The Teal news items on this page were moved from their original positions on Page 1 to make room for more news there. If you wish, have a browse – there are lots of diverse snipits of Teal-related activity…



Dot and Phil





Kentish Summer – Route Planning 






Kentish Summer – Sharon and David 






Kent  Butterfly

(on Grasshopper – see below)





Kent Summer – Ancient and Modern






There’s a Teal Type 35 coming up for auction at Baron’s on the 15th December.  It’s our Teal of the Week No 56, once owned by Jez Hermer of Poole.  Here are a few more photos… 







 You might like to read more about this sporty Teal Type 35 at Baron’s website…





…including the guide price, which might make you blink twice, of £37,000 to £45,000 .


The Teal News 10 page (see index at  left) records the rather different asking price  for this Teal in summer 2015


Thank you Adli and David for the auction info…



See you all on Sunday at The Teal Christmas party at the Barns Hotel,  Cocksparrow Lane,  Cannock,  Staffs WS12 4PB  at 1300  –  Tealers United…


Monday 30th afternote:   A great get-together at Cannock with 50 Tealers and partners together, from north, south and midlands –  and the Netherlands (thanks Aaaldert and Willy – great to see you – hope the channel wasn’t too windy and rough today).  There was banter, food, wine, hugs, Bob Mills’ speech and happiest of all Mr Teal,  Bob Jones, was there, the creator of all Teal aluminium cars, visionary, designer, maker  and salesman –  terrific to see you and your wife, Bob.

The Teal Owners’ Club is in good spirits… looking forward to some winter fettling on the cars,  and a happy spring launch ( and probably lunch!). 



An Attractive  Garden Project 




I’m not at all sure where these photos came from. Did you send them to Sky Blue Teal?  Anyway, they’ve appeared in my computer inbox and they appear to show someone building himself a Bugatti in the garden while the wife does the weeding. Good plan.















Is this your garden (and project)?  If so, good for you – please send us updated photos… thanks.














Bob Mills’ Red Baron (TOW No 9) and Roger de Havilland’s Gigi (now owned by Hector Martin) 






The handsome Red Baron(TOW 9) (and handsome Bob…) 













Sue and Howard’s Toad – Ambleside 

(TOW No 46) 








Ramsey at Prescott 

(TOW No 6) 







Brian Cunningham’s red East Anglian beauty on  Spider Run 1

 (TOW No 104) 






The other Red Baron, for sale in Germany five years ago 

(TOW No 91) 







Bob Drewett at speed 

(TOW No 88) 







Phil Calver’s  Sussex Beauty  

(TOW No 90) 







Aaldert’s delicious period  Teal Type 43 in The Netherlands 


(TOW No 126) 








Meanwhile in St John’s,  Nova Scotia our fellow Teal Owners’ Club member Greg Ross is building himself a handsome and powerful  (and red)   IRONSMITH BUGATTI replica… look forward to seeing her on the road when the snow thaws, Greg. She’s a beauty.
















 VW Rear End (thanks Aaldert!)




















 Blackpool Class














Mike Astill at Sorbie
















Showtime, Wiston, Sussex 










Andy and June, Amberley Sunlight 















Belgian Teal Type 35 












Invisible Man – thanks to the website PreWarCar 








 Far horizons;  the winding road ahead…










Woodland Beauty 




















Cheshire Pit 










Teal Type 35: Badges 













Tealers might be amused to see a substantial Bugatti model that’s recently been saved from an antique shop in Lewes, Sussex…






She’s made of heavy GRP, is 27 inches long, with the driver sitting 11 inches high, the robust tyres of the wire wheels are made of  rubber,  and the wheels roll smoothly…






The ruler in the photo above is 24 inches long…













She’s a pretty impressive size and reasonably heavy, and might not be fully welcome in among the fine porcelain  in the drawing room; but for a den, a workshop or a garage she’s a delight.   We’ve spotted them rarely on the internet at about £450-£500, which is a rather (very?) high figure.  But if any Teal/Bugatti enthusiast would like this beauty  for Christmas for about £170, send an email to  titled Bugatti Model.

















Stylish Dutch Tealer Aaldert Postma takes  a ride with his grandson in their lovely Teal Type 35; and also while their Teal is parked checks out a VW-based replica opposite.  For lots  more photos of Aaldert’s Teal 35 and also  his fine Teal Type 43, see Teals of the Week Nos 71 and 126 at Index on left.










Tealers know how much there is to admire about their cars, but even the most ardent fan would admit that storage space on longer trips is a bit short in a Type 35, and even more so in a slender, speedy Type 59.  In the past some Tealers have overcome the problem by designing boot racks for their Teals, usually without needing to drill into their beautiful boat-tails… here are three: 





 Ian Alecock’s ingenious Cumbrian design – also below 







Ian Alecock’s Teal (left) and Stuart Whitworth’s with dodgy cargo in Angouleme 






 The Mike Birch Type 59







David Brown, owner of the lovely Teal Type 59 TEA159 is working on a  bootrack design for his  beauty.  Good luck, David – would love to see the end result when complete.








I’ve opened a new page of this website covering Teal Type 35 four-seaters specifically. These can now be found at Page 6 of this website (see index left) .  More will shortly be added, such as this beauty below (thanks, Chris):







Please note:  much Teal news and  information has recently been moved (Nov 2015) to the ‘Teal News 11 from July 2015‘ page of this website, where some of your favourite photos may now be residing. You’re right, that page is now getting pretty full – I’ll start a new Teal News 12 page shortly… Why not have a look at page 11 meanwhile – page index is on the left of this page.  






 Magnificent Teal Type 35 B






A few months ago Tealer and Londoner  Adli Halabi  had his car serviced in Egham at David Ward’s Teal-friendly garage.    This Teal  just happens to be one of the finest ever built, by skilled engineer Philip Searle, over several years in the early 2000s, using the finest-quality components,  with no expense spared…




 35B suspension




6C/2500cc Triumph 










Braking (photo above and photo below) 









Admirer Angelo 










Creator of this Teal Type 35 B: Philip Searle 


Adli’s  Teal Type 35B is often mistaken in London for a true 1930s Bugatti – one can see why.  She’s a work of art, no less.


Thank you Adli, David and  Angelo 


For several months in 2009 this fine Teal was owned by John Williams of Wiltshire, who had bought if from Philip Searle. John kindly gave your correspondent a photoshoot for this website – and a spin in the country, so here are a few more photos of the Teal then: 













A total joy… 







The Cumbria region has had a bit of a pasting from the weather these past weeks; but Cumberland and Westmorland folk are hardy creatures, and they are restoring their lovely towns and countryside. Our local Tealers Ian and Lavinia have always enjoyed their Tealing in England, Scotland, France and Spain. Here are two photos of Ian and Lavinia having fun…

…Ian and Lavinia are not the only Tealers in Cumbria – don’t forget cheerful Roger and Carola Frank of Orton, with semi-automatic steering on their four seater…..

and lovely Maggie Foster, wife of the founder of Teal Cars, Ian Foster, and their fine sons in Newton …

With best wishes to all Cumbrian Tealers for a happy (and dry) Christmas, and season’s greetings to Tealers everywhere…


Tealers Sue and Howard, and their lovely TOAD moved to Pocklington, near York. Here are some detailed images of the wily amphibian:


The Blue Beast in Wales. Suzi and Dave’s Blue Beast used to belong to her parents, John and Pat Elwell. John was a pioneer Tealer, and founded the Teal Owners’ Club in 1987. Suzi, the Editor of our Club magazine Teal Spiel, is even now (12 Dec) slaving over the December edition for Christmas publication and posting by Pat. Below is John Elwell in an earlier (1988) photo of Blue Beast without the carburettor bulge…






Delightful Bugattis 


It’s a dog’s life in my Belgian Type 13/23 Brescia, and…

It’s not all fun in mine either …

….or in my Type 35 (nice handbag, Pierre)

A convenient place to rest the toolbox (Type 51??)

What a dark beauty (Type 51)….and

another: 1926 Type 37 ‘Monoposto’ with two seats.

early prototype T35 with original Bugatti (Ettore)


After all those lovely Bugatti’s, here’s a contender for Teal Photo of The Year:

The photo is by Antonio deSouza and shows his dad Angelo’s much-photographed Teal Type 35 (‘Pur Sang’), often seen at Brooklands, Goodwood, Prescott and Bicester, and David Ward’s terrific supercharged Teal Type 35 ‘DNA’ also well known at the great motor-racing centres.

These Tealers, amongst several others, do much to keep the name of Teal in the public eye and respected in the sporting motoring community, and Antonio has the knack of catching evocative photo images. Thanks to all three.





Tealers Andrew and Jane Smith of Buckinghamshire are the owners of this pretty Teal Type 35 boat tail, and sometimes lend it to Santa – and they’re also not averse to taking it out for a run in the lovely Chiltern Hills, after snow…

Thanks for the photos, Andrew and Jane – and for lending your Teal to Santa (below)

A Question:

Should a Teal be just for Summer?









Welcome to:


The website for lovers of the remarkable Teal marque

Oriental Wisdom






Whoops – forgot to put the handbrake on…

Slender beauty – port side

Teal Wheel (thanks, Antonio...)



Someone sent me this photo of a car they spotted, asking if it was a Teal. It isn’t, but what on earth is it? A restoration of a classic? An abandoned kit car project? What do you think? Here’s another photo which might help considerably:

Any thoughts? Do you have one at home like this? Tidied up it looks like it could be an attractive car. Marlin? Alfa? Suggestions please on the Teal Forum…

UPDATE: 28th December 2015: Ian Ayre of Kit Car Magazine and author of ‘The Kit Car Manual’ has written in on the Teal Forum to say that this sporting car is probably a LEOPARD CRAFT, made in Salisbury, Wiltshire. See the Teal Forum on this website for further info…


We’ve also had this photo sent in of a rather lovely machine…

Apparently it’s a Dunsmore Special – have you seen one? Here’s the badge:

A most handsome machine, the Dunsmore, evocative of that great era of sporting motoring, the early 1930s, don’t you think? Anyone know where, when, how many were made?

What about this one:

It’s a Fergus Mosquito, replica of a 1930 s Aston Martin Ulster; Tealer Keith Lidgerwood had one (a Mosquito, that is). Here he is:
















Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown