News about Teals and Tealers from 10th April 2015
Communication has been received from our respected five-car team in distant Portugal. They have reached the fabled temples of Casa Mateus, the wine house whose delightful product many of us have imbibed. They have sent a photo (below) from the classic (and impressive) towers of Mateus, and also a message that all is well, and they should be back moving amongst us in the near future….
Message Begins:
“Just a bit of posing on our way back through Portugal. And yes, we did have a bottle or 3 with lunch in a cafe nearby.
All has gone well. No breakdowns or falling out. My navigation could have been better, but Phil has come up with the answer to that….do a reccy visit abroad first (like we would at home) so that we’ve done roads/found hotels/cobbled roads before the actual Teal tour!
It seems club funds are healthy, although the treasurer wasn’t too keen on paying for a free holiday for Phil and Rupert!
Hope you are well.
Best wishes,
Jean and Rupert.”
We salute you, dauntless Tealers; and wish you a safe journey home to Blighty.
Afternote: The Tealers are now safely home from Portugal and Spain – full details of their adventures in Iberia and lots of photos will be in July’s Teal Spiel for Teal Owners Club Members – to join the club email Dot (who was on the trip with Phil) at
Last weekend 23/24 May 2015, ten Tealers enjoyed a couple of days at Prescott, the legendary home of the Bugatti Owners’ Club – and an exhilarating run up the famed Prescott Hill Climb for David, Sharon, Angelo and Antonio in their Teal Type 35 boat-tails ….
David, Sharon, Angelo and Antonio about to start their runs up the famed Bugatti Owners’ Club Prescott Hill: engines revving, slipping, sliding in the damp, wheels spinning with the raw power, exhausts roaring, hearts thumping, the two Teals emerged at the top of the hill flushed and exhilarated then threaded their way back down through racing cars and Bugattis – done it! Bravo, Tealers….
THERE’S A TERRIFIC VIDEO OF THE TEALS’ RUNS UP PRESCOTT (turn the sound up); just go onto and tap Teals Prescott into the search box – La Vie en Bleu comes up first .
|Video strongly recommended – you’re right there in the Teal cockpit – thanks to Antonio De Souza!
There was also time to meet up with new Tealer Dave (Type 59 Reg No TEA 159 re-patriated from Belgium – brilliant! ) And also Steve, manufacturer of Bugatti parts and owner of Teal four-seater – a warm welcome to both.
And of course there was time for tea and cakes – Cliff and Jan, distinguished Tealers up from Devon (now) are specialists, and Teals make excellent picnic tables – thanks, Pam, Neil, David and Sharon for the pictures – and Pam and Neil’s Phoenix looks noble as ever, doesn’t it.
The Teal flags were well and truly flown in the heart of Bugatti Cotswold country last weekend
(first one withdrawn from CarandClassic website pm 24.05.2015 – possibly sold?)
May 24th 2015: Details of both Teals can be found under the Bugatti page on
1. Aluminium TEAL Type 35B boat-tail Silver (£15,000 – Note: Type 35B):
Is this car Teal of the Week No 57? I think the answer is probably yes. See TOW No 57 on the Teals of the Week Page 41-59 and see what you think.
Teal No 2 For Sale in Scotland : blue Teal Type 35 Boat Tail (£21000)
This is Teal of The Week No 59, now up for sale – see the TOW pages on this website
Comment: these are beautiful and important Teals; if they run as well as they look, some lucky Tealers are in for joy for many years ahead.
The best view in Britain?
Dartmoor, June 2014
Rupert and Jean lead across Dartmoor in June 2014 – and they led a five-car Teal Run to Portugal in May 2015 – here they are followed by Dot and Phil and Bob Mills…
They’re behind you!
Big Jeff and Mary lead the pack….
Corola and Roger in their magnificent four-seater Teal Type 35 Tourer in Scottish Border country.
John ‘Honey’ King and Rupert enjoy their fine Teal Type 35 boat tails

John King and Wendy, Spider Run 2, 30th June 2014
Photo: Bob Jones
At David Ward’s amazing Teal hospital
Dr David Ward
Classic Angelo – Easter Monday
We were delighted to be visited at our new home in West Sussex by two beautiful Teals and four lovely Tealers: Sharon and David, Antonio and Angelo, who drove down from West London through country roads on Sunday morning (the 12th) in brilliant Tealing sunshine (the day before it had been p*ss*ng down; typical English weather).
We’d been planning a run in the South Downs together (Fanny and I in the MG TF) ; but we ended up on Plan B, picknicking in the garden in the sun with Angelo’s spicy baked delights, and cracking a bottle (for some) between happy Teal chat . It was great to see two fine Teals in our Close, which brought our new neighbours out in delight, and enhanced our kudos considerably! Thanks Tealers for bringing a tear to an old (ish) man’s eye….
Do you know this handsome Teal Type 35 boat-tail, spotted on line? It looks a fine car, with an unusual registration plate. Is it yours, or do you know who the owner is; I’d like to make it Teal of the Week No 131… please leave a message on the Discussion Forum. Thanks. b.c
Tealers Three – St Michael’s Mount, 30th June 2014, Spider Two
Teals at the Haynes Car Museum, Somerset – Captain Sensible on Pole
Teal, and….
Tealers – on the Tewksbury Run, heading for the Morgan Factory. There is some discussion how many Tealers were present that day…. ok, you’re right – 17. But who took the photo?
…More Tealers (George Rainsford, Cliff Sedman, Colin Andrews, Spain 1996)
and more….
…. Tealers (at Knowsley) , and
ancient and modern
Tealers at the magnificent Filching Manor (with Bugatti Museum) in Sussex…
Tealers (and others ) at St Mary in the Marsh, Kent, near Romney Marsh and Rye…
Newly re-appointed Foreign Secretary Rt. Hon. Phillip Hammond MP personally inspects Rupert and Jean’s Teal Type 35 ‘Grasshopper’ well before their foreign trip to Spain and Portugal, and consults David Ward about important issues of the day. Tealers rule.
Bon Voyage to the tenTealers in five Teals setting off for an 18-day trip through Spain and Portugal to the Douro Valley – what a fine journey, and a terrific example to us all – safe travels – and please bring back lots of pics of exciting Teals in Iberia…
No, not Demelza; this is Peter Colley’s lovely Teal Type 35 at Charleston, Cornwall, where ten other Tealers met up with him in June 2014 on Spider Run 2 – pretty Charleston is where they film the maritime/dock scenes in Poldark – and Demelza…
That’s Peter (from Falmouth) in the photo. Peter has modified his fine Teal to his own design for comfort and weather protection – the mudguards are unusual and attractive too, aren’t they? Also see next photo…
Peter Colley has long been a distinguished member of the Teal Owners Club, joining the previous Teal Land’s End to John O’ Groats run in 2007, and contributing widely and wisely to our Teal Owners Club club magazine TEAL SPIEL….
Lazy, hazy summer days …
See the feature ‘DRIVE-IT DAY’ further down this page …
Colin Andrews’ Teal T35 boat-tail back left, Angelo de Souza’s back right, Tim Beezley’s centre, David Ward’s foreground.
Is this one of the best close group photos of Teals that we have seen?
Thanks, Antonio de Souza
The Brooklands Auto Italia Event was all about celebrating Italian cars and their makers – Ferrari, Bugatti (Franco-Italian), Alfa Romeo, Maserati, all were there – and Teals (above) – well, David and Angelo are quite fond of pizza… and there was a splendid 1930 Fiat Ballila (below), just our type of car:
Bon Voyage to the tenTealers in five Teals setting off for an 18-day trip through Spain and Portugal to the Douro Valley – what a fine journey, and a terrific example to us all – safe travels – and please bring back lots of pics of exciting Teals in Iberia…
No, not Demelza; this is Peter Colley’s lovely Teal Type 35 at Charleston, Cornwall, where ten other Tealers met up with him in June 2014 on Spider Run 2 – pretty Charleston is where they film the maritime/dock scenes in Poldark – and Demelza…
That’s Peter (from Falmouth) in the photo. Peter has modified his fine Teal to his own design for comfort and weather protection – the mudguards are unusual and attractive too, aren’t they? Also see next photo…
Peter Colley has long been a distinguished member of the Teal Owners Club, joining the previous Teal Land’s End to John O’ Groats run in 2007, and contributing widely and wisely to our Teal Owners Club club magazine TEAL SPIEL….
Lazy, hazy summer days …
See the feature ‘DRIVE-IT DAY’ further down this page …
Colin Andrews’ Teal T35 boat-tail back left, Angelo de Souza’s back right, Tim Beezley’s centre, David Ward’s foreground.
Is this one of the best close group photos of Teals that we have seen?
Thanks, Antonio de Souza
The Brooklands Auto Italia Event was all about celebrating Italian cars and their makers – Ferrari, Bugatti (Franco-Italian), Alfa Romeo, Maserati, all were there – and Teals (above) – well, David and Angelo are quite fond of pizza… and there was a splendid 1930 Fiat Ballila (below), just our type of car:
On Sunday 26th April, Tealers David Ward and Angelo and Antonio De Souza set out for Bicester near Oxford, the new Classic Car Restoration and Display centre on a former RAF airfield. They called in to meet up with Tim Beezley, and Colin and Irene Andrews at their lovely home near Wallingford, and after refreshment all four Teals departed for Bicester…
At Colin and Irené’s
Bicester on Drive-It Day (with Teals)
Triple T35s (aren’t they glorious?)
and there was a rather fine Bugatti Type 13 in attendance:
Bicester Classic Car Centre is highly recommended by the Tealers – an excellent day out…
June 2015:
Remembering our friend and fellow-Tealer Keith Lidgerwood, who passed away two years ago this month
Keith in Le Mistral on the Teal Backbone of England Tour in 2010
Jan and Cliff

Many Tealers will know that stalwart, determined and generous Jan and Cliff have relocated from Berkshire to Devon with their Teal; Cliff (distinguished former Chairman of the Teal Owners’ Club ) and Jan are intrepid travellers to foreign lands with their Teal, including France (many times), Spain (often), Germany and Norway, as well as organising and taking part in numerous Teal runs in the UK. We wish them well in their new west country home, ideal Tealing country, as the Spider Run found this time last year in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. (photo: Antonio)
Snapped from a motorway bridge, a good-looking (and well-known)Teal Type 35 boat-tail with a handsome crew. Can that be Angelo and Antonio? Surely not…
On a country road in France, Dave ‘Onyx’ Bellis consults Nigel Farage on the best place for a drink and lunch locally …
The Duck Trophy
The lower half of this trophy is a cast and machined steering wheel boss, one of five beauties lovingly created for Keith Lidgerwood, but sadly never used on any of his many Teals when his life was cut tragically short two years ago this summer; bought at the September 2013 Teal Lidgerwood sale in Cheshire, it is now mounted with a detailed duck’s head – after all, a Teal is a ruddy duck….!
November 1991
Your webmaster is back from Italy, and on our way home by rail we stopped overnight at a small town in France near the Swiss border. On the wall of the Hotel Mercure was a large mural (above) of the Bugatti Type 51 driven by Achile Varsi racing the Alfa Monza of Tazio Nuovolari in the neck-and-neck 1933 Monaco Grand Prix….the lead changed hands many times, with the result being decided on the final lap when Nuovolari’s Alfa caught fire, and Varsi (Bugatti 51) won the race.
…The town was called Mulhouse.
High Tec Tealer
‘As he gets to grips with the latest technology, Tommy takes a photograph of his left ear for the fifth time.’
The inimitable Tommy Gunz and his fine Teal Type 35 boat tail at the Cadwell Park Vintage Sports Car Club meeting at the weekend, with Vince Giles’ admirable Bugatti Type 37-like Onyx gracing the foreground. Creative caption and photo by Vince – thanks!
The £50k Teal Type 35 Boat-Tail for Sale -from Chelsea Cars
For sale near Chelsea (8/6/2015) is this aluminium Teal Type 35 boat-tail for around £50K… to view go to :
when you visit, please note Chelsea Cars are based in Wandsworth …..
This car is Teal of the Week No 59 (See TOW pages of this website)
The unique Teal Type 44, designed and built by Bob Jones, is now for sale; call Jane or Alan on 07963 – 986983 for details and price. 8th June 2015
This car is Teal of the Week No 25 – see TOW pages of this website
There are many excellent photos of Teals and Bugattis at Prescott at the end of May, photographed by keen young Tealer Antonio de Souza, on the following link. Copy and paste it into your browser, and you’ll be delighted with the result (I hope!):
In the Netherlands Aaldert Postma is putting the final touches to his beautiful Teal Type 43, including fitting the hood which he has designed to complement the Teal and to emulate the hoods and the look of fine 1920s and 1930s Bugattis. Do you agree that he has succeeded magnificently:
It has been a four-year project, first building in UK by Mike Hall, with continual input from Aaldert, then shipping and finishing in the Netherlands by Aaldert and his team.
This joyous car, a machine of great beauty, is a seminal addition to the Teal marque. We congratulate Aaldert Postma in completing (nearly) his four-year project to bring this fine car to the road; he has a few engine and instrument tweaks to complete, followed by the MOT, and then the open road lies ahead for Tealer Aaldert… in this Type 43 – or his equally-fine Type 35 ( Type 43, Type 35 and Aaldert photographed below ) …
Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown