This page contains Teal items moved from Page 1 to make room for more news there.
* I’m sure many Tealers will be thinking: is that a 1962 left-hand drive Renault Floride with the 956 cc engine and four-speed box?
**Vince Onyx adds that after sustained close observation of this image he believes that the radio may possibly be a Blaupunkt – a blue spot.
***Peter Thain feels that the whole thing is childish and totally inappropriate to a car website .
But then, Peter Thain thought that about pretty much everything !
On 1st January 2016 there have been a total of 95,810 hits
Thank you for your interest and your loyalty to this website which is dedicated to the remarkable Teal marque.
Please Note: A large number of photos have recently been moved to the Teal News 12 page of this website to make room for new items here on Page 1.
1st January 2016 AT BROOKLANDS
David, Andy and Angelo
Tealers Angelo, Antonio, Andy and David were at Brooklands for the New Year’s Day meet, and were joined by the former owner of Teal Cars from 1996 and pilot of the unique Teal ‘April’ Norman Durban. Also joining up was John in his MGB-based NG.
(Angelo, Andy, David)
Double-Tealer Aaldert (near Amsterdam) has decided to carry out some pretty extensive work on the mechanics of his delicious Teal Type 43 so that it is fully roadworthy for the Spring. Here she is, and below some shots of the work in progress….
Aaldert writes:
New crankshaft,bearings,gaskets,filters,clutch-/lever/bearing/handle etc.
Good luck with your winter work, Aaldert – we look forward to seeing this lovely Teal purring along in the April tulip fields…
Toad Hall Update from Sue
Well a move to the country 5 years ago resulted in our lovely car projects being mothballed somewhat in order to make time for us to renovate our rundown farmhouse, repair a vintage Massey Ferguson Tractor and rear a collection of rare breed livestock. So it’s only recently that we have finally found the time to focus on our hobbies and reconnect with our beloved cars.
Our beautiful bright red Teal (known as Mr Toad) is still turning heads and soliciting smiles and waves from appreciative strangers and is the perfect mode of transport to enjoy the delightful Yorkshire Wolds. Despite the demands of our smallholding we have made time to do a small amount of work on the Toad and Howard has changed the teeth on the flywheel and I carried out some cosmetic work in the form of repainting the engine from a dirty and garish pillar-box red to a subtle black which complements the chassis framework and sets off the chrome.
The mothballing of our magnificent Ronart 152 kit gave us chance to review our plans for the finished article and as a result we have begun a detailed remodelling and painstaking renovation of the fibreglass body panels, engine parts and rolling chassis. You can read more about this in Howards 152 update – A Labour of Love . (Below)
All this work along with the planned refurbishment of the cars Jaguar XJ6 engine, dashboard design and cockpit upholstery means that the 152 won’t be on the road any time soon so it’s great to have the trusty Toad to take us out and about whenever we yearn to feel the wind in our hair and find bugs in our teeth.
We are determined to make our cars the focus of 2016 and would love to make contact with local teal owners in the North East region. Due to our smallholding commitments we are unable to take part in events around the country so as a result we plan to host a selection of social events closer to home.
If you would like to join us for a pub meet, a scenic drive or a weekend adventure in the Wolds please email for more details.
Ron Arnold’s Dorset Beauty 8589PX
Spider Run 1 – Pat Burns’ dark green Welsh Type 35 delight
Christmas Present, Anyone?
When Neil Bridges was in Angouleme he peered into a garage and lo and behold – ten (or is it eleven?) Bugattis lay ready and waiting. Any single one would be a delightful present (which would you chose?). Neil hopes one might be heading for Sheffield next week. He always was a bit of a dreamer, like most Tealers. Good luck, Neil.
How Many Teals?
Teal Spider Run 2, June 2014, Charleston, Cornwall. How many Teals are in this photo?
Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Eight, of course… Count them yourself.
Ah, but is that a single Brooklands racing screen by Tony Davis’ shoulder top left as he adjusts his tonneau? Let’s see:
Indeed it is – so that makes nine Teals in the Charleston car park photo.
OK,OK, I cheated – I’d seen the second photo before asking the question about the first – my apologies! b.c.
Two Classics: Bob Lewis’s Isadora four-seater Teal Type 35 and De Havilland Tiger Moth at Gloucestershire airport
Neat Bug Bag – Well Hung….
Fast Lady: Helle Nice, c.1930, successful Bugatti racing driver
Helle Nice
Helle Nice at Speed
* Sincere and true in the case of Teal runs/rallies – attributed to distinguished Tealer Len Ibbotsong, Bard from Sheffield
Welcome to:
The website for lovers of the remarkable Teal marque
Some days here in Sussex it still feels wintry, but the grass is growing and daisies are pushing up beside the daffodils (and the dandylions); and sometimes it feels almost spring-like….
Yes, Sprung is definitely Springing…
But it’s probably premature to talk of summer. Oh go on, just this once:
happy Teal image of Summer
Phil Massey wets his feet on the way to Angouleme, with Dot on camera
Do you ever feel that your Teal is too large, too much room, too powerful, too many wheels?
There’s an alternative now for those that feel that way …
This little beauty is compact, easy to garage and park, can fit the shopping and a small wife, doesn’t have too many wheels to clean, and with its 50cc Suziki motor it can be quite nippy over short distances – see off those pesky Morgans!
There’s a question on the Teal Discussion Forum (see index to left) about whether it’s right or misleading to mount a Bugatti badge on a Teal? All Tealers views are welcome on the Discussion Forum page… see also our Club secretary’s comments on Page 32 of the our Autumn 2015 TealSpiel Club magazine.
The residents of the Sheffield and Wightwizzle districts find it hard, as you can see, to find each-other, and will have to wait a couple more months at least to admire Vince’s totally lovely (and accurate) Onyx, more like a Type 37 than – er- a Type 37.
PS: I hope this piece does not upset too many Northern Tealers (there are a lot of them, and some of them can be a bit touchy. And they know where I live.) Feb16.
The residents of the Sheffield and Wightwizzle districts find it hard, as you can see, to find each-other, and will have to wait a couple more months at least to admire Vince’s totally lovely (and accurate) Onyx, more like a Type 37 than – er- a Type 37.
PS: I hope this piece does not upset too many Northern Tealers (there are a lot of them, and some of them can be a bit touchy. And they know where I live.) Feb16.
The residents of the Sheffield and Wightwizzle districts find it hard, as you can see, to find each-other, and will have to wait a couple more months at least to admire Vince’s totally lovely (and accurate) Onyx, more like a Type 37 than – er- a Type 37.
PS: I hope this piece does not upset too many Northern Tealers (there are a lot of them, and some of them can be a bit touchy. And they know where I live.) Feb16.
The residents of the Sheffield and Wightwizzle districts find it hard, as you can see, to find each-other, and will have to wait a couple more months at least to admire Vince’s totally lovely (and accurate) Onyx, more like a Type 37 than – er- a Type 37.
PS: I hope this piece does not upset too many Northern Tealers (there are a lot of them, and some of them can be a bit touchy. And they know where I live.) Feb16.
Details of Teal Owners’ Club events are listed in detail on the new TOC club website with when, where and who to contact. I’ve counted fourteen different Teal rallies, car shows, parties and get-togethers over the next eight months. Here’s the link:
copy and paste into your browser for full info…
(written on 1/4/16)
Teals, Saumur, Loire
Tealers may have read in the motoring press of the new rules for taking classic cars abroad. Because of air pollution in recent years in Paris, Lille, Aachen and other European cities, apparently contributed to by older vehicles, all cars registered in the UK more than 25 years ago (ie before 1991) may now only be taken abroad to EU countries if they have passed a specific exhaust emission test (apparently the MOT is not enough) and received an appropriate permit (Certificat D’Éffet Gasoline: le CdeFG, Bruxelles Le Premiere Avril 2016).
UK garages are expected to be authorised to issue these certificates from 1st May 2016 onwards, and the measures come into effect on 1st July, three months after the Brussels edict. They are expected to cost 40 Euros (about £30) . Great news indeed.
(B.C. 1/4/16)
Little Note: Dave Bellis’s hand-constructed Teal has now (March 2016) been sold to Southern Germany – see 3/4 way down this page for more details…
Another little note: 99,000 hits on 22nd March – thanks…
Have you ever wondered what your subtle, elegant Teal would look like with whitewall tyres? Enhanced beauty? US-style glamour? Chicago-style notoriety? No? Well, perhaps here’s a chance to see a Teal (Angelo’s) with whitewall tyres at Brooklands:
What do you think? A winner, or not for you?
Actually the whole thing’s an optical illusion with Antonio, Angelo’s son, a wizard on Photoshop, creating the look for fun…. quite interesting though, how a change like this can alter the whole image of the lovely Teal. I doubt Ettore Bugatti ever fitted white wall tyres for his American customers; or am I wrong? Photos, please!
Heaven’s Above!
Tealers may have noticed that a Vicar has joined us on the Teal Discussion Forum on this website; welcome Rev. Martin; we are indeed often in need of divine guidance on Teal runs. In fact we’ve been expecting you, and have made sure you have your own parking space….
Suggestions, please, on the Teal Discussion Forum page – and a bonus for anyone who can name the three Tealers correctly…
(see many comments, not all of them polite, at the Teal Discussion Forum Page)
THE TRUTH: Mike Birch (left) Teal Type 44 and Type 59 owner, and Peter Haywood (Type 35, Isle of Wight), are giving Brian Crook (T35 right) a tutorial under Brigitte on the differing Teal Type 35 differentials, and their implications on gearing, durability and ability to accept torque. The field is at Laycock, Wiltshire, near the fine National trust Abbey. Thanks for all your captions, Tealers… There’s a new challenge immediately below.
Captions, please, on the Teal 2016 Discussion Forum page – thanks.
Do you need a sign like this for your Teal?
Teal Type 59 cockpit – rather fine, don’t you think?
Teal in the Netherlands – a terrific photo by Hans van Dijk of his Teal Type 35 6C/2500 – thanks, Hans.
A Teal Type 35 is so much larger than a modern little MG, isn’t it?
Or is it? Tricky stuff, perspective. I suppose it depends how you look at it….
Surrey Lane – David and Sharon’s Dolly from Angelo’s Pur Sang – delicious photo by Antonio – thanks…
Have you seen a Teal with frontal irons in this unusual shape?
Me neither – it was formerly the mount of Tealer Peter Neville, but now lives in France with car pilot Andrew Noble and his stable of exotic automobiles… see Teal of the Week No 23. There you will also see the attractive way the frontal irons are now laid out….
They say that each Teal is unique; and they’re correct. Each one has it’s own special characteristics of bodywork, suspension, engine, gearbox or cockpit. Notice anything unusual about this one?
What’s that lever behind the handbrake? This Teal has a six-cylinder 2500cc Triumph engine – with overdrive. The extra lever engages the overdrive through a rotary switch when pushed to the forward position, and disengages in the rear position.
The owner (Brian) rather liked this feature, but thought the lever over-engineered, so in 2012 he modified the lever by shortening it and partly enclosing it in a black leather gaiter:
One other unusual feature of this Teal is the rather useful split-screen, giving both wind-protection and a period look :
the split-screen can easily be removed, folded and stowed, leaving the sportier looking twin Brooklands racing screens:
This Teal Type 35 6C/2500 is now in Eire and ran the route of The Gordon Bennett trophy last summer (and Spider Run 2 in Summer 2014)
What do we have Here?
Is that an 1930 s Aston Martin Ulster in the foreground? And a Bugatti 35, with a modern MG TF beyond?
Well, one out of three’s not so good. Many Tealers will recognise the location as Sorbie in Cheshire, where Keith Lidgerwood had his extensive workshops.
The rather lovely classic car in the foreground is a Fergus Mosquito, a replica of the 1930s Aston Martin Ulster, now selling at around £800,000 (the Aston Martin that is). Keith bought this beauty and the fine silver 6C/2500 Teal Type 35 in Scotland, but sadly wasn’t well enough to work on them. The Mosquito was sold to Total Head Turners in 2013, and the lovely Teal to expert Tealer John King, who made many improvements and drove her on the 2014 Spider Run. She is now in Germany.
Sufficient badges for a Scot? Although this photo and the next were taken in Scottish Border country,the prominent blue and white badge is that of the Oban and District Classic Vehicle Club…. and the stable companion along side the Teal was….
The owner (Hamish) of both these beauties, and several more besides, was a Spitfire pilot and a medical doctor; so what would you park on your lawn in these circumstances?
Spitfire Mk 9 in Squadron colours
A magnicent visit, Hamish (centre) – thanks – also to our 12-Teal rally leader, Neil
Straight Six
Teal Type 59 with Jaguar Straight Six and impressive exhausts…
Please note that much info from Page 1 of this website has recently been moved to the Teal News pages 12 and 13 (see index left) to make more room on this Page … Do please browse the Teal News pages, if you wish, where much interesting recent and historic info rests.
NOW SOLD – March 2016 – to Southern Germany to a chap whose an experienced aluminium wheeler who is going to alter the body somewhat to create a “big old racer”. Watch this space!
Contact Dave for further details or viewing in North Wales ( No sightseers ,please ,as it’s in dry workshop storage and time is precious .)
Here’s a basic framework for some topiary on the lawn… might take a year or two to mature.
Straight Six
Teal Type 59 with Jaguar Straight Six and impressive exhausts…
There’s a Teal for sale on under Kit Cars heading, page 3:
She’s in Germany and up for sale for £21,250. She COULD be (tentative this) Teal of the Week 93. There’s a phone and email contact. Another photo:
Please let us know on the Discussion Forum if you buy this Teal. Thanks! (PS sorry photos not crisp;copied from another website)
Stop Press: the owner , Kevin Piesch, emails to say that the Teal has an 1800cc MG motor and GRP bodywork – thanks, Kevin, and good luck with the sale.
Do you know this Teal TYPE 59?
The SkyBlueTeal website has been sent these photos of a lovely Teal Type 59. Do you know the car, or possibly the driver Peter Cahill? The Teal may once have appeared for sale on Ebay. Here are more photos:
We have photos on this website of 8 of the 13 Teal Type 59s built; these Are TOW39, 40, 47,48,49, 50, 51, and 52. (and the GPB 59 at TOW 53). Is this another one? If you know this Teal Type 59, please leave a message on the Discussion Forum (index to the left). Thanks.
UPDATE: Please see comments about driver Peter Cahill on the Discussion Forum of this website, and also photos on the Thrilling Teals by Ben Trumble page. Thanks, Andy.
The official website of the Teal Owners’ Club. Copy and paste the link into your browser…
The Teal Owners Club Facebook page. You don’t have to log in to Facebook to view the photos and comments. Just copy and paste the link into your browser…
to reinforce the links above:
As you may know, an exciting new website has been launched dedicated to the unique Teal marque. It is found at and is being run by Tealers Colin and Fiona on behalf of the Teal Owners’ Club (TOC).
The website will cover upcoming Teal events, TOC membership, Teal history, technical tips, two and four seater Type 35 photos, and Type 59 pictures, and will provide a new discussion Forum. There will also be pages exclusively for members of the TOC. This new official TOC website is not in any way a rival to SkyBlueTeal, which is itself entirely unofficial; we wish the best of success to and will be co-operating closely with Colin and Fiona and the TOC Committee. Don’t forget also the informative and entertaining Teal Owners Club page on Facebook, run by distinguished Tealer and Teal builder Bob Lewis. Finally we have our splendid Teal Owners Club magazine Teal Spiel, Run by Andy Dutton and Suzi and Pat Elwell for the Club.
Our cup runneth over with good things!
Colin and Fiona, happy owners of the fine red Teal Type 35 Vital Spark, would welcome you contacting them at the new website with news, info and a photo or two of your Teal. Email them on:
and log on to the new website at
20 FEB 2016
This handsome Teal Type 35 two-seat boat tail was spotted for sale by TOC member and Onyx driver Vince on the Total Head Turners stand at the London Classic Car show on 20th February. The asking price was £35K, and it was sold. This Teal is also known as Teal of the Week No 130.
Thanks, Vince…
Something a bit special has happened on this website – we’ve received over 100,000 hits since startup. David Ward claims that most of those are his. But if he’s right, or if it’s 1000 people logging on to Teals 100 times, or 100 people a thousand times, I send my thanks to each one of you Teal lovers. Teals seem to produce an unique affection in owners and viewers alike. Long may it continue. Happy Tealing! Brian. 20th April 2016.
William of Stratford is much in the news recently, being his 400th anniversary. The wise Teal Owners Club often holds its AGM at Stratford, and Tealers wax poetic….
The immediate response from Tealer Wolfgang Knupfer in Germany is:
‘To Teal or not to Teal – not a question’
Bravo, Wolfang – sehr gut! Vielen danke, meinherr….
Wolfgang says there are a few snowflakes around in southern Germany, so his lovely Teal is still hibernating. Soon comes the Spring!
You’ve seen a Bugatti at Prescott roll on a sharp left-hander on the BOC hillclimb. You’re now on a country run, enjoying the day, approaching a narrow corner, going just a tad too fast and the thought springs into your mind – Oops, hope we don’t go over, I’ve no head protection… has this occurred to you? Worry not, the Teal is a flat, stable and fast cross country runner, with good cornering ability when driven sensibly….
Not convinced? Then try the special ROLL-SAFE bar (photo below) for open-top sporting machinery….
Not a thing of beauty? But a practical life-saver? But what about the wife? I’ve never seen one of these before on a Teal or Bugatti, have you? And while we’re at it IS this a Teal? Answers on the Discussion Forum, please.
What an odd question to ask, most Tealers will say; of course my Teal is clean – it’s my pride and joy, and I wash it and wax the bodywork and polish the shiny bits so I can be really proud of it… like the one above – what beautiful, simple, clean lines.
Of course – naturally. But respected and experienced Tealer Glen was chatting with a veteran Bugatti owner in Kent a few years ago, and he said:
” Teals are all well and good, and they look fine, except for one thing that lets them down – they’re too clean and shiny; you’ll rarely see a Bugatti looking like that. ”
And he’s right, of course – photos of Bugattis in France or Italy or at Prescott nearly all show very well patinated cars, with frequent areas of rust, oil, mud, dirt and peeling paint – looking like they have only been wiped over with an Oily Rag.
So for your Teal to look authentic, should you ease off on the cleaning and add a bit of oil and mud? Paint the wire wheels black? Like some of the Bugattis below. Opinions please on the Discussion Forum…are you Shiny or Oily Rag?
thanks for the fine photo, Andy
If the oily rag look is really too much, you could always go to the other extreme, as they sometimes do in the USA: super shiny:
This Sunday, 24th April four Teals will be making their way to Bicester near Oxford on national drive-it weekend to the magnificent new Classic car centre on an old RAF airfield. The Teals will be driven by Angelo, David, Colin and Tim, and hopefully the day will generate some interesting experiences and photos, like last year when the classic quartet produced this enduring image:
Enjoy the day, chaps!
OOPS – PLAN B : Instead of turning right for Bicester on Sunday, David and Angelo turned left for Brooklands – and here their Teals are:
High Performance Machinery
King of Cornwall (John ‘Honey’ King by Wendy – Spider Run 2)
Something a bit special has happened on this website – we’ve received over 100,000 hits since startup. David Ward claims that most of those are his. But if he’s right, or if it’s 1000 people logging on to Teals 100 times, or 100 people a thousand times, I send my thanks to each one of you Teal lovers. Teals seem to produce an unique affection in owners and viewers alike. Long may it continue. Happy Tealing! Brian. 20th April 2016.
William of Stratford is much in the news recently, being his 400th anniversary. The wise Teal Owners Club often holds its AGM at Stratford, and Tealers wax poetic….
The immediate response from Tealer Wolfgang Knupfer in Germany is:
‘To Teal or not to Teal – not a question’
Bravo, Wolfang – sehr gut! Vielen danke, meinherr….
Wolfgang says there are a few snowflakes around in southern Germany, so his lovely Teal is still hibernating. Soon comes the Spring!
You’ve seen a Bugatti at Prescott roll on a sharp left-hander on the BOC hillclimb. You’re now on a country run, enjoying the day, approaching a narrow corner, going just a tad too fast and the thought springs into your mind – Oops, hope we don’t go over, I’ve no head protection… has this occurred to you? Worry not, the Teal is a flat, stable and fast cross country runner, with good cornering ability when driven sensibly….
Not convinced? Then try the special ROLL-SAFE bar (photo below) for open-top sporting machinery….
Not a thing of beauty? But a practical life-saver? But what about the wife? I’ve never seen one of these before on a Teal or Bugatti, have you? And while we’re at it IS this a Teal? Answers on the Discussion Forum, please.
What an odd question to ask, most Tealers will say; of course my Teal is clean – it’s my pride and joy, and I wash it and wax the bodywork and polish the shiny bits so I can be really proud of it… like the one above – what beautiful, simple, clean lines.
Of course – naturally. But respected and experienced Tealer Glen was chatting with a veteran Bugatti owner in Kent a few years ago, and he said:
” Teals are all well and good, and they look fine, except for one thing that lets them down – they’re too clean and shiny; you’ll rarely see a Bugatti looking like that. ”
And he’s right, of course – photos of Bugattis in France or Italy or at Prescott nearly all show very well patinated cars, with frequent areas of rust, oil, mud, dirt and peeling paint – looking like they have only been wiped over with an Oily Rag.
So for your Teal to look authentic, should you ease off on the cleaning and add a bit of oil and mud? Paint the wire wheels black? Like some of the Bugattis below. Opinions please on the Discussion Forum…are you Shiny or Oily Rag?
thanks for the fine photo, Andy
If the oily rag look is really too much, you could always go to the other extreme, as they sometimes do in the USA: super shiny:
This Sunday, 24th April four Teals will be making their way to Bicester near Oxford on national drive-it weekend to the magnificent new Classic car centre on an old RAF airfield. The Teals will be driven by Angelo, David, Colin and Tim, and hopefully the day will generate some interesting experiences and photos, like last year when the classic quartet produced this enduring image:
Enjoy the day, chaps!
OOPS – PLAN B : Instead of turning right for Bicester on Sunday, David and Angelo turned left for Brooklands – and here their Teals are:
High Performance Machinery
King of Cornwall (John ‘Honey’ King by Wendy – Spider Run 2)
Something a bit special has happened on this website – we’ve received over 100,000 hits since startup. David Ward claims that most of those are his. But if he’s right, or if it’s 1000 people logging on to Teals 100 times, or 100 people a thousand times, I send my thanks to each one of you Teal lovers. Teals seem to produce an unique affection in owners and viewers alike. Long may it continue. Happy Tealing! Brian. 20th April 2016.
William of Stratford is much in the news recently, being his 400th anniversary. The wise Teal Owners Club often holds its AGM at Stratford, and Tealers wax poetic….
The immediate response from Tealer Wolfgang Knupfer in Germany is:
‘To Teal or not to Teal – not a question’
Bravo, Wolfang – sehr gut! Vielen danke, meinherr….
Wolfgang says there are a few snowflakes around in southern Germany, so his lovely Teal is still hibernating. Soon comes the Spring!
You’ve seen a Bugatti at Prescott roll on a sharp left-hander on the BOC hillclimb. You’re now on a country run, enjoying the day, approaching a narrow corner, going just a tad too fast and the thought springs into your mind – Oops, hope we don’t go over, I’ve no head protection… has this occurred to you? Worry not, the Teal is a flat, stable and fast cross country runner, with good cornering ability when driven sensibly….
Not convinced? Then try the special ROLL-SAFE bar (photo below) for open-top sporting machinery….
Not a thing of beauty? But a practical life-saver? But what about the wife? I’ve never seen one of these before on a Teal or Bugatti, have you? And while we’re at it IS this a Teal? Answers on the Discussion Forum, please.
What an odd question to ask, most Tealers will say; of course my Teal is clean – it’s my pride and joy, and I wash it and wax the bodywork and polish the shiny bits so I can be really proud of it… like the one above – what beautiful, simple, clean lines.
Of course – naturally. But respected and experienced Tealer Glen was chatting with a veteran Bugatti owner in Kent a few years ago, and he said:
” Teals are all well and good, and they look fine, except for one thing that lets them down – they’re too clean and shiny; you’ll rarely see a Bugatti looking like that. ”
And he’s right, of course – photos of Bugattis in France or Italy or at Prescott nearly all show very well patinated cars, with frequent areas of rust, oil, mud, dirt and peeling paint – looking like they have only been wiped over with an Oily Rag.
So for your Teal to look authentic, should you ease off on the cleaning and add a bit of oil and mud? Paint the wire wheels black? Like some of the Bugattis below. Opinions please on the Discussion Forum…are you Shiny or Oily Rag?
thanks for the fine photo, Andy
If the oily rag look is really too much, you could always go to the other extreme, as they sometimes do in the USA: super shiny:
This Sunday, 24th April four Teals will be making their way to Bicester near Oxford on national drive-it weekend to the magnificent new Classic car centre on an old RAF airfield. The Teals will be driven by Angelo, David, Colin and Tim, and hopefully the day will generate some interesting experiences and photos, like last year when the classic quartet produced this enduring image:
Enjoy the day, chaps!
OOPS – PLAN B : Instead of turning right for Bicester on Sunday, David and Angelo turned left for Brooklands – and here their Teals are:
High Performance Machinery
King of Cornwall (John ‘Honey’ King by Wendy – Spider Run 2)
Something a bit special has happened on this website – we’ve received over 100,000 hits since startup. David Ward claims that most of those are his. But if he’s right, or if it’s 1000 people logging on to Teals 100 times, or 100 people a thousand times, I send my thanks to each one of you Teal lovers. Teals seem to produce an unique affection in owners and viewers alike. Long may it continue. Happy Tealing! Brian. 20th April 2016.
William of Stratford is much in the news recently, being his 400th anniversary. The wise Teal Owners Club often holds its AGM at Stratford, and Tealers wax poetic….
The immediate response from Tealer Wolfgang Knupfer in Germany is:
‘To Teal or not to Teal – not a question’
Bravo, Wolfang – sehr gut! Vielen danke, meinherr….
Wolfgang says there are a few snowflakes around in southern Germany, so his lovely Teal is still hibernating. Soon comes the Spring!
You’ve seen a Bugatti at Prescott roll on a sharp left-hander on the BOC hillclimb. You’re now on a country run, enjoying the day, approaching a narrow corner, going just a tad too fast and the thought springs into your mind – Oops, hope we don’t go over, I’ve no head protection… has this occurred to you? Worry not, the Teal is a flat, stable and fast cross country runner, with good cornering ability when driven sensibly….
Not convinced? Then try the special ROLL-SAFE bar (photo below) for open-top sporting machinery….
Not a thing of beauty? But a practical life-saver? But what about the wife? I’ve never seen one of these before on a Teal or Bugatti, have you? And while we’re at it IS this a Teal? Answers on the Discussion Forum, please.
What an odd question to ask, most Tealers will say; of course my Teal is clean – it’s my pride and joy, and I wash it and wax the bodywork and polish the shiny bits so I can be really proud of it… like the one above – what beautiful, simple, clean lines.
Of course – naturally. But respected and experienced Tealer Glen was chatting with a veteran Bugatti owner in Kent a few years ago, and he said:
” Teals are all well and good, and they look fine, except for one thing that lets them down – they’re too clean and shiny; you’ll rarely see a Bugatti looking like that. ”
And he’s right, of course – photos of Bugattis in France or Italy or at Prescott nearly all show very well patinated cars, with frequent areas of rust, oil, mud, dirt and peeling paint – looking like they have only been wiped over with an Oily Rag.
So for your Teal to look authentic, should you ease off on the cleaning and add a bit of oil and mud? Paint the wire wheels black? Like some of the Bugattis below. Opinions please on the Discussion Forum…are you Shiny or Oily Rag?
thanks for the fine photo, Andy
If the oily rag look is really too much, you could always go to the other extreme, as they sometimes do in the USA: super shiny:
This Sunday, 24th April four Teals will be making their way to Bicester near Oxford on national drive-it weekend to the magnificent new Classic car centre on an old RAF airfield. The Teals will be driven by Angelo, David, Colin and Tim, and hopefully the day will generate some interesting experiences and photos, like last year when the classic quartet produced this enduring image:
Enjoy the day, chaps!
OOPS – PLAN B : Instead of turning right for Bicester on Sunday, David and Angelo turned left for Brooklands – and here their Teals are:
High Performance Machinery
King of Cornwall (John ‘Honey’ King by Wendy – Spider Run 2)
Two of Cliff Sedman’s evocative postcards…
What Type of Cockpit is this beauty?
It’s the cockpit of a 1936 Bugatti Type 50 – I’d never seen one before – have you? (ps it seems reminiscent of the Alfa Romeos and Silver Arrows of the period, models of which I used to play with as a child – remember?)
A fine Teal Type 35 cockpit – two unusual things about this: the Altrincham on the steering wheel – and is that the spare on the driver’s side?
Remarkable, rare and lovely Teal Type 43 – at Altrincham…
Without words
I often feel that USA-based American replicas of Bugattis look heavy and overdone. But this beauty is a delight for the eyes. Agreed or not?
Fast Lady
Bugatti Type 51
Teal Type 35 Boat Tail in her natural habitat.
(Oh look, he’s left the handbrake off. Stop nitpicking, Brian)
Alfin Dummy Drums
Tealer Richard Ashton of East Anglia has arranged for the production of dummy drum covers for the front disc brakes of his lovely Type 35 boat-tail Teal…
The ALFIN drums are made from aluminium and are finned for heat dissipation as well as having an air vent to further assist cooling and brake efficiency. They are fitted with a cover on the outside to provide this view:
Richard hopes to write a piece on the Alfin drums for Teal Spiel, explaining the manufacture, cost and installation of the drums. Thank you, Richard – and bravo…
Welcome To The Dutch ORCA Car Club
Many Tealers will know that double Tealer Aaldert Postma and his colleagues from the ORCA car club based near Amsterdam are arriving in UK next week. This is a reciprocal visit to the Teal trip last Spring to view the lovely Tulip Fields of the Netherlands.
The ORCAs will be greeted and escorted from Harwich on Thursday 26th May by Tealer Richard Ashton on Day 1, and other Tealers hope to join the group. Here are our Dutch colleagues holding a picture of the Teals in Holland, with Aaldert supporting the right hand end:
More info on the ORCA route across southern England with 12 cars and 28 participants : Thu 26 May Harwich – Shuttleworth aircraft Museum at Old Warden – Tring. Fri 27th May Tring – Newbury- Andover-Southampton. Sat 28th May Golf/Beaulieu Car Museum/Shopping in Southampton. Sunday 29th May Southampton – Winchester – Brighton – Eastbourne. Monday 30th May Eastbourne-Tunbridge Wells – Colchester – Harwich.
This Dutch rally takes place around the same dates as La Vie En Bleu Teal rally at the Bugatti Owners’ Club at Prescott, Cheltenham, and the subsequent Shrophire/Wales rally – see for details.
On this occasion our Dutch friends are unlikely to meet a road sign quite like the one below; it’s from Yorkshire, of course. (thanks, Glen!)
Angelo and Antonio in their fine Teal Type 35 are waved off by Sterling Moss on a London-Brighton rally… iconic.
E-Type? What E-Type?
Tealers in Scottish Borders country admire Dr Hamish McLeod’s fine Teal Type 35 boat-tail....
Suitable for a Woman?
See Rupert’s comments about his and Jean’s Grasshopper on the Discussion Forum on the ongoing subject of whether a Teal (or a Bugatti) is a suitable car for a woman…
The delightful Teal Type 35 in question, with adjustable seats. Unique?
Mystery Power Source?
Harry and Carol have been cheerful and loyal Tealers for many years, joining rallies and social events from Scotland to Spain, and most places in between. They motor in a dark-green left-hand drive Ruska Bugatti Replica, showing a good turn of speed from point to point:
Which is strange, because when Harry was asked to show us the source of his considerable power(below)
It turned out to be a multi-purpose 750-Watt microwave oven. Lunch, anyone?
There has been much recent discussion in the press and celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday. Loyal Tealers all over the land have raised a quiet glass. Queen Elizabeth reciprocated, showing she was not too grand to greet some of her humblest citizens, and is seen below with a dozen humble Tealers:
Left to right (back row) :Phil, Pam,Bob,Sheila, Ron,H.M.Queen Elizabeth II, Glen, Maggie, Dot, Colin, Irene. Neil and Tommy kneel loyally in the foreground.
Wedding News
Neil and Pam Bridges’ impressive Teal Type 35 four-seater ‘Phoenix’finely decorated for a friend’s wedding….
Neil says one could make a fair living using a Teal four-seater for weddings, if it wasn’t for….
…the insurance costs. Doesn’t Phoenix look well in Oxford and Cambridge blue paintwork? The day was lovely and sunny, but you probably noticed in photo 1 that Neil had the wet-weather option covered near the spare wheel.
On another occasion in Cheshire Neil and Pam are seen arranging a hedge fund with Bob and Wendy….
before departing from Sorbie in style …
Cheerful Pam and Neil have owned at least three Teals and Mike King Bugatti Replicas, and are well-loved stalwarts of the Teal Owners’ Club rallies and social events. Neil is also a skilled pilot and musician. We salute them.
There are rumours that Teal owners also rather admire the Bugattis which inspired them. We are trying to track down the source of this story. This evidence recently emerged:
Ian, Cliff, June and Andy at Angouleme with Type 35
Gary Day’s immaculate early Teal Type 35
Pat Burns’ glorious aluminium Teal Type 35 in Wales (Spider Run 1)
Brigitte happily near Clun in deepest Shropshire (Spider Run 1 return)
Ok, it’s an Alfa, I think – same principle?
Teal or Bugatti – a suitable car for a woman?
Comments on the Teal Discussion Forum on this website, please…
Two of Cliff Sedman’s evocative postcards…
What Type of Cockpit is this beauty?
It’s the cockpit of a 1936 Bugatti Type 50 – I’d never seen one before – have you? (ps it seems reminiscent of the Alfa Romeos and Silver Arrows of the period, models of which I used to play with as a child – remember?)
A fine Teal Type 35 cockpit – two unusual things about this: the Altrincham on the steering wheel – and is that the spare on the driver’s side?
Remarkable, rare and lovely Teal Type 43 – at Altrincham…
Without words
I often feel that USA-based American replicas of Bugattis look heavy and overdone. But this beauty is a delight for the eyes. Agreed or not?
Fast Lady
Bugatti Type 51
Teal Type 35 Boat Tail in her natural habitat.
(Oh look, he’s left the handbrake off. Stop nitpicking, Brian)
Alfin Dummy Drums
Tealer Richard Ashton of East Anglia has arranged for the production of dummy drum covers for the front disc brakes of his lovely Type 35 boat-tail Teal…
The ALFIN drums are made from aluminium and are finned for heat dissipation as well as having an air vent to further assist cooling and brake efficiency. They are fitted with a cover on the outside to provide this view:
Richard hopes to write a piece on the Alfin drums for Teal Spiel, explaining the manufacture, cost and installation of the drums. Thank you, Richard – and bravo…
Welcome To The Dutch ORCA Car Club
Many Tealers will know that double Tealer Aaldert Postma and his colleagues from the ORCA car club based near Amsterdam are arriving in UK next week. This is a reciprocal visit to the Teal trip last Spring to view the lovely Tulip Fields of the Netherlands.
The ORCAs will be greeted and escorted from Harwich on Thursday 26th May by Tealer Richard Ashton on Day 1, and other Tealers hope to join the group. Here are our Dutch colleagues holding a picture of the Teals in Holland, with Aaldert supporting the right hand end:
More info on the ORCA route across southern England with 12 cars and 28 participants : Thu 26 May Harwich – Shuttleworth aircraft Museum at Old Warden – Tring. Fri 27th May Tring – Newbury- Andover-Southampton. Sat 28th May Golf/Beaulieu Car Museum/Shopping in Southampton. Sunday 29th May Southampton – Winchester – Brighton – Eastbourne. Monday 30th May Eastbourne-Tunbridge Wells – Colchester – Harwich.
This Dutch rally takes place around the same dates as La Vie En Bleu Teal rally at the Bugatti Owners’ Club at Prescott, Cheltenham, and the subsequent Shrophire/Wales rally – see for details.
On this occasion our Dutch friends are unlikely to meet a road sign quite like the one below; it’s from Yorkshire, of course. (thanks, Glen!)
Angelo and Antonio in their fine Teal Type 35 are waved off by Sterling Moss on a London-Brighton rally… iconic.
E-Type? What E-Type?
Tealers in Scottish Borders country admire Dr Hamish McLeod’s fine Teal Type 35 boat-tail....
Suitable for a Woman?
See Rupert’s comments about his and Jean’s Grasshopper on the Discussion Forum on the ongoing subject of whether a Teal (or a Bugatti) is a suitable car for a woman…
The delightful Teal Type 35 in question, with adjustable seats. Unique?
Mystery Power Source?
Harry and Carol have been cheerful and loyal Tealers for many years, joining rallies and social events from Scotland to Spain, and most places in between. They motor in a dark-green left-hand drive Ruska Bugatti Replica, showing a good turn of speed from point to point:
Which is strange, because when Harry was asked to show us the source of his considerable power(below)
It turned out to be a multi-purpose 750-Watt microwave oven. Lunch, anyone?
There has been much recent discussion in the press and celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday. Loyal Tealers all over the land have raised a quiet glass. Queen Elizabeth reciprocated, showing she was not too grand to greet some of her humblest citizens, and is seen below with a dozen humble Tealers:
Left to right (back row) :Phil, Pam,Bob,Sheila, Ron,H.M.Queen Elizabeth II, Glen, Maggie, Dot, Colin, Irene. Neil and Tommy kneel loyally in the foreground.
Wedding News
Neil and Pam Bridges’ impressive Teal Type 35 four-seater ‘Phoenix’finely decorated for a friend’s wedding….
Neil says one could make a fair living using a Teal four-seater for weddings, if it wasn’t for….
…the insurance costs. Doesn’t Phoenix look well in Oxford and Cambridge blue paintwork? The day was lovely and sunny, but you probably noticed in photo 1 that Neil had the wet-weather option covered near the spare wheel.
On another occasion in Cheshire Neil and Pam are seen arranging a hedge fund with Bob and Wendy….
before departing from Sorbie in style …
Cheerful Pam and Neil have owned at least three Teals and Mike King Bugatti Replicas, and are well-loved stalwarts of the Teal Owners’ Club rallies and social events. Neil is also a skilled pilot and musician. We salute them.
There are rumours that Teal owners also rather admire the Bugattis which inspired them. We are trying to track down the source of this story. This evidence recently emerged:
Ian, Cliff, June and Andy at Angouleme with Type 35
Gary Day’s immaculate early Teal Type 35
Pat Burns’ glorious aluminium Teal Type 35 in Wales (Spider Run 1)
Brigitte happily near Clun in deepest Shropshire (Spider Run 1 return)
Ok, it’s an Alfa, I think – same principle?
Teal or Bugatti – a suitable car for a woman?
Comments on the Teal Discussion Forum on this website, please…
Two of Cliff Sedman’s evocative postcards…
What Type of Cockpit is this beauty?
It’s the cockpit of a 1936 Bugatti Type 50 – I’d never seen one before – have you? (ps it seems reminiscent of the Alfa Romeos and Silver Arrows of the period, models of which I used to play with as a child – remember?)
A fine Teal Type 35 cockpit – two unusual things about this: the Altrincham on the steering wheel – and is that the spare on the driver’s side?
Remarkable, rare and lovely Teal Type 43 – at Altrincham…
Without words
I often feel that USA-based American replicas of Bugattis look heavy and overdone. But this beauty is a delight for the eyes. Agreed or not?
Fast Lady
Bugatti Type 51
Teal Type 35 Boat Tail in her natural habitat.
(Oh look, he’s left the handbrake off. Stop nitpicking, Brian)
Alfin Dummy Drums
Tealer Richard Ashton of East Anglia has arranged for the production of dummy drum covers for the front disc brakes of his lovely Type 35 boat-tail Teal…
The ALFIN drums are made from aluminium and are finned for heat dissipation as well as having an air vent to further assist cooling and brake efficiency. They are fitted with a cover on the outside to provide this view:
Richard hopes to write a piece on the Alfin drums for Teal Spiel, explaining the manufacture, cost and installation of the drums. Thank you, Richard – and bravo…
Welcome To The Dutch ORCA Car Club
Many Tealers will know that double Tealer Aaldert Postma and his colleagues from the ORCA car club based near Amsterdam are arriving in UK next week. This is a reciprocal visit to the Teal trip last Spring to view the lovely Tulip Fields of the Netherlands.
The ORCAs will be greeted and escorted from Harwich on Thursday 26th May by Tealer Richard Ashton on Day 1, and other Tealers hope to join the group. Here are our Dutch colleagues holding a picture of the Teals in Holland, with Aaldert supporting the right hand end:
More info on the ORCA route across southern England with 12 cars and 28 participants : Thu 26 May Harwich – Shuttleworth aircraft Museum at Old Warden – Tring. Fri 27th May Tring – Newbury- Andover-Southampton. Sat 28th May Golf/Beaulieu Car Museum/Shopping in Southampton. Sunday 29th May Southampton – Winchester – Brighton – Eastbourne. Monday 30th May Eastbourne-Tunbridge Wells – Colchester – Harwich.
This Dutch rally takes place around the same dates as La Vie En Bleu Teal rally at the Bugatti Owners’ Club at Prescott, Cheltenham, and the subsequent Shrophire/Wales rally – see for details.
On this occasion our Dutch friends are unlikely to meet a road sign quite like the one below; it’s from Yorkshire, of course. (thanks, Glen!)
Angelo and Antonio in their fine Teal Type 35 are waved off by Sterling Moss on a London-Brighton rally… iconic.
E-Type? What E-Type?
Tealers in Scottish Borders country admire Dr Hamish McLeod’s fine Teal Type 35 boat-tail....
Suitable for a Woman?
See Rupert’s comments about his and Jean’s Grasshopper on the Discussion Forum on the ongoing subject of whether a Teal (or a Bugatti) is a suitable car for a woman…
The delightful Teal Type 35 in question, with adjustable seats. Unique?
Mystery Power Source?
Harry and Carol have been cheerful and loyal Tealers for many years, joining rallies and social events from Scotland to Spain, and most places in between. They motor in a dark-green left-hand drive Ruska Bugatti Replica, showing a good turn of speed from point to point:
Which is strange, because when Harry was asked to show us the source of his considerable power(below)
It turned out to be a multi-purpose 750-Watt microwave oven. Lunch, anyone?
There has been much recent discussion in the press and celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday. Loyal Tealers all over the land have raised a quiet glass. Queen Elizabeth reciprocated, showing she was not too grand to greet some of her humblest citizens, and is seen below with a dozen humble Tealers:
Left to right (back row) :Phil, Pam,Bob,Sheila, Ron,H.M.Queen Elizabeth II, Glen, Maggie, Dot, Colin, Irene. Neil and Tommy kneel loyally in the foreground.
Wedding News
Neil and Pam Bridges’ impressive Teal Type 35 four-seater ‘Phoenix’finely decorated for a friend’s wedding….
Neil says one could make a fair living using a Teal four-seater for weddings, if it wasn’t for….
…the insurance costs. Doesn’t Phoenix look well in Oxford and Cambridge blue paintwork? The day was lovely and sunny, but you probably noticed in photo 1 that Neil had the wet-weather option covered near the spare wheel.
On another occasion in Cheshire Neil and Pam are seen arranging a hedge fund with Bob and Wendy….
before departing from Sorbie in style …
Cheerful Pam and Neil have owned at least three Teals and Mike King Bugatti Replicas, and are well-loved stalwarts of the Teal Owners’ Club rallies and social events. Neil is also a skilled pilot and musician. We salute them.
There are rumours that Teal owners also rather admire the Bugattis which inspired them. We are trying to track down the source of this story. This evidence recently emerged:
Ian, Cliff, June and Andy at Angouleme with Type 35
Gary Day’s immaculate early Teal Type 35
Pat Burns’ glorious aluminium Teal Type 35 in Wales (Spider Run 1)
Brigitte happily near Clun in deepest Shropshire (Spider Run 1 return)
Ok, it’s an Alfa, I think – same principle?
Teal or Bugatti – a suitable car for a woman?
Comments on the Teal Discussion Forum on this website, please…
Two of Cliff Sedman’s evocative postcards…
What Type of Cockpit is this beauty?
It’s the cockpit of a 1936 Bugatti Type 50 – I’d never seen one before – have you? (ps it seems reminiscent of the Alfa Romeos and Silver Arrows of the period, models of which I used to play with as a child – remember?)
A fine Teal Type 35 cockpit – two unusual things about this: the Altrincham on the steering wheel – and is that the spare on the driver’s side?
Remarkable, rare and lovely Teal Type 43 – at Altrincham…
Without words
I often feel that USA-based American replicas of Bugattis look heavy and overdone. But this beauty is a delight for the eyes. Agreed or not?
Fast Lady
Bugatti Type 51
Teal Type 35 Boat Tail in her natural habitat.
(Oh look, he’s left the handbrake off. Stop nitpicking, Brian)
Alfin Dummy Drums
Tealer Richard Ashton of East Anglia has arranged for the production of dummy drum covers for the front disc brakes of his lovely Type 35 boat-tail Teal…
The ALFIN drums are made from aluminium and are finned for heat dissipation as well as having an air vent to further assist cooling and brake efficiency. They are fitted with a cover on the outside to provide this view:
Richard hopes to write a piece on the Alfin drums for Teal Spiel, explaining the manufacture, cost and installation of the drums. Thank you, Richard – and bravo…
Welcome To The Dutch ORCA Car Club
Many Tealers will know that double Tealer Aaldert Postma and his colleagues from the ORCA car club based near Amsterdam are arriving in UK next week. This is a reciprocal visit to the Teal trip last Spring to view the lovely Tulip Fields of the Netherlands.
The ORCAs will be greeted and escorted from Harwich on Thursday 26th May by Tealer Richard Ashton on Day 1, and other Tealers hope to join the group. Here are our Dutch colleagues holding a picture of the Teals in Holland, with Aaldert supporting the right hand end:
More info on the ORCA route across southern England with 12 cars and 28 participants : Thu 26 May Harwich – Shuttleworth aircraft Museum at Old Warden – Tring. Fri 27th May Tring – Newbury- Andover-Southampton. Sat 28th May Golf/Beaulieu Car Museum/Shopping in Southampton. Sunday 29th May Southampton – Winchester – Brighton – Eastbourne. Monday 30th May Eastbourne-Tunbridge Wells – Colchester – Harwich.
This Dutch rally takes place around the same dates as La Vie En Bleu Teal rally at the Bugatti Owners’ Club at Prescott, Cheltenham, and the subsequent Shrophire/Wales rally – see for details.
On this occasion our Dutch friends are unlikely to meet a road sign quite like the one below; it’s from Yorkshire, of course. (thanks, Glen!)
Angelo and Antonio in their fine Teal Type 35 are waved off by Sterling Moss on a London-Brighton rally… iconic.
E-Type? What E-Type?
Tealers in Scottish Borders country admire Dr Hamish McLeod’s fine Teal Type 35 boat-tail....
Suitable for a Woman?
See Rupert’s comments about his and Jean’s Grasshopper on the Discussion Forum on the ongoing subject of whether a Teal (or a Bugatti) is a suitable car for a woman…
The delightful Teal Type 35 in question, with adjustable seats. Unique?
Mystery Power Source?
Harry and Carol have been cheerful and loyal Tealers for many years, joining rallies and social events from Scotland to Spain, and most places in between. They motor in a dark-green left-hand drive Ruska Bugatti Replica, showing a good turn of speed from point to point:
Which is strange, because when Harry was asked to show us the source of his considerable power(below)
It turned out to be a multi-purpose 750-Watt microwave oven. Lunch, anyone?
There has been much recent discussion in the press and celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday. Loyal Tealers all over the land have raised a quiet glass. Queen Elizabeth reciprocated, showing she was not too grand to greet some of her humblest citizens, and is seen below with a dozen humble Tealers:
Left to right (back row) :Phil, Pam,Bob,Sheila, Ron,H.M.Queen Elizabeth II, Glen, Maggie, Dot, Colin, Irene. Neil and Tommy kneel loyally in the foreground.
Wedding News
Neil and Pam Bridges’ impressive Teal Type 35 four-seater ‘Phoenix’finely decorated for a friend’s wedding….
Neil says one could make a fair living using a Teal four-seater for weddings, if it wasn’t for….
…the insurance costs. Doesn’t Phoenix look well in Oxford and Cambridge blue paintwork? The day was lovely and sunny, but you probably noticed in photo 1 that Neil had the wet-weather option covered near the spare wheel.
On another occasion in Cheshire Neil and Pam are seen arranging a hedge fund with Bob and Wendy….
before departing from Sorbie in style …
Cheerful Pam and Neil have owned at least three Teals and Mike King Bugatti Replicas, and are well-loved stalwarts of the Teal Owners’ Club rallies and social events. Neil is also a skilled pilot and musician. We salute them.
There are rumours that Teal owners also rather admire the Bugattis which inspired them. We are trying to track down the source of this story. This evidence recently emerged:
Ian, Cliff, June and Andy at Angouleme with Type 35
Gary Day’s immaculate early Teal Type 35
Pat Burns’ glorious aluminium Teal Type 35 in Wales (Spider Run 1)
Brigitte happily near Clun in deepest Shropshire (Spider Run 1 return)
Ok, it’s an Alfa, I think – same principle?
Teal or Bugatti – a suitable car for a woman?
Comments on the Teal Discussion Forum on this website, please…
Two of Cliff Sedman’s evocative postcards…
What Type of Cockpit is this beauty?
It’s the cockpit of a 1936 Bugatti Type 50 – I’d never seen one before – have you? (ps it seems reminiscent of the Alfa Romeos and Silver Arrows of the period, models of which I used to play with as a child – remember?)
A fine Teal Type 35 cockpit – two unusual things about this: the Altrincham on the steering wheel – and is that the spare on the driver’s side?
Remarkable, rare and lovely Teal Type 43 – at Altrincham…
Without words
I often feel that USA-based American replicas of Bugattis look heavy and overdone. But this beauty is a delight for the eyes. Agreed or not?
Fast Lady
Bugatti Type 51
Teal Type 35 Boat Tail in her natural habitat.
(Oh look, he’s left the handbrake off. Stop nitpicking, Brian)
Alfin Dummy Drums
Tealer Richard Ashton of East Anglia has arranged for the production of dummy drum covers for the front disc brakes of his lovely Type 35 boat-tail Teal…
The ALFIN drums are made from aluminium and are finned for heat dissipation as well as having an air vent to further assist cooling and brake efficiency. They are fitted with a cover on the outside to provide this view:
Richard hopes to write a piece on the Alfin drums for Teal Spiel, explaining the manufacture, cost and installation of the drums. Thank you, Richard – and bravo…
Welcome To The Dutch ORCA Car Club
Many Tealers will know that double Tealer Aaldert Postma and his colleagues from the ORCA car club based near Amsterdam are arriving in UK next week. This is a reciprocal visit to the Teal trip last Spring to view the lovely Tulip Fields of the Netherlands.
The ORCAs will be greeted and escorted from Harwich on Thursday 26th May by Tealer Richard Ashton on Day 1, and other Tealers hope to join the group. Here are our Dutch colleagues holding a picture of the Teals in Holland, with Aaldert supporting the right hand end:
More info on the ORCA route across southern England with 12 cars and 28 participants : Thu 26 May Harwich – Shuttleworth aircraft Museum at Old Warden – Tring. Fri 27th May Tring – Newbury- Andover-Southampton. Sat 28th May Golf/Beaulieu Car Museum/Shopping in Southampton. Sunday 29th May Southampton – Winchester – Brighton – Eastbourne. Monday 30th May Eastbourne-Tunbridge Wells – Colchester – Harwich.
This Dutch rally takes place around the same dates as La Vie En Bleu Teal rally at the Bugatti Owners’ Club at Prescott, Cheltenham, and the subsequent Shrophire/Wales rally – see for details.
On this occasion our Dutch friends are unlikely to meet a road sign quite like the one below; it’s from Yorkshire, of course. (thanks, Glen!)
Angelo and Antonio in their fine Teal Type 35 are waved off by Sterling Moss on a London-Brighton rally… iconic.
E-Type? What E-Type?
Tealers in Scottish Borders country admire Dr Hamish McLeod’s fine Teal Type 35 boat-tail....
Suitable for a Woman?
See Rupert’s comments about his and Jean’s Grasshopper on the Discussion Forum on the ongoing subject of whether a Teal (or a Bugatti) is a suitable car for a woman…
The delightful Teal Type 35 in question, with adjustable seats. Unique?
Mystery Power Source?
Harry and Carol have been cheerful and loyal Tealers for many years, joining rallies and social events from Scotland to Spain, and most places in between. They motor in a dark-green left-hand drive Ruska Bugatti Replica, showing a good turn of speed from point to point:
Which is strange, because when Harry was asked to show us the source of his considerable power(below)
It turned out to be a multi-purpose 750-Watt microwave oven. Lunch, anyone?
There has been much recent discussion in the press and celebration of Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday. Loyal Tealers all over the land have raised a quiet glass. Queen Elizabeth reciprocated, showing she was not too grand to greet some of her humblest citizens, and is seen below with a dozen humble Tealers:
Left to right (back row) :Phil, Pam,Bob,Sheila, Ron,H.M.Queen Elizabeth II, Glen, Maggie, Dot, Colin, Irene. Neil and Tommy kneel loyally in the foreground.
Wedding News
Neil and Pam Bridges’ impressive Teal Type 35 four-seater ‘Phoenix’finely decorated for a friend’s wedding….
Neil says one could make a fair living using a Teal four-seater for weddings, if it wasn’t for….
…the insurance costs. Doesn’t Phoenix look well in Oxford and Cambridge blue paintwork? The day was lovely and sunny, but you probably noticed in photo 1 that Neil had the wet-weather option covered near the spare wheel.
On another occasion in Cheshire Neil and Pam are seen arranging a hedge fund with Bob and Wendy….
before departing from Sorbie in style …
Cheerful Pam and Neil have owned at least three Teals and Mike King Bugatti Replicas, and are well-loved stalwarts of the Teal Owners’ Club rallies and social events. Neil is also a skilled pilot and musician. We salute them.
There are rumours that Teal owners also rather admire the Bugattis which inspired them. We are trying to track down the source of this story. This evidence recently emerged:
Ian, Cliff, June and Andy at Angouleme with Type 35
Gary Day’s immaculate early Teal Type 35
Pat Burns’ glorious aluminium Teal Type 35 in Wales (Spider Run 1)
Brigitte happily near Clun in deepest Shropshire (Spider Run 1 return)
Ok, it’s an Alfa, I think – same principle?
Teal or Bugatti – a suitable car for a woman?
Comments on the Teal Discussion Forum on this website, please…
Last Updated on 8 months by Admin