teal discovered for sale, and a photo quiz of cars spotted at  car shows – can you identify them?










There’s a lovely-looking car for sale on the Car and Classics website. 


 It has the appearance of a beautiful Bugatti Type 35:










What a lovely Bugatti – and a snip at £112,000 – but hang on a minute.  A left hand drive Bugatti?  Do such things exist? Surely they were all right hand drive?  And doesn’t that suspension look very like a Teal 35B or Teal Type 59’s?  And that tail looks very Teal-like.  And the mudguards.  And the turned dashboard. And that’s not an external gearlever on the left, is it – it’s a handbrake, surely?  Could this be the one missing left-hand drive Teal made by Bob Jones and Bob Lewis, with aluminium bodywork by Mike Hall ?


As it happens, we have three  photos of that most rare  LHD Teal at the works at Grimsditch Hall in the mid 1980s.  Here she is, with Mike Astill’s Type 35 in blue beyond:








They certainly look similar.  LHDrive, one raised driver wind-protector to left,  narrow radiator,  same mudguards and suspension, same tail….  Hmm. 


So possibly a Teal chassis with Teal body and Bugatti additions? Nice wheels and brakes.  You decide. 



Thanks Adli, David, Bob L. and Andy for info.  She’s a beauty anyway you look at her.   I think we can put her in the register as Teal of the Week No 152.









We all enjoy looking at classic cars in magazines, or preferably at car shows.   I plan to put photos of a dozen classic cars to identify on this page now.  Then put the answers on the Discussion Forum page next week.   Then a dozen more seen at a country car show, which we also greatly enjoy visiting and browsing in the summer.  The plan is to cheer up a dank February! Here goes then with the first 12 (QUIZ A), individually numbered. What cars  are these? Do send your replies, if you wish, to the Forum.








 No 1




 No 2





No 3: 



No. 4: 





No 5: 































How have you done on the first dozen?  Some are harder than others, naturally…



Putting answers to Quiz A on Discussion Forum 2017 page Sunday am 19th February;  Rupert from Surrey’s answers were very good – Vince from Sheffield’s were outstanding.  Our time wearing anoraks has clearly not been wasted, Tealers (and Onyxers).


Quiz B photos taken at the Sherborne Castle Classic Car Show in Dorset will appear here Sunday 19th evening – good luck! 



At Sherborne Castle, Dorset


No 1 




No 2 





No 3 (two views)







and what’s that pretty pale blue car in the background? 



No 4. 






No 5. 



No 6:








No 8 (2 views):







No 9: 






No 10: 





No 11: 








 No 13:






No 14: 




 No 15: 



 No 16:





No 17: 









 No 18:




 No 19:




No 20 (two views):








That’s it – 20 Questions, interesting, I hope;   do leave your answers to Quiz B on the discussion Forum 2017 page, if you wish… I look forwarded to reading them (better work out what the cars are myself – I just snapped them at the show, without noting what was which…)


See Teal Forum 2017 page for answers 





















Hawk-eyes David Ward spotted on Ebay this early photo of lovely ‘Violet’, my former Teal, on  a  classics parade, location unknown.  Later, as David noted, when I owned her,  she had the rather fine  ridged mudguards with kickup at the back… Violet  obtained her nickname from sensible Len Ibbotsong (‘The Sheffield Troubador’) who closely observed her unusual blue-black colouration.




She also had received by then a solid old registration number… 





 Violet is currently enjoying the country roads of Eire.  I miss her sadly, of course.


 (thanks for the photo and  comments, David)















Dorset  Darling 








See Page 17 – Black Beauty 








Going Grey …









Puddle Jumper from above.  A classic view of the Teal plan shape, taken from Colin’s private helicopter. Note that Puddle Jumper’s mudguards are now painted grey, as seen (for Club members) on the front page of the splendid new issue of Teal Spiel magazine (thanks, Suzi… ) complete with Teal Quiz.








Jolly Tealers 








Cheerful Tealers at Ludlow. There is some hilarity about Dot’s sheepskin jacket.  But is it Dot’s? See below.






Next day at Leominster Dot’s wearing a completely different jacket. There must be lots of storage in that boat-tail.  Perhaps rain was forecast.   But that didn’t put off the Lady Mayoress of Leominster (see below): 






who made herself comfortable behind the wheel of Grasshopper and enjoyed a good chat with Jean and Rupert about the history of  her ancient town of  Leominster; she seemed reluctant to leave the cockpit when it was time for us to move off… totally understandable.











In Sussex winter seems slowly to be releasing its grip as spring spreads across our country. One of the first signs we notice, besides the snow drops and daffodils, is the clothing of the willows in fresh greens, the first trees each year to greet the warming sun. And, happily,  the new sports car season…


Is it similar in your county? 










La Tecla in Kent.    Many Tealers will know that the success of Ettore Bugatti’s Type 35s in the 1920s led to a demand from the public for  a detuned version of the Type 35 for use by the general public on the open roads.  This led to the version of the T35 called by Bugatti  the  ‘Course Imitation’ and nicknamed by the public ‘La Tecla’ after a well known brand of cultured pearls.  Here the stance of Andy Dutton’s beautiful Teal Type 35 on the Kent run a couple of years ago speaks of power (6C/2500)and effortless cruising.










Classics:  Bristol Fighter and  Teal Type 35 at the  Shuttleworth Collection 






















Re:Ward Teal 











Top Gear – Dry Tealing


(Colin – Triangle Run – wet Yorkshire Moors) 





Well-Known at Knowsley

Teal  Cheshire Cats








Questions: a. How many Teals?  b. Where?  c. When?  d.Why?

 Answers on the Discussion Forum 2017 page, please


It looks like: a. 20 plus,  b. Lake District c. 4th July 1998.  d. Ian Foster’s Birthday (founder of Teal cars)


See Rupert’s comments on the Forum – Thanks, Rupert


Update, 16th March:  Rupert, who was there with Jean, believes that there were 28-30 Teals in the Lakes on that day  in July 1998;  a record.  Thanks again, Rupert.

See also Rupert’s comments at the Teal Forun 2017 about his Rover mug/penpot! 









Big Jeff in his attractive and powerful (6C/2500) Teal Type 35 




The Creators:  Peter Farrell, Bob Jones and Ian Foster, the founders, designers and builders of Teal Cars, with Peter Farrell’s one-off Teal Grand Tourer (The Cream Cracker, now happily back in UK with David and Janice ) and Ian Foster’s rebodied  in aluminium Teal 35 HKA (AKA Le Mistral).



















Hawk-eyes David Ward spotted on Ebay this early photo of lovely ‘Violet’, my former Teal, on  a  classics parade, location unknown.  Later, as David noted, when I owned her,  she had the rather fine  ridged mudguards with kickup at the back… Violet  obtained her nickname from sensible Len Ibbotsong (‘The Sheffield Troubador’) who closely observed her unusual blue-black colouration.




She also had received by then a solid old registration number… 





 Violet is currently enjoying the country roads of Eire.  I miss her sadly, of course.


 (thanks for the photo and  comments, David)















Dorset  Darling 








See Page 17 – Black Beauty 








Going Grey …









Puddle Jumper from above.  A classic view of the Teal plan shape, taken from Colin’s private helicopter. Note that Puddle Jumper’s mudguards are now painted grey, as seen (for Club members) on the front page of the splendid new issue of Teal Spiel magazine (thanks, Suzi… ) complete with Teal Quiz.








Jolly Tealers 








Cheerful Tealers at Ludlow. There is some hilarity about Dot’s sheepskin jacket.  But is it Dot’s? See below.






Next day at Leominster Dot’s wearing a completely different jacket. There must be lots of storage in that boat-tail.  Perhaps rain was forecast.   But that didn’t put off the Lady Mayoress of Leominster (see below): 






who made herself comfortable behind the wheel of Grasshopper and enjoyed a good chat with Jean and Rupert about the history of  her ancient town of  Leominster; she seemed reluctant to leave the cockpit when it was time for us to move off… totally understandable.











In Sussex winter seems slowly to be releasing its grip as spring spreads across our country. One of the first signs we notice, besides the snow drops and daffodils, is the clothing of the willows in fresh greens, the first trees each year to greet the warming sun. And, happily,  the new sports car season…


Is it similar in your county? 










La Tecla in Kent.    Many Tealers will know that the success of Ettore Bugatti’s Type 35s in the 1920s led to a demand from the public for  a detuned version of the Type 35 for use by the general public on the open roads.  This led to the version of the T35 called by Bugatti  the  ‘Course Imitation’ and nicknamed by the public ‘La Tecla’ after a well known brand of cultured pearls.  Here the stance of Andy Dutton’s beautiful Teal Type 35 on the Kent run a couple of years ago speaks of power (6C/2500)and effortless cruising.










Classics:  Bristol Fighter and  Teal Type 35 at the  Shuttleworth Collection 






















Re:Ward Teal 











Top Gear – Dry Tealing


(Colin – Triangle Run – wet Yorkshire Moors) 





Well-Known at Knowsley

Teal  Cheshire Cats








Questions: a. How many Teals?  b. Where?  c. When?  d.Why?

 Answers on the Discussion Forum 2017 page, please


It looks like: a. 20 plus,  b. Lake District c. 4th July 1998.  d. Ian Foster’s Birthday (founder of Teal cars)


See Rupert’s comments on the Forum – Thanks, Rupert


Update, 16th March:  Rupert, who was there with Jean, believes that there were 28-30 Teals in the Lakes on that day  in July 1998;  a record.  Thanks again, Rupert.

See also Rupert’s comments at the Teal Forun 2017 about his Rover mug/penpot! 









Big Jeff in his attractive and powerful (6C/2500) Teal Type 35 




The Creators:  Peter Farrell, Bob Jones and Ian Foster, the founders, designers and builders of Teal Cars, with Peter Farrell’s one-off Teal Grand Tourer (The Cream Cracker, now happily back in UK with David and Janice ) and Ian Foster’s rebodied  in aluminium Teal 35 HKA (AKA Le Mistral).






Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown