Teal News Page – On this page you will find snippets of news about Teal cars and the Tealers who drive, navigate and love them….. many of these items have been transferred from Page 1, where they first appeared.
Teal News 1 – We have heard rumours that skilled engineers from several nations are fettling fine Teal cars and other Bugatti look-alikes in a remote location in NW England. We’ve been able to sneak a few photos of what’s going on , and hope to reveal more later, when it’s possible that these cars will be coming onto the market (Update: May 2010 – two have been sold already – one six-cylinder Jaguar-powered Teal to Yorkshire, one fine Dream Car Teal to Munich, Bavaria….). For now, here are some pictures:
DEH403C See also “Jagatti”
Do you recognise anyone?
See Teal News 16 below for update
Teal News 2 On Sunday 20th September ( a fine autumn day of sunshine and broken cumulus) Andrew Smith, photographer and aviation artist from Buckinghamshire, flew from White Waltham into a grass airstrip near Marlborough, Wiltshire in his yellow 1946 Piper Cub to take a test run in Brian Crook’s Teal Type 35, which was up for sale.
On Friday 25th September Brian drove his last 84 miles in his Teal from Devizes to Amersham, and handed over Brigitte (as she was called) to Andrew’s safekeeping, having taken her over from Philip Norris in Kent in 2006. It is a special moment in any Tealer’s life, isn’t it, and in this photo Brian and Andrew mark the handover:
Andrew Smith with his Teal Type 35
see Teal News No 17 below for update
Teal News 3 John Williams purchased one of the finest Teals ever built (photo below), and lives near to Devizes. He popped over to show me one of his other cars: a magnificent Jaguar XKSS replica.
John and his wife Brigid took the Jaguar to Spa this weekend 26-27 September in Belgium to view the 6-hour race, and maybe have a spin round the track…. magnificent sporting machinery.
If you’d like to know more, John has owned some fine cars in his time, specializing in Alfa Romeos, and his web site
www.johnwilliamsclassiccars.com shows some of these beauties. Well worth a look.
En Route to Spa (below), Brigid checks the map; John put on the new authentic steering wheel a few weeks ago, and installed the intercom two days before they left in order to make communications easier – engine and wind noise can be considerable in a Jaguar XKSS at speed….
Spa: a rare pair
Spa: Bugatti Type 35B below
What a beauty at Spa (below) : Delage? Lagonda? Maserati? Riley? Alfa? What do you think she is?
Hang on, isn’t that a Bugatti steering wheel? John Williams, who took the photo at Spa, tells me it’s a Bugatti Type 59 with modified tail – and the numberplate suggests that too…a lucky Belgian!
Teal News 4
Jan and Cliff Sedman are just back (Sept 09) from the magnificent annual Circuit Des Remparts at Angouleme, Charente, where they upheld the Teal marque as they have for many years – they report that there was some rain (as usual), and indeed the final race was cancelled because of the downpour, but there was scorching weather too on the way home via La Rochelle and the islands- typical Tealing conditions. There was much interested in Jan and Cliff’s Teal at Angouleme among countless Bugattis, Benleys, Astons, Alfas and Rileys, and many continentals were most interested to hear that there was a Teal up for sale… perhaps that’s why I got all those offers from Germany and Switzerland; thanks Cliff and Jan!
Two other prominent members of the Teal community were at Angouleme in their self-built Cobra: Guy and Mark Foster, twin sons of Maggie and Ian Foster, the founder of Teal Cars (see Page 3), all three still ardent supporters of the Teal Marque from their delightful lakeland homes.
Teal News 5. How much do you think your Teal’s worth? You might be pleasantly surprised. Here in UK we value our Teals at, perhaps, £5000-7000 for an early GRP Type 35 , approximately £10,000-14,000 for an aluminium T35 in good condition, and up to £16,000 – £20,000 for a fine example of the Teal Type 35B. A Type 59 would probably sell at between £25,000 and £30,000. All figures are, of course, approximate.
But on the Continent they value the delightful Teal far higher. On the website of Fine-Cars-Bodensee, 88085 Langenargen, in the south of Germany, two standard Teal Type 35s are up for sale at 48,999 Euros (a blue one) and 46,999 Euros (The Red Baron), listed among the supercar Bugatti Veyrons and EB110s at around a million Euros.
Perhaps this price discrepancy is why we immediately receive calls and e-mails from Germany and Switzerland when a Teal comes on the market. I understand from those in touch with the classic car market in UK and abroad that fine classic, rare and collectors’ cars are enjoying a surge in prices this Summer and Autumn 2009. Perhaps we should value our Teals more highly here in UK?
Teal News 6. A meeting of the Teal Owners’ Club Committee was held on Saturday 17th October. Fundamental issues were discussed. More news should soon be available for TOC members on the important outcomes of this meeting
Teal News 7. The Teal Owners’ Club Christmas lunch in the North will be held at the Damson Dene Hotel at Crosthwaite, near Bowness on Windermere, on Sunday 15th November. Meet up is from 11am for coffee and a chat, lunch is 1pm for 1.30pm. Wives, families and friends are very welcome. There’s always a good turnout, and the company and the meal are excellent – there’s also a raffle for Club funds, so if you can, please do bring a spare prize. Just telephone or e-mail Pat Elwell to let her know you’ll be there.
(See item 14 below for details of the happy time 46 Tealers enjoyed at the Christmas Lunch)
Teal News 8. I’m a bit late with this one – The Teal Owners’ Club is now the proud owner of a vertical banner for use/display at TOC events, providing good publicity for the Club and highly-visible rallying point for Tealers. Here it is flying free over Colin’s Puddle Jumper….
….. and at the Knowsley Show in Lancashire in August:
Teal News 9 : Sunday 1st November 2009. Crack of Sparrows – it’s early (6am) on an awful autumn Sunday morning in Wiltshire, and the rain is pouring down; but stout-hearted John Williams is snug in his penguin suit and helmet inside the open cockpit of his delightful Teal Type 35 two-seater (see Item 3 above) and has set out for Goodwood for the Breakfast Meet. The route is to Winchester and Petersfield, then up and over the South Downs through the storm and cloud, and down through delightful Hampshire villages streaming with running water and slippery autumn leaves. The meet is full of 1960s classics, and by lunchtime the sky has cleared, allowing a less damp Teal run home behind the racing screens through the drying countryside… Teal spirit (1).
Damp Beauty at Goodwood
Teal News 10: Monday 2nd November, pm. The phone rings. ‘Is that you, Brian? Keith here. Bob Mills and I want to share this moment with you – listen’ : distant grating noise, starter motor is heard, followed by engine bursting into joyous, very unsilenced life. Much revving, then: ‘ we’re 50 yards out of the barn now. That was another Teal coming back to life – Bob and I have just re-built her and started her up for the first time…. ‘ Thanks for sharing the moment of Teal rebirth, Keith and Bob. May there be several more of them in the months ahead….. Teal Spirit (2)
Teal News 11, November 2009: What a Come Down… When you climb up into your Teal you feel a master of your universe, don’t you, sitting high on your bench seat, controls all to hand, looking down at the traffic around you, like an orchestral conductor, perhaps?
I reckoned my eye level was about 5 feet above the ground, and one could see the traffic well ahead, even over hedges here in rural Wiltshire and elsewhere. Within a month of selling my Teal I was seriously missing being able to put my head out in the air and get that wonderful fresh blow, and sing to the clouds (I know, I know) so I acquired an inexpensive little modern MG TF with a canvas top, and now I can smile again.
The only trouble is that the (lack of) height of the MG puts my eye level about two foot six lower than it was in the Teal, so I spend most of my time extracting worms from my teeth and unpeeling snails from the windscreen ….
Footnote: the MG TF’s 1600cc produces about 115bhp, so it can push along reasonably well when required ; but most of the time we amble happily through the gentle rural Wiltshire countryside, heading often for a pint at the Crown at Bishop’s Canning. Perhaps we should do a feature on Tealer’s favourite pubs…? The Teal marque was, after all, born in a pub – The Pack Horse at Affetside, Bury; this might make an appropriate stopover point on a Teal tour…
2011 Afternote: Brian now has another Teal, dark blue, 6C/2500 with removable split screen. Somehow he’s contrived to hang on the MG as well.
Teal News 12 – November 2009 – Rebodying a Dutch Teal
Aaldert Postma, a long-time Teal enthusiast from near Amsterdam in the Netherlands, has brought his GRP-bodied Teal to England to have it re-bodied in Aluminium, and also the steering converted from right to left hand drive to suit Dutch conditions. The work is being carried out by Mike Hall with Bob Lewis, and Keith Lidgerwood is very interested in progress; there has recently been much fruitful communication in the Teal refurbishment world. Aaldert is delighted that the work is going ahead, and looks forward to receiving his ‘new’Teal ; meanwhile Aaldert still has his Morgan Aero 8 in the Netherlands until the return of the Teal, and then he plans to fit his Teal with the 18 inch wire wheels… congratulations, Aaldert on your programme of modifications – and Mike , Bob and Aaldert for your skills.

Aaldert is in UK to have some work done in Malvern at the Morgan factory on the hood of his Morgan Aero 8, which is leraking rainwater onto the seats (a familiar problem for most sports car owners over the years, but not a common complaint in the Teal 2-seater…). Meanwhile Aaldert is keen to see progress on the conversion of his silver Teal by Mike and Bob to an aluminium body, and the change of steering from right hand drive to left, for his use in The Netherlands and other Continental venues. Aaldert has kindly sent some photos, from which I have selected these three; there is tangible progress, but still much to do. We wish Aaldert well, and may see him at the TOC AGM on 2nd May 2010.
Unique? Left Hand Drive Teal
Steering arrangements
New Scuttle and Instrument Panel
Teal News 13 – 9th November 2009 It’s Here! I’m delighted (as are Tealers everywhere) that the Special 21st Anniversary Edition of Teal Spiel arrived today, celebrating the Teal Owners’ Club anniversary – it’s a bumper edition full of happy memories of Teal events from the foundation of the Club by John Elwell in 1988 right up to date.
The founder of Teal Cars, Ian Foster, is recalled, as well as Bob Jones who did so much to develop the aluminium 18-inch wheeled Type 35 two and four seaters, Type 43, Type 44 and Type 59. Congratulations and great thanks to the Editor, Chris Poolton, and to Jean who did all the typing.
And to top it off the mag came complete with a quality metal Teal badge pin, organised by Colin Andrews – excellent. Thanks to all those involved, and especially to Captain Sensible ( Glen Ibbotson), whose crazy Teal articles have long graced the pages of Teal Spiel, and which somehow always make perfect sense, and regularly reduce me and others to helpless laughter…. thanks, Glen and Maggie, who over the past 20 years have taken their Teal(s) to France, Spain, Germany, Austria and all corners of Britain, and guided we Tealers many times into the north east and towards happy rendezvous in Whitby and Robin Hood’s Bay, and cheerful evenings in many happy hosteleries!
Glen and Maggie on the Teal Scottish Tour, June 2009
photo: martin quested
Glen and Maggie in Captain Sensible lead a snake of Teals through the Peak District
on route to Robin Hood’s Bay, North Yorkshire
Teal News 14 – Sunday 15th November – The Teal Owners Club Northern Lunch took place at Damson Dene in the Lakes with a splendid turnout of 46 TOC members and partners. The meal was good, Pat Elwell welcomed everyone, Stuart Whitworth was there, tall tales were told by nearly everyone*, Rupert and Jean drove up from Surrey, Andy and June from Buckinghamshire, Ian and Lavinia from Cumbria, Bob drove Keith up from Cheshire, Sheila Stamp was there looking great, and Ron was able to have a glass or two as the boys were doing the driving; and Irene came from near Oxford with Colin, who entertained everyone with a stream of jokes about how to tell your age, and how his alleged sister Julie Andrews approached everything with a song – which he then proceded to demonstrate!
Yes, there was a Teal there – the delightful Type 35 four-seater of Carola and Roger Frank (below). Roger has driven a couple of times across the Sahara in a milk float for charity, and now has a project to drive to Murmansk, Northern Russia, perhaps in a £100 banger… And of course many other cheerful Tealers enjoyed the Northern Lunch – a happy day to wrap up an interesting year.
*It is not widely known that at a young age Stuart Whitworth left Britain somewhat hastily and joined the French Foreign Legion after a sad disagreement over a Rochdale lass. His peculiar and unique set of skills, coupled with a number of foolhardy acts of bravery led to his rapid rise through the ranks until he became field (or sand) commander of a Legionnaire fort deep in desert Algerie at the time of the Pinot Noir. After retirement from active service in the late 1960s he was appointed Aide-de-Camp to Le Général in the rank of sous-Colonel, driving de Gaulle in Paris in an armour-plated Bugatti Type 57, originally made by Le Patron for Petain. On de Gaulle’s retirement, Stuart withdrew into obscurity in the NW of England, quietly running his three mills (which are fortified on the inside) , acquiring various Bugattis and Teals, often re-visiting France, and reflecting on his glory days at Fort Zandeneuf.
At the Teal annual Christmas dinner at Damson Dene, Stuart donated a secret prize in a sealed box for auction for Club funds. The bidding rose rapidly, to something like £35, and the lucky winners (Roger and Carola Frank – thanks, Franks) – on opening the box, found it contained none other than Stuart’s original Kepi from desert days, a little sweat-stained and sand-worn, perhaps, but a genuine original nevertheless – just like Stuart.
Stuart in his Foreign Legion days
Teal News 15 – Tuesday 17th November – Sue and Howard’s entertaining blog about their delightful red Teal “The Toad” has been updated to cover the Summer of 2009 – read about their happy adventures at Yorkshire shows, the little local difficulty with the VSCC at the Harewood House hill climb, and how their Teal won a ‘concourse d’elegance’ prize….. see the Teal of Toad Hall blog.
Teal News 16 – 24th and 25th November 2009 – Teal Workshop
I was invited to visit Keith Lidgerwood’s remote workshop in Cheshire, where he and Bob Mills (of Red Baron four-seater Teal fame) are refurbishing Teal and other sports cars. In the workshop at the time were four Teals in various states of rebuild and fettle, each one either delicious already or full of potential. The two Teal engineers are bringing these cars back to life, before enabling new owners to enjoy all the open-air delight of Teal cross-country motoring. This initiative, together with the Teal Vehicle Information Forum, also guided by Keith, gives a shot in the arm for Teal enthusiasts everywhere.
The end result – a fine Teal Type 35 back on the road, thanks to Keith and Bob
The Lidgerwood stable also includes this 1926 Vauxhall 14/40 Princeton, complete with picnic hamper and tool box – a classic beauty….
(Update: For Sale in the June 2010 issue of The Automobile)
…and yesterday (8th December 2009) emerging from Keith’s workshop, blinking into the sunlight, totally lovely and bursting with potential, came this brand-new two-thirds built Teal Type 35B powered by a 6-cylinder 4.2 litre Jaguar engine. This gem was one of three uncompleted (hardly started) Teals advertised in Teal Spiel and purchased by Keith in 2006; he has advanced the build in order to get more Teals on the road, and more members into the Teal Owners’ Club, and this week David Turner from Yorkshire became the new owner. He plans (among other things) to fit the instruments, wire up the car, instal a different steering wheel and attach Brooklands racing screens.
David is joining the Teal Owners’ Club, and we look forward to seeing him at Teal events and rallies with his delightful Type 35B.
Above left to right at the handover are Bob Mills ( red Teal Type 35 four-seater), Roger Frank (green Type 35 four-seater) and David Turner, the new owner, photographed by Keith Lidgerwood. We wish David well with this splendid Teal project, and hope to keep you informed of progress. Below – the 6-cylinder, 4.2 Litre Jaguar engine:
Teal full frontal: In 1994 Keith worked with Bob Jones at Grimsditch Hall helping develop the new suspension system for the Teal Type 35 B
‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ (Keats, 1818 )
On the way back from Chester to Wiltshire, with storms now passed and skies clearing, I decided to amble south through Shrewsbury, Church Stretton, Craven Arms and Ludlow, along the line of the Shropshire hills on the Welsh Borders – a delightful lost county of old England, recalling Housman’s Shropshire Lad , his blue, remembered hills, and the land of lost content….
As the roads dried I paused beside The Long Mynd, as many Tealers have before me, admiring the wild, bracken-covered hills, then wandered on in the MG for Leominster, Ledbury, a relaxed pub lunch in the middle of nowhere, then Severn-skirted Tewkesbury for Gloucester… a delightful solo day, man, machine and the open countryside, affording great pleasure, which I think many Tealers would recognise..
“… I paused beside the Long Mynd, as many Tealers have before me …”
Teal News 17: Andrew and Jane in December 2009. Andrew Smith is the photographer and pilot featured at Item 2 at the top of the page, and he and Jane have been enjoying their Teal in the quiet lanes and lonely hills of the Chilterns on fine winter days. Andrew writes interestingly of “….the roaring, wind-blasted, seat-of-the-pants Teal trips across Buckinghamshire….’ to reach his 1946 Piper Cub at White Waltham being rather like flying the aircraft, and I know many of us can empathise with his delight in the cockpit. Jane also has been building her hours at the Teal wheel , showing a splendid joie-de-vivre in photo 1 below, and seasonal elegance in photo 2 ; we wish them well for exciting adventures in 2010.
Teal News 18. Teal Number One, Ian and Maggie Foster’s famous HKA, (see page 1) was delivered early on Friday 11th December 2009 by Eddie Williams from Bolton to Cheshire for Keith and Bob to carry out some updating prior to this classic Teal (now in aluminium bodywork) finding a new home. We’ll keep Tealers updated…
Teal News 19. The post brought a welcome early Teal Christmas present on 17th December from Neil Ramsey of Selkirk, who guided us so expertly around the happy Scottish Borders and Mull run this June.
Neil and his family have compiled a DVD from photos sent in by Tealers from all over the country covering the glorious cross-country 10-day run from Maggie Foster’s home village in the Lake District to Jedburgh, Moffat, Killin, Oban and the Isle of Mull. The fine cars, the splendid scenery and, of course, the cheerful Tealers are illustrated in some 200 photos, bringing back many happy memories. Thank you Neil, Vickie, Annabel and Iain Ramsay.
Footnote: Some of these photos can be seen on the Teals in Action 2009 page of this website …
Teal News 20. Pat Elwell, our Teal Owners’ Club Chairman, sends us a Teal Christmas 2009 message:
photo: Andrew Smith
Teal News 21.
On 1st January 2008 there had been a total of 2000 hits
On 1st January 2009 there had been a total of 8000 hits
On 1st January 2010 there has been a total of 18,800 hits
The latest total is shown on the hits counter at Page 1; thank you for your interest and your loyalty to the only website dedicated to the remarkable Teal marque.
Teal News 22
Bob Mills built his handsome Teal Type 35 four-seater in 1987 – and 22 years later his love of the Teal marque sees him restoring Teals with Keith Lidgerwood in the workshop in Cheshire. Bob’s Teal (‘Red Baron’) was one of the earliest Bob Jones aluminium four-seaters, and is also one of the longest Teals ever built (photos below). Bob is a skilled nuclear, electronic and mechanical engineer, and recently he has had more time to apply his knowledge and skills to improving and expanding the Teal marque, when not leading a busy family life with teenage children… Here are a few shots of Bob Mills’ Teal on the Lakes and Borders run, at Knowsley and the man himself (right) in the workshop with Keith… (see also Photo 1 at Teal News Item 1 above)
Teal News 23 – Colin Andrews and Puddlejumper
Colin has been a member of the Teal Owners’ Club for some 20 years, and its General Secretary, Chairman and inspiration for the Teal Land’s End to John O’Groats and Teal Triangle Runs as well – and throughout this time he has been experimenting and adding to his fine Teal Type 35 two-seater ‘Puddle Jumper’ . as he says:
‘ I have lost count of the tiddly changes I have made but the more substantial ones include – Major brake drums and covers, full width ‘V’ shaped windscreen, tool storage under the seat pan with lowered and softer seating, replacement seat belts from a Boeing 737 via Ebay! and halogen lighting in the original front lights. My often commented-on whicker umbrella holder was made by a family of Irish gypsies. I saw their sign in a hedge, drove for ages down a track, paid in advance and it was sent to me some weeks later. Something to renew ones faith in human nature.
I have also tried (and abandoned!) some really daft ones. In particular a Lloyd Loom conservatory chair for the driver. Removing one third of the circumference of the steering wheel so that I could see the road more clearly (after lowering the seating!) did not last very long and painting my mudguards in a different colour to the body was probably complete madness.
But it was all great fun and now I want to get a boat tail and turn it into a matching trailer – we shall see.’
Here’s Puddle Jumper with the silver-grey mudguards at Knowsley (inspired by an Amilcar seen at Angouleme), and an unusual aerial view of Puddle Jumper taken by Irene as Colin was landing the family helicopter.
Teal News 24. Tealer Andrew Noble writes from Southern France (Near Fréjus) that he has now been able to register his Teal with a French registration plate, and may bring it to UK this summer, and will certainly attend any Teal runs planned down into France. He regularly runs over to Monaco/Monte Carlo in the Teal, and has also attended Le Mans; when not in the Teal he enjoys many atrip out in his substantial replica Bentley – see photos below.
Andrew has a new project for this Spring – he has a pile of parts which he is planning to build up into a replica 1908 Isotta Fraschini (winner of the Targa Florio in that year – see black and white image), which Andrew plans to take to Classic Le Mans this summer. Andrew will update us with progress on his three beauties….. Lucky fellow. Update 23 April 2010: See below for amazing result!
1908 Isotta Fraschini on the Targa Florio – Allegro Con Brio…
Update 23 April 2010 – this is the amazingly realistic replica 1908 Isotta Fraschini built by Andrew Noble from a pile of bits in only four months. What a splendid and worthwhile project – and French drivers are giving this stylish machine much respect – and a wide berth!
Update: June 2010 – The latest photo from Andrew – now off to Classic Le Mans – what a beauty! Andrew also finds time to drive his Teal Type 35 two-seater and prewar Bentley replica – lucky chap….
Congratulations, Andrew
Teal News 25: Tealers at Retromobile Paris, January 2010
Photo: Andy Dutton
In late January 2010 Tealers Cliff and Jan, Ian and Lavinia and Andy and June headed off to Paris for the splendid French Classic Car Show Retromobile 2010. During the show many lovely machines were spotted, but among the strangest sales was the one on the Bonham’s stand for the rusted chassis and bodywork of a 1925 Bugatti Type 22/23 Brescia, which had been pushed into Lago Maggiore on the Swiss/Italian frontier in 1936, and only fished out last year in the rusted condition you can see above…
The auction went well, with the eventual price climbing to a substantial three-times estimate £228,000. Some Tealers suspect that this is probably Stuart’s new restoration project (remember he was there last year at Retromobile 2009, and arrested near Lord Howe’s Type Bugatti 57. ) Now, where’s my hacksaw?
Thanks for the photos, Andy, and happy Tealing to you and June for 2010 in the lovely ‘La Tecla’.
Teal News 26 – Going Round in Circles:
Keith Lidgerwood and the VIF have been looking at the turning circle of Teals, with a view to designing a mod kit to tighten the circle. On the Teal Discussion Forum page of this website he requests that each Teal Owner should measure the diameter of their individual Teal’s turning circle to the left and to the right expressed in feet and inches, and submit the figures to the discussion Forum page, giving brief details of their type of Teal (no numberplates). We will then have some statistical data on which to build the proposed improvements. This seems a most worthwhile project (many will remember the humorous chaos of trying to turn round a stream of Teals in a narrow country lane when we have gone wrong on past rallies!).
Requested Action:
We would be most grateful if Tealers could find the time in the next few months to measure their own turning circles left and right and let the VIF know via the website. Many thanks to all Tealers.
Teal News 27
Tealers may recall an interesting article in Teal Spiel written by Tony Davis on how he improved the power output of his MGB-engined Teal Four-Seater; since then he has been hard at work boosting the power output further, and the next Teal Spiel, due out in March, will tell us in practical terms how he went about it, and the excellent results achieved. His fine Teal, which Tony has driven on the Prescott hillclimb, is shown below taking daughter Elsa to her wedding, with Tony behind the wheel – and the Bath Rugby Club colours on the radiator…
Teal News 28: The Teal Owners’ Club
Pat Elwell, Chairman of the Teal Owners’ Club (TOC), has asked Sky Blue Teal to let Tealers know, as the 2010 diary dates start to be filled in, that the TOC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 2nd May at the Ramada Birmingham North – Cannock Hotel, Watling Street, Bridgetown, Cannock WS11 ODQ. The meeting will start at 1330, lunch is £6.95, and rooms will be available for members of the TOC at a special discounted rate of £49 instead of £59 per room.
See www.ramadabirminghamnorth.co.uk
Full details will follow in a letter to each member from Pat (expect it in the first week in March), which will as well include five Teal events planned for June, July and August 2010; these will also be covered in the next issue of Teal Spiel Magazine.
Teal News 29 – February 2010
Teal Differentials and Ratios
Often Tealers’ discussions turn to the rear axles/diffentials which have been fitted in their Teals, what their ratios are, and what alternative diffs. are available. Roger Frank has given us in the Teal Discussion Forum a most useful summary from his considerable experience , reproduced here. Thank you, Roger:
” Noted your spiel re axles and having researched the matter in depth following complete diff. failure of my Triumph power 4 seater last year thought I would share.
Range of axles with ratios
10 cwt van 4.56
1.3 Marina car & van 4.1
1.8 Marina 3.63
TR7 5 speed 3.90.
If using 18″ wires the 1.3 Marina axle is probably the best ratio however it is relatively weak and not really up to handling the 6 cyl Triumph output hence my failure and I also know Ron Stamp has had similar problems.
The 1.8 Marina axle ratio is on the high side hence difficulty in starting off / inching in traffic and greater clutch wear. It should be noted that this axle was a Triumph derived unit and the TR7 4 speed diff assembly can be directly fitted and has the same ratio.
My solution was to fit the TR7 5 speed axle. The gear ratio is about right and it is a much stronger axle being derived for the SD1. Work was needed to convert from coil to cart springs and a new shorter prop was required but the wheel stud PCD is the same as the original Marina and it has the advantage of increased 9″ drums. I did have some concern about the extra 2″ track width but this has proved to be unnoticeable once the mud guards had been moved to suit the wheels.
I hope this is helpful. ” Roger Frank
Teal News 30
In the Isle of Wight Peter Haywood owns a delightful dark blue Teal Type 35 two-seater, a stable companion for his Morgan Plus Four, and for the Riley Kestrel which he is restoring. Peter regularly attends Teal meetings such as Laycock and Cliff and Jan Sedman’s St George’s Day get-togethers. Sometimes Peter is accompanied by fellow old car enthusiast Neil Holroyd, also from the IOW, who motors his 1932 MG J2 round the island and beyond with gusto. Photos below show a few of their cars. We sometimes discuss whether the IOW would make a good venue for a Teal rally, and we all agree: yes, it would be a happy adventure, enhanced by ferries, water, the lovely island and good company. A future venue? What do you think?
Peter on the hop at Laycock; Neil sorts out the straps.
Peter’s handsome Teal Type 35 two seater
A classic 1932 MG J2 Midget similar to Neil’s
Peter’s Morgan Plus 4
Restoring the Riley Kestrel
Peter and Neil leave Cliff and Jan Sedman’s St George’s Day Teal get-together,
while Ian Alecock looks on in modest shirt and Cliff chats with Wetherby Tealers Sue and Howard ; beyond, Mike Birch and his handsome Teal Type 44.
Peter Haywood, Tealer
(with two-way hat – see first photo, Peter on the hop…)
Teal News 31 – Teal Quiz
Here’s a short quiz to keep us going through the drizzle and snow showers of late February; your answers on the Discussion Forum, please!
Question 1: In which country was this photo taken last week (Feb 2010)?
Question 2. What kind of car is the man driving, and what is his name?
Question 3. Which Tealer owns the 1930 La Salle Tourer?
(La Salle was a companion make of Cadillac in the 1920s and 1930s, a high quality car named after the french explorer who emigrated to Canada, then in the 1660s started to explore the wild and extensive river systems of the Ohio and Mississippi, through to Texas and Louisiana, using small teams in wooden canoes, braving many dangers, and mapping the terrain from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico – a true pioneer. Lots more on Google and Wikipedia – quite interesting actually. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9-Robert_Cavelier,_Sieur_de_La_Salle )
Answers in March!
Teal News 32 – Teal MOTs
Tealers may have noticed on the Teal Discussion Forum the tip given by Colin Andrews on £25 MOTs provided by Mr Clutch . They may also have seen the offer from our fellow Tealer and garage proprietor Dave Ward to match that price at his garage in Egham, Surrey, and Tony Davis’s endorsement of Dave’s service after the recent Service and MOT of his Teal four-seater there. Good news that one of our own is in the business and can assist; see www.wardsmotandservicecentre.com or ring Dave Ward on 01784 439160. Here’s Dave’s fine Teal looking quite at home among the classics at Goodwood VSCC day…
Teal News 33 (3rd March 2010) – John Williams
John Williams is a sincere car enthusiast, like many Tealers; he’s owned two Teals, has a special love of Italian cars, and has become over the years a particular expert in 1960s/1970s Alfa Romeos. In his Wiltshire workshop he now has five Alfas for himself and his family, and also a fine Jaguar D Type replica on which he is currently working. The Alfas are being fettled in preparation for a planned two-week drive to Milan via Spa in June with John’s wife Brigid, other family members and friends in several Alfas to commemorate 100 years of Alfa Romeo, with celebrations culminating in a week’s festivities and the complete encircling of Milan by many thousands of Alfas on the Milan ring road… Photos below show John in one of his Teals, some of John’s Alfas, and, of course, his replica Jaguar D-Type.
For more news of John Williams see Teal News items 3 and 9 above, or click on
Teal News 34 – 14th March 2010
Happy Day – the latest issue of TealSpiel magazine has arrived – and it’s a corker! Very many thanks to Chris and Jean Poolton for producing such a full magazine of interesting and exciting Teal news and adventures, with Tealers’ exploits from Scotland to Switzerland (and most points in between) happily recorded, and with lots of photos of Teal and Tealers , many in full colour. Members of the Teal Owners’ Club who have their own copy will know just what I mean, but other lovers of fine cars might also wish to consider joining the Club – just e-mail the Membership Secretary Dot Massey on dot.massey@btinternet.com – excellent value for £18 only!
In Teal Spiel magazine are many planned events for the coming year, and these are summarised below for the convenience of Tealers:
Sunday 2nd May Teal Owners’ Club AGM Ramada Birmingham North WS11 0DQ
(info:2nd/3rd May Kit Car Show Stoneleigh Park)
June 10-14 Tewkesbury Triangle (Glen Ibbotson 0114 2692669)
June 27-28 Backbone of England Run (Phil Massey 01253 885054
July 9 – 12 Peak District (Glen Ibbotson 0114 2692669)
July 18th Uxbridge Autoshow (Andy Dutton 01442 865335
– Advance booking before 30 June £5)
July 30th- Aug 1st East Sussex and Kent Teal run probable – contact
August 8th Lytham Hall Classic Car Show (Phil Massey 01253 885054)
also talk to Phil about taking part in the Lancashire Auto Club
Manchester-Blackpool and Morecombe to Scarborough runs)
Sept 15th-19th Shrewsbury/ North Wales Tour (Keith Lidgerwood)
Uxbridge 2009
Teal News 35 – from our Wratenstall Correspondent – Stuart Whitworth
Stu with his friend Baguette at Angouleme
(photo: Lavinia Alecock)
Sunday 14th March 2010. Cheerful Stuart rang from Lancashire to say that the poor weather and freezing temperatures had stopped him making much progress over the winter on his project, turning a Marlin rolling chassis into a Teal-Bugatti lookalike; but he has fitted the engine and gearbox, the seats are fitted (loosely), and now he has to tackle some work on the propshaft, the radiator has to go in, as well as the petrol tank, and then there’s the bodywork. So there’s still lots to do.
As a consolation, Stu bought himself a Rolls Royce last week (it’s not every day that I write a sentence like that). It’s a 1972 Silver Shadow with 14,069 total miles on the clock, two previous owners and resprayed Kingfisher Blue. It’s structurally sound, much work has been done in the past week, there’s a new MOT now, and there are a few more bits to do like window motors. The RR is fitted with the original tool kit and owner’s manual.
I bet Stu feels like the King of Lancashire rolling up at social events from his base in one of his many Lancashire cotton mills. If you pay for the petrol, Stu will take Tealers for a spin – but beware, the 6-litre engine turns in 14 miles to the gallon on a good day.
We congratulate Stu, and look forward to him and his roller acting as support team on a Teal summer rally in the high peaks….
Stu with his 1972 Kingfisher Blue Rolls Royce Silver Shadow
Stu shows Phil Massey the plans for The Whitworth Special on an earlier visit
Phil puts his foot down in Stu’s budding Whitworth Special – full of potential
(Lots of advances have been made since this photo)
(all photos Dot Massey – thanks)
Update on Stu’s Project – 28th May 2010
Stuart Whitworth, that fine Tealer, rang (27th May 2010) to say that the doctors have advised him not to continue building cars, and that he is therefore selling his current rolling project: he tells me that it’s an ex-Marlin chassis, with Teal 8-spoke 15″ wheels, Marina 1300 cc engine and gearbox, brakes, seats, some bodywork and louvering, and a whole pile of spares. If you fancy continuing the build, please contact Stu on 01706 830865 .
Teal News No 36
A Happy Visit
On a damp Tuesday, 30 March 2010, I decided to visit The Bugatti Trust at Prescott, in wild Cotswold country 7 miles north-east of Cheltenham . It proved to be a happy trip; arriving unannounced in my modern MG at about 1030, I was immediately greeted inside by the Curator, the warm, friendly and knowledgable Richard Day. The Trust was set up by Hugh Conway in 1987 to educate us about the works of Ettore Bugatti, and exhibits a terrific variety of Bugatti cars, documents, posters, engines, wheels, radiators, aero engines, photos, sculpture and detailed ephemera associated with the life of Ettore Bugatti and his son Jean.
The delightful purpose-built Trust building was erected from the proceeds of the sale of one of Hugh Conway’s Bugattis, and is warm and welcoming; at the far end of a long hall one can see glittering three fine 1920s/1930s Bugattis, and around the walls leading to these gems are photos, posters, drawings by Ettore and Jean, letters by them, and displays of the Bugatti products – engines, the famous wheels, the many variations of horseshoe radiator, sculptures and furniture by other Bugatti family members, and on the floor two small Bébé Bugattis – the famous children’s version, so called Type 52s. It’s a treasure trove for the Bugatti lover, which I suspect most Teal owners are!
Bugatti Trust – Type 13 Voiturette in the foreground,
Richard Day back right
Bugatti Trust Type 43
Richard tells me that the spokes of the famous Bugatti wheels are each deliberately very slightly twisted, so that as they rotate they propel air inwards to cool the inbuilt brake drums – new info to me, but when you look closely you can see the twist.
Behind are radiators, steering wheels, and letters of Ettore
Battery-powered original Bébé Bugatti children’s cars,
sometimes called Bugatti Type 52s
Original drawing by Ettore Bugatti taken from a 1924 letter to Count Junek in Czechoslovakia, laying out in confidence for Junek what Ettore envisaged as his new racing car – the Type 35, which triumphed in more than 2,000 races over the next five years.
1925 Bugatti Type 23
The cars in the Bugatti trust are on loan from owners, so they change as some Bugattis are taken out and other cars replace them; the emphasis throughout is on quality and accuracy. The Trust, which is a charity with a splendid newsletter, is a welcoming location of high standards.
See for yourself at www.bugatti-trust.co.uk where thousands of Bugatti photos are being put on line by Photographer David Morys (an MG fan and owner of several) , assisted by the welcoming Trust Secretary Julie Bridcutt, or even better go yourself (it’s free) if you can to:
The Bugatti Trust
Prescott Hill
Cheltenham GL52 9RD
The Trust is co-located across the road (trust to right, BOC to left) with an entirely different organisation, The Bugatti Owners’ Club, who administer the famous Prescott Hillclimb.
Was I tempted in my little MG TF to storm up the hill? The gate was open, no traffic from the houses at the top of the hillclimb, a wet Tuesday in March. Go for it! My best time of the day was about 10 minutes, as I stopped on every corner to take a photo – great fun!
Under the Bridge at the Prescott Hillclimb
Above the Hairpins, Prescott Hill Climb
( facing the wrong way as usual! )
There’s a couple of pubs nearby for lunch, one for a photo opportunity, and one for an good-quality bite to eat and a pint
This is a good photo op, but we ate at an excellent inn called the Royal Oak, 2 miles east of Prescott, where the splendid Richard Day, the Curator, regaled me with golden tales of his Bugatti Type 22 on rallies in Liguria, northern Italy and Umbria, and expanded my knowledge of Ettore and Jean Bugatti. This was a memorable day, topped up with an hour at The Cotswold Motoring Museum, twelve miles further east in Bourton-on-the-Water, full of delightful cars (Riley Kestrel, BMW 328, MG TD, Jaguar XK 140, etc ) and wonderful motoring notalgia -a great £4.10 worth!
Please see the TEAL NEWS 2 page now, as this Teal News 1 page has lots of Teal info on it, and may become rather slow to open for some browsers if I keep adding more Teal news.
Last Updated on 6 months by Admin