The latest news of Teals from July 2015, moved from Page 1
There’s a top-of-the-range Teal Type 35B for sale at Total Head Turners in Essex. She’s a real beauty, built by Keith Lidgerwood in Cheshire with input from Bob Jones, then to Yorkshire and later of Scotland (till May 15), now on the forecourt in Essex…
This appears to be a top quality Teal, a rare example of the Type 35B, with the lowered suspension and the Triumph 6C/2500 motor. The Tealer who drives this away will be a lucky chap indeed (and a wealthy one – Total Head Turners are asking £49K +) ; to join the Teal Owners’ Club, contact our membership secretary at Dot.massey You’ll be very welcome.
Note: This is Teal Of The Week No 57 on this Website
Ok, OK, they’re actually two fine and well-known four-seater Teal Type 35 Tourers, called Captain Sensible (left) and Phoenix parked up at weekend accommodation last week in the north-east of England – travel in style and comfort, with weather protection if (when) needed; this could either be at Skegness (Lincolnshire) or by the East coast of Yorkshire… Could Glen or Neil please update me. Thanks!
Captain Sensible writes, in inimitable and informative style:
‘ The sunny photos of Teals were taken at Sutton on Sea, which is near Mablethorpe, Lincs. On Sun 5th July Neil and Pam Britches and the Sensibles had a meet with George Rainsford, exiled Frenchman and Dustin Hoffman look alike, and the man with a picture in the attic, the youthful Thomas Gunz.( Where’s Tommy? )
We trundled around looking for hills but settled for brief but heavy rain followed by lunch and a surprise visit to the Maltby Le Marsh car and motorbike show.
Once again it was happenstance. As we drove through the village we spotted the bikes and as soon as we stopped we were invited in to the show field.The sun came out and we spent a convivial hour chatting and looking at a nice mix of cars and bikes before carrying on back to our bijou residence.
Everyone seems to like our cars ‘
In a nutshell, with humour – thanks, Glen, as ever..
Below: Tommy Gunz tries the vertical steering option on his Teal 35(was he once a sailor?), while George Rainsford’s green Teal shows that 20 years in France only enrichens your patina, and Neil’s Phoenix escorts Maggie and her Sensible Captain. Teals all, unique, well-loved, full of character and loving coastal Lincolnshire (like their owners).
Dot and Phil Massey were returning along the M6 in slow traffic because of road works last week when a car pulled alongside and started photographing their lovely Teal (naturally) ; that driver arrived home, looked up Teal/Bugatti on line, found this Teal website, traced Dot’s email address (Membership Secretary of the TOC) and emailed her these photos of the happy Tealers… was he a detective? Quite possibly…..
This Teal and
This one, and
this Teal
and these Teals
were all inspired by
These Bugattis, Type 35B, Type 51 and Type 59
At the end of June there was a considerable Teal gathering (with considerable Tealers) at Hawes for some splendid runs through the Pennines on the Lancashire/Yorkshire borders in God’s Own Country… Here’s the view of Tommy’s backside (and others) from Neil and Pam Bridges’ Teal Phoenix, as Phil opens one of many sheep gates out on the Moors…
Four-Seater The Red Baron (TOC Chairman Bob Mills) on Pole next to Phoenix and five fine two-seater Teal Type 35s beyond – a sight to gladden any enthusiast’s eye …
How many Tealers does it take to change an 18-inch Wire Wheel? About five. Meanwhile Irené keeps cool under her sunshade and Colin enjoys Puddle Jumper.
Cheerful Tealers relax with a glass of lemonade.
Many Tealers will recognize bearded George Rainsford and lovely Helen, back (with their Teal) from living in France; see George’s own page on this website, with excellent photos of Teals in France and Spain over the past 25 years. Welcome home to Blighty…..
Over the hills and far away….
Pam and Neil, who kindly sent the Hawes Run photos to our Sky Blue Teal website, speed across the North Yorkshire Moors in the delightful Phoenix Teal Type 35 four-seater – thanks, folks – it looks like a memorable trip…
Many Teal Owners’ Club members will recall our delightful Tealing adventures with our much-respected and treasured Tealer friends Neil and Vicky Ramsay…last year they sold the lovely Vital Spark and purchased the equally-lovely (sorry, folks) Morgan Plus Four which they now drive. In recent weeks Neil and Vicky have enjoyed a great 3000-mile adventure in Italy and the French Alps, as these photos attest – she’s a beauty, with a rather special rear luggage box for bags (with brake light) – and an individual number plate for Rambo! More please…
Photos: Vicky
Notable Teal-builder and francophile Dave Bellis yesterday (29.6.15) brought his delightful newly-rebuilt Onyx to David Ward’s garage for final checkout before progressing to France for last details to be completed. She’s a complete gem – as near-looking a Bugatti Type 37 as you can get without the breath of Ettore himself on her. Have a look for yourself, and see what you think:
The black colour really suits the bodywork, I feel; now with a little French mud and oil on her, might she be admired at Angouleme next year? Bravo, builders Dave and John, and David Ward at Egham.
David Ward checks with Molsheim whether a car more beautiful than a 1929 Bugatti Type 37 is allowed on the roads…
David Ward and justifiably-proud owner Dave Bellis check out the Onyx systems
The full story (nearly) of the splendid Teal push to Spain and Portugal under Jean and Rupert’s guidance will be revealed in Teal Spiel for Teal Owners’ Club members in two weeks’ time (mid July). In the meantime here are few pictures to whet your appetite for endless blue skies, open roads, fine scenery and delicious sporting cars…
Teal Clubhouse (Iberia Branch)
Thanks June and Andy for these photos, and we look forward to Teal Spiel – to secure your copy join the Club by emailing You’ll be most welcome.
Calais Town Hall with Teals – 1997
Teals at Saumur on the Loire, en route to Angouleme, Sep ’08
The French Connection
Tealer Dave Bellis in France parks his Onyx outside his barn – between two large German machines…
and Dave goes to the Cashpoint:
Dave plans to have his magnificent Onyx painted dark blue in the next few weeks.
One of the delights of the Teal is the high quality of the fittings. What do I mean? Well, one example is the catches which hold the bonnet shut on each side – they’re a pleasure to look at, I think, and also to use. They vary from car to car, of course, like most things Teal, but here’s one example (pull down, sprung loaded) :
The wiring’s pretty neat too… Here’s another view:
below: almost an abstract work of art?
Cockpits vary widely, but a typical Teal cockpit (if it exists) might look something like this:
but many Tealers seek a Bugatti-style steering wheel something like this:
This beautifully-simple dashboard belongs to Bob Barrett’s Teal – and his whole Teal Type 35 boat-tail has simple, elegant, understated, classic lines – see below.
Jeff Turner’s Teal 35 has an elegant dashboard, higher than average cockpit comings (like Andy Dutton’s) and a fine Bugatti-type steering wheel (like Andy Dutton’s!) . Two beauties.
More Teal fittings and details to come – watch this space, please…
The Great Teal Adventure – Neil and Pam head South
On Sunday last 13 Sept Neil and Pam were lined up at Portsmouth to join the ferry for France, next to an MGA, and with Jan and Cliff there to see them off. The forecast was not good. It got worse. Here’s a Neil’s-eye view of driving near Mont St Michel in Normandy last week…
It’s lucky that their lovely ‘Phoenix’ is a Teal Type 35 four-seater with hood and wipers… and these fine Sheffield Tealers (hardy types) celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary in a restaurant close to Mont St Michel…they then headed south along the Loire to Saumur, and are pressing on towards the sun (hopefully) and Tealers Dave and Jacqui Bellis’ residence ( in Deux Sevres, also the home of their lovely Onyx), where drying out (externally) may be a priority… Below: Phoenix in Normandy
Watch this space for more news of our intrepid Tealers.
Update Friday 18th Sep: the sun has come out in France (sshhh says Neil) and Phoenix is drying out ( as are Neil and Pam Bridges…):
A Touch of Glamour
Still heading south to Tealers Dave and Jacqui Bellis’s home in Deux Sevres, Pam Bridges, the girl with film-star good looks, brings us a touch of glamour from France Midi among the sunflowers. Stop Press (21/9): they’ve arrived, and Neil’s been out with Dave in the gorgeous Onyx for a spin. They didn’t spin, but had a happy trip…
Neil and Pam have enjoyed Tealers Dave and Jacqui’s hospitality in central France – and secure parking (below) – guess who’s building a new barn after knocking the old one down a few months ago? Dave had lots of hardcore. After Angouleme on the Saturday and a medieval jousting and feasting tournament on the Sunday, Neil and Pam headed back (22/9) through blizzard and rain to damp but lovely Normandy, and arrived home to (equally damp) Yorkshire on Tuesday 23rd (late). Phoenix, Pam and Neil completed 1500 miles without missing a beat, but their feet are now well and truly webbed. Until the next time, Neil writes. They’re made of sturdy stuff up north – pure Sheffield steel.
Any Tealer interested in dozens of historic photos of terrific Bugattis might like to copy and paste the following link into their browser:
Strongly recommended by Teal Owners’ Club member Greg Ross in Newfoundland, and heartily endorsed this side of the water, That whole website is a joy. Any Tealer interested in the history of Teal design and construction by Ian Foster and Bob Jones could read the next dozen pages of this website…
(and Bugatting!)
Teal 35 – Dot and Phil – Borders
Bugatti 35A – Mille Miglia – photo Singhof
Teal 35 – Ian & Lavinia – Borders
Bugatti 37 – Mille Miglia – Photo Singhof
Teal 35 four-seater – Ron and Sheila – Borders
Bugatti 51 – Mille Miglia – photo Singhof
Teal 35 – Colin – Wallingford
Bugatti Type 13s and Type 23s – Corsica
Teal 35s – Borders – 2009
Bugatti Type 35B Engine – 8C/2300
Teal 35 – Ulrike Exits – Munich
Bugatti 35 Dashboard
The French Connection
Tealer Dave Bellis in France parks his Onyx outside his barn – between two large German machines…
and Dave goes to the Cashpoint:
Dave plans to have his magnificent Onyx painted dark blue in the next few weeks.
Is this family transport a Bugatti? If so it’s very rare, with left hand drive. What else might it be? Suggestions please on the Forum page – thanks!
Convenient Transporter
It’s strange how changing the colour of a car changes its look; for instance, here are illustrations of a Teal in four different colours. Do you prefer the traditional – or something more daring?
I must admit to liking the traditional Bugatti/French Blue, perhaps because it’s so familiar – but I also find the yellow quite striking.
There’s a story, probably true, of the fine french artist Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) on his deathbed aged 80, looking across at the last picture he ever painted: the almond tree outside his bedroom window at Le Cannet near Cannes; his great nephew was with him in the last hours, and Bonnard asked him to help guide his hand to add more yellow oil paint on the grass at the foot of the blossoming almond tree. ‘More’, Bonnard requested. ‘Don’t you think that’s too much?’ asked his great nephew, Michael Terrasse. ‘There’s no such thing as too much yellow’, replied Bonnard. These were his last words.
Pierre Bonnard: the Almond Tree in Blossom (1947)
But could a yellow Teal work in practice? see what you think:
Dicky Dawes and Bob Lewis thought it would work, and built one 25 years ago, comp-lete with half-Teal trailer. See Teal of the Week No 38.
In May 2015 Tealers Angelo and Antonio went for it up the famous Bugatti Owners’ Club Hill Climb at Prescott, Gloucestershire. This excellent shot of the fearless pair was taken by Michael Huggan who has caught the live action in Teal Type 35 No 214 ‘Pur Sang’ beautifully; thank you Michael. Angelo concentrates on keeping the revs up, spot-on gear change and the apex of hairpin corners taking the famously twisty climb, while Antonio has camera at the ready, geared up for action shots from the cockpit…
Classic Tealers David Ward and Sharon also climbed the Hill at speed that day- I’m looking for an equally good action shot of their exciting run… watch this space.
Teal Type 35, Panther, 1927 Mathis, Bugatti Type 51
This unique Teal was built by Bob Jones and Peter Farrell for Peter and his wife in 1988. It is aluminium-bodied, fitted with doors, four seats and running boards, and was a trial vehicle for Bob Jones to see if this chassis was sufficiently rigid to fit doors for a production run. The answer was no. This Teal does not have a type-number. Does anyone know where this unusual – indeed unique – Teal is now? More details at TOW No 64.
Footnote: Bob mentions that the Type 44 which he designed soon afterwards was a quite different beast (TOW No 25)
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling….
Tealer Tony Morrissey writes from the Emerald Isle with news of adventures with his fine Teal Violet , and a suggestion for a future Teal Rally:
Violet is Teal of the Week No 44; here she is before she crossed the water to Eire last summer:
A couple of weekends ago five fine Teals (and their Tealers David, Andy, Richard, Angelo, Antonio and David) enjoyed a happy day out at the annual Uxbridge Classic Show – the weather was fine, and three Type 35s were joined by the rare, splendid and beautiful Teal Type 59 (Teal of the Week No 47) and Richard Ashton’s unique Teal Type 35 (Teal of the Week No 80).
Richard, Andy and David discuss the 6C-4200cc Jaguar motor of David’s Teal Type 59
Altogether it was a splendid day, and the Teals kept the crowds (and the Tealers) entertained until going home time….
Above: Richard Ashton’s unusual and lovely Teal Type 35, one of the most recent Teals built (2012), heading for East Anglia from Uxbridge. Thanks for the fine photos, Antonio, Angelo and David Ward.
We’ve now passed 90,000 hits on this website – thanks, Tealing folk, for your generous support for the site, from viewers and contributors alike, with photos, stories, history, captions, humour, advice and corrections (often!) – Happy Tealing …
Below: some Teals and Tealers out and about – and some Teal details…
Phil at Land’s End, 2014 Spider 2
Pumps in Period
Teal traffic jam – Spider Run 1
Teals, but not twins – Type 35 background, Type 35B foreground
Spider Run 1 – Glastonbury
Spider Run 1: lunch break across the Bristol Channel at Chepstow
Spider Run 1: Aberystwyth – Patrick Burns with the Lady Mayoress
Dashboard plate Type 35
Dashboard, Type 35
The happy Teal story First Edition Book – 2008
The updated Teal story – Second Edition Book – 2012
Goodwood Teals
The very DNA of Tealing – David Ward’s lovely supercharged Type 35 at the Bugatti Vie en Bleu at Prescott
And now for something completely different…
Raymond Mays loses the left rear of his Bugatti Brescia in 1924….
The July 2015 issue of the Teal Owners’ Club magazine has arrived, and it’s a cracker, a full colour issue packed with articles on Teals in Spain and Portugal, The Blue Beast, Teals at Bicester, classic car shows this summer, La Vie en Bleu Teals at Bugatti Prescott, Captain Sensible’s crazy yet strangely logical Teal humour (thank’s Glen – an oblique, perceptive and penetrating take on the paradoxes of life as it is actually lived – with heart-warming laughter throughout!), Tom Gunz’s Teal 35, The Marches Transport Festival, Teal Differentials, colour photos, adverts and the Teal 44 for Sale (see below) . This wonderful mag (thanks Suzi and Andy) is only available to Teal Owners’ Club members – to be sure of your copy, join the TOC by emailing Dot, our membership secretary on – you’ll be most welcome.
This individual and lovely Teal Type 44 Tourer has been owned by Jane Asher and Alan for the past two years, has been a great success as a wedding car and transporting leading members of the Downton Abbey cast to Leicester Square for premieres and is now for sale. For more photos see and for details of the sale contact Jane or Alan on 07963 986983
Latest News from Jane (16th July): The Teal Type 44 is going to be up for auction at Historics of Brooklands on 29th August ; as Jane says, let’s hope she’ll go to a good home…
Teals at Rest and Play
Teal Atlantic Special – one off

Stoneleigh Teal Owners’ Club
Teal 35 (cool) – Classic Profile – Wiltshire
Bugatti Type 37 cockpit
Bugatti Type 37 engine(4C/1500), distributor and steering gear
Madame Sensible acknowledges the enthusiastic greetings of her many fans at French drive-it day; the Captain is experimenting with the new rigid bodywork for the winter months oop north, where I understand that the weather can at times become a little severe. The Captain is always keen to ensure the daily comfort of Madam S; he tells me that it makes for an easier relationship come nightfall.
Tommy wonders whether the smaller Type 37 would have suited him better than the 35…
On Morecambe Bay – 1990. Paddy O’Brien’s classic Teal Type 35 boat-tail, used for several years as a test car and demonstrator by Paddy for Bob Jones in the early ’90s.
A considerable beauty, don’t you think?
Three Classics
These two lovely cars were purchased together from Scotland by Keith Lidgerwood and his surgeon/friend John Chalmers in 2011. They are a lovely 6C/2500 Teal Type 35 and a 4C/1800 Fergus Mosquito, replica of an Aston Martin Ulster (originals, of which there are fewer than a dozen, are fetching north of £750k now). John King purchased and updated the Teal, taking it on the 2014 Spider Run. This car is now in Germany, having starred on the platform in the Essen Motor Show. Your correspondent was lucky enough to have a spin round the local area in the Fergus (below) – doesn’t he look chuffed!
The third classic is, of course, that consummate Tealer Keith, who is sadly now with us only in spirit and memory…
Two-Teals Aaldert Postma and friend Willie were kind enough to visit us in Sussex last weekend. Aaldert had previously called in on Tealer Richard Ashton in East Anglia and Tealer David Ward in Egham…David and Sharon (below) in their fine Mercedes 55 SL acted as guide for Aaldert from London ( via ‘The Owl’ for lunch) to Sussex, where tea was taken happily before an MG and Morgan run over the South Downs past the Devil’s Dyke, when Aaldert and Willie continued eastwards from Brighton for their overnight stay before the ferry from Dover to Dunkirk.
This beautiful machine is a Bugatti Type 73. The chassis was designed by Ettore Bugatti and made just post war. But Bugatti died (1947) before the bodywork was conceived. This body was designed and created by Bob Jones and his team in the Atlantic Business Centre, Broadheath, Manchester in 1990. It was conceived by Bob and manufactured at the request of a client who wished for a racing car which looked very like the German silver arrows of the 1930s.
Is it a Teal or a Bugatti?
or a Teal Bugatti ?
These are just two of the hundred or so Teal photos and videos generously sent to us last week by Bob Jones (thanks, Bob), owner of Teal Cars and creator of beautiful Type 35s, Type 43s, Type 44, Type 52s and Type 59s from 1986 to 1998. Bob also rebodied many early Ian Foster Teals in aluminium, rebodied several Bugattis and created special one-off sporting machines.
‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ (Keats). Teals are a joy .
Bob Jones
Historic Teals
Three historic Teals, 25 years ago: the left hand one is Paddy O’Brien’s, Bob Jones’ friend, Teal test and demonstrator driver. Bob is seated in Paddy’s Teal 35 in the previous photo. Who knows the current registration plates of these beauties? Answers on the Discussion Forum if you do, please.
Nine months ago on this website:
“Enterprising Tealer JOHN KING discovered a Teal rolling chassis in Selby, brought it to his lovely home county of Shropshire, is having the Teal Type 35 boat tail rebuilt and rebodied, part in GRP and part in aluminium… “
Now (August 2015):
Please compare these photos (thanks, Wendy) of John’s fully-restored Teal Type 35 boat-tail with the earlier pictures in the workshop last year at Teal of the Week No 125, on the Teal of the Week 121-140 page on the index at left….
We congratulate John on bringing yet another Teal back to the road; John and his team have become specialists in this field, restoring several Teals and other Bugatti replicas to a high standard. John tells us that this Teal now has 120 miles on the clock. Great work by the Shropshire Lads.
Note: Previous Cartoons of the week have been moved to the new Teal Cartoons and Images page below …
Foreground: Mike King ‘Type 59’ Bugatti Replica ; Teal Type 35 on the horizon…
If your current or former Teal is not featured on this website, please do contact me via the Discussion Forum of this website, or directly to Many thanks.
Lots of photos and info have now been moved to the Teal News Page 11, to make room for more on Page 1 .
Teals (and a Replicar) touring the Lakes, with Brigitte’s driver somewhat confused as to which country he thinks he’s in…
Distinguished Tealer Andrew Collins maintains extensive estates in the southern part of England as well as his property in Africa. The grounds are rather widespread and now that he’s finding that his usual horse is a little challenging he felt the need for a little runabout in order to move between locations. Here he is in his newly-built cyclecar approaching the garage where his Teal Type 35 is kept. It looks like an easy run, but going back is uphill,which is where this nippy estate vehicle really comes into its own….
We tend to think of our Teals as rather fine sporting cars inspired by the example of Ettore Bugatti. But we are not alone. A production line of Bugatti Type 35 or 37 replicas was set up in the Czech Republic in 2004, and is shown above. The catalyst for this move was a gentleman called Alois Samohyl….
And they are rather finely-detailed machines, as can be seen from the rolling chassis shown here. Whether they would pass EU safety criteria for road use is another matter.
Our Suzi
Suzi is the talented Editor of our splendid Club magazine Teal Spiel; her Dad John founded the Teal Owners’ Club; her Mum, Pat, was its Chair. Here are Suzi and husband Dave departing Moors Farmhouse, Shropshire in their Teal Type 35 Blue Beast on the 2011 Teal Welshpool Run … nice hat, Suzi! Here’s another photo:
Dot and Phil with Ron wave Suzi and Dave off on the Shropshire and Wales run…is that Keith back left?
TEAL or ‘Grand Prix Bugatti 59/GPB59’ ?
Those web viewers who have seen Teal of The Week No 53 will know that Ted Riley (seated) built this remarkably-lovely car, the only person who Bob Jones trusted to make a Teal Type 59 away from the works; and Ted, the new owner (from 1996) of the right to built Type 59s called his version the GPB 59, which some believe stands for Grand Prix Bugatti; but Bob provided the chassis, bodywork, suspension and ancilliaries a la Teal 59. Ted used to work on his cars in Staffordshire, but moved away in recent years to Aberdeenshire. Here Ted and the 59 are seen at the 2013 and 2015 Kildrummy summer classic rally and shows:
…and winning prizes with a young relative, perhaps. Does Ted change the numberplates on his GPB 59? Probably – this is the same car, but at two different summer shows, 2013 and 2015…
Note: If you have time, do have a look at the detailed pictures of the suspension, engine and cockpit of this fine car at TEAL OF THE WEEK No 53, on the Teal of the Week 41-60 page of this website.
This good-looking Teal Type 35 Boat Tail is for sale on the Total Head Turners of Essex website – around £35k … This Type 35 is Teal of The Week No 130 with new black wheels, as TOC Secretary Andy Dutton has pointed out politely to your sadly unobservant webmaster…
ONYX FOR SALE (NOT Tealer Dave Bellis’s in France)
Tealers might be interested to view the pretty Onyx for sale in Grimsby – I believe it has MG Midget running gear and a Rover 1500 K series engine. Here’s a picture:
It’s a little beauty, but there’s one problem: It’s priced at £98,000. Here’s the link…
…where there are more photos. Enjoy (pace Mr P. Thain)
Fifteen Tealers plan to meet on the weekend of 3/4 October to enjoy each-others’ company and the fine old aircraft flying on Sunday at The Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden ( near Biggleswade, just off the A1 ). Tealers have been there on several occasions, going back 25 years, and have always enjoyed the character of the delightful biplanes, which seem to harmonise rather well with Teals. Photos of the weekend are two below…
And the Shuttleworth weekend happily happened on 3/4 October 2015 …
Enterprising East Anglian Tealer Richard Ashton (dark blue Teal 35 above) splashed out on 15 tickets at £21 each for the final airshow of the year at The Shuttleworth Trust located at Old Warden near Biggleswade, off the A1… the tickets were quickly snapped up, and on Saturday 3rd ten Tealers met for a happy pub supper, and were joined next morning by the others for a ten-mile Teal parade from the hotel to the airshow, causing much pleasure to drivers and viewers alike… below: forming up in the hotel car park…
Front left – powerful Teal Type 59 of David and Janice; Front right Richard Ashton’s delightful recently-built Teal Type 35; back left and right – Bill van Leemputten’s and Colin Andrews’ Type 35 boat-tails.
Above: Bill van Leemputten and Colin Andrews
David and Janice snug in their Type 59
Above: Colin and Janice before the start
Above: Boris Willison arrives from nearby Potton in his splendid Dri-Sleeve Moonraker, one of four which Boris designed and built in 1972-73, ten years before the Teal was conceived… She’s powered by a 1600cc Ford Cortina GT motor. This was a new type of Bugatti-lookalike for most of us (note the external gear-lever and brake), and we were delighted that Boris and Liz were able to join us for the pub supper, and Boris also for the Old Warden run. Below, the cockpit of the Moonraker and the badge. A seperate article on the Moonraker and Boris will appear below later this week (it’s 05/10/15 as I write). Comment: the article on the Moonraker is now immediately below this piece on Old Warden. bc 9 Oct 15
Below: ready to roll…
Newly-arrived at Old Warden, an impressive Teal line-up
Richard Ashton on Pole, as befits the organiser of this happy Teal weekend …
David and Janice (right) with their Type 59, while Richard chats to Sharon (left) behind Boris’s Moonraker …
The impressive Moonraker (or ‘Bugatti Type 37C’ as I heard it called)
The ridged boat tail of the powerful Type 59 – and the slender cockpit…
Teal Owners’ Club Secretary Andy Dutton in ‘La Tecla’ chats with David, while behind Colin checks he has his Marmite and Cheddar sandwiches, and Jean confirms that Rupert’s finished putting the tonneau on ‘Grasshopper’.
A triumph of Teals
At the bottom of this piece we will show some of the aircraft which we also came to see, but two or three Tealers wisely left a bit early to avoid the huge mass exodus at 4.30pm (we had arrived about 1030) of about 10,000 aircraft fans…and the roads around Old Warden were choked in every direction by thousands of cars and sightseers for the aerobatics who hadn’t been able to obtain a ticket to get in…
Angelo and Antonio depart – thanks for the excellent BLT and Cheddar rolls, Angelo!
Boris departs in his Moonraker with at least one Sleeve Dri, as Richard Ashton sees him off…
So farewell, Teals and Tealers, for now. Many thanks to you Richard, and to Bill, David and Sharon, Rupert and Jean, Colin, Andy, David and Janice, Boris and Liz, Angelo and Antonio…Brian C. Aircraft pics to follow…
The Shuttleworth Trust was created in memory of Flight Lieutenant Richard Shuttleworth, sucessful motor racing driver and pilot of the 1930s, sadly killed in an aircraft accident in a Fairey Battle in 1940. The aircraft collection of the Trust is a splendid mix of very early pre-WW1 aeroplanes such as the Bleriot XI Monoplane, fighter and bomber aircraft of the Royal Flying Corps, biplanes of the fledging Royal Air Force of the 20s and 30s, civilian racing and transport aircraft, some French and German aeroplanes, historic and classic cars such as MG and Railton from the 30s, and a marvellous selection of engines, propellors, airframe spares, silver cups, photographs, maps and memorabilia from the early days of aviation. Many of the aircraft have been restored to full flying condition, as was brilliantly demonstrated on Sunday 4th October. The collection is housed in five packed hangers which are a joy to view.
Richard Shuttleworth in a Bugatti Type 51; he also had great success in his more usual Alfa Romeo Monoposto.
1917 SE5 A
1917 Bristol F2B Fighter
1934 Hawker Hind
1944 Soviet Polikarpov PO 2
1941 Hawker Sea Hurricane
1943 Fiesler Storch (Stork)
1943 Sea Fire/Spitfire /1941 Sea Hurricane/ 1940 RAF Hurricane (5 kills)
1934 MG Midget/Percival Mew Gull
1935 Railton/1934 DH88 Comet Racer; this aircraft winner of the Mildenhall-Melbourne Race – first stop Baghdad, Melbourne in under three days.
We had a terrific flying display between 1400 and 1700, including the Red Devils Parachute Team, the RAF Dakota, the SE5A, Gloucester Gladiator, Percival Mew Gull, DH 88 Comet, the Royal Navy Seafire/Spitfire, with the Sea Hurricane and RAF Hurricane Mk 1, the Piper Cub, Percival Provost, impressive stunt flyers throwing their aircraft all over the sky, even tail-less glider stunt aerobatics, and finally the Vulcan XH 558 on one of its very last flights, which shook the very ground with the mighty roar of its engines – and also set off all the car alarms…see below for the Vulcan… a very special show!
Thank you David Ward for these Vulcan photos, and many other pictures used in this article on the Teal Old Warden weekend.
The Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden is highly recommended for a day out – wonderful aircraft, cars, memorabilia, shop and restaurant included…. we had a wizard time….
The Dri-Sleeve Moonraker
A worthy Teal rival?
Here’s the Moonraker – and it’s worth looking at the date on the magazine…
In 1970/71 two engineers set out to design, build and market a quality Bugatti replica – they set up the Dri-Sleeve company, and called their first car type the Moonraker. More types were planned, and initially six completed Moonrakers were built, plus a spare chassis and body set which were sold to the final customer for assembly. One of these engineers, Boris Willison, joined us at the Shuttleworth Trust Teal weekend on 3/4 Oct 15, and brought his lovely Moonraker along, much to our delight…
The Moonraker is powered by a Ford Cortina GT 1600cc powerplant…
Note the shaft to the gearbox from the external gear lever (and handbrake) very like a 1920s Bugatti Type 35/37. Indeed, I have heard the Moonraker referred tob as a Bugatti Type 37 C (a Bugatti Type 35C radiator and Bugatti Type 37 running gear, perhaps) – a type which doesn’t exist, but one gets the point…
The partnership did not work out; the Moonraker was not a commercial success, being priced too low, perhaps. four Moonrakers were sold immediately, and then the other three. Boris was able to locate Moonraker No 1 in 2007 with the help of The Autocar magazine, and buy it back in 2008 when the then owner departed for the Channel Islands. Boris enjoys his Moonraker to this day, more than 40 years after he built it.
Pretty Moonraker tail – and steering wheel designed by Boris…
What’s that pretty sports car in the middle of the Autocar April 1972 cover photo, ahead of the Porsche and between the Morgan and the MGB? Yes, it’s Boris’s Moonraker…
But why was the company which built the Moonraker called Dri-Sleeve, we all asked at Old Warden? Here’s the reason, taken from the October 23rd, 1932 issue of the Light Car and Cyclecar Magazine:
Colin Andrews probably has one of these useful sleeves from his pre-war motoring days… of course on a rainy day, if you don’t have a hood, you’ll have a lovely dry right arm, but the rest of you will be soaked…
And here’s Boris Willison arriving for the Old Warden meeting last weekend (3/4 Oct 15), 43 years after he built the Moonrakers. A worthy friendly rival to the Teal? You bet, and we will delighted to welcome Boris to future Teal events.
Photos: thanks to Boris and Richard Ashton
Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown