Happy Tealers:
Experienced and happy Tealer Andy Dutton at the Bugatti factory at Molsheim, Eastern France, in his beautiful (and powerful) Teal Type 35 ‘La Tecla’, which Andy built. Andy (‘The Enforcer’) is Club Secretary of The Teal Owners’ Club, a skilled engineer, and a veteran of many Teal tours both at home and abroad.
Long-term and distinguished Tealer and Teal builder Bob Lewis remembers it’s Valentine’s Day…. and
…poses with ‘Isadora’ near Prescott in the Cotswolds (The Bugatti Trust and Hill climb are nearby)
Bob Mills in his well-travelled Teal Type 35 four-seater ‘ Red Baron’ smiling in Shropshire…Bob built Red Baron, is an experienced engineer, and has built and restored many Teals, often working with Keith Lidgerwood in Cheshire. Bob is the Chairman of the Teal Owners’ Club…….and
Bob (half-clothed) is delighted in Deutchland on the Tittisee run twenty years earlier. John Elwell, founder of the Teal Owners’ Club is second from left above , and he also had good reason to smile as a 1988 trophy winner with his Teal Type 35 ‘Blue Beast’ below, still driven by daughter Suzi (Editor of Teal Spiel Magazine, our club journal) and her husband Dave….
Below is lovely Maggie Foster, wife of the founder and designer of the very first Teal cars (1984-1986) Ian Foster, happy in the only Teal four-seater built by Ian Foster, and reserved for her…
Colin Andrews, cheerful and positive Tealer of twenty years standing and custodian of Puddle Jumper, former Teal Owners Club Secretary and Chairman, happy on the Isle of Mull run of 2009. Colin, Irene and a select group of Tealers returned to the Islands a couple of years later for Colin to purchase a hand-made and tailored soft blue Harris Tweed jacket, widely admired in Teal circles …
Irené and Colin ready to depart on the happy Henley/Oxfordshire run, which these distinguished Tealers led through many a leafy lane and over handsome Chiltern hillsides in ‘Puddle Jumper’ , and also hosted generously a dozen Tealers in Autumn 2012 …
Sharon enjoys a happy snack in David Ward’s delightful and powerful Teal Type 35 boat-tail ‘DNA’, totally rebuilt by David in 2010-2011 and used by David and Sharon for many an enjoyable Teal run.
Jean and Rupert with Grasshopper, all three cheerful on The Spider Run 2014
Respected senior Tealers Frank and Ron in Wales on the Triangle Run 2008
Our ambassador to Provence, Andrew Noble in France with his noble Teal Type 35 boat-tail
Teal ambassador to Brooklands Angelo with his aide-de-camp Antonio. Angelo’s Teal Type 35 ‘214‘ is a regular feature of the Brooklands scene, and appears in publicity brochures for the famous circuit…
Munich Tealer Ulrike touring Austria, with her husband Rainer’s Michelotti Bugatti beyond…
Ulrike happy again, this time with her German classic registration plate on her Teal Type 35 boat-tail
Maggie and Glen cheerful on the 2013 Teal Normandy Run, one of many which they have led…
Keith happy with his newly-acquired (from Scotland) Silver Streak, later the mount of John King of honey and Land’s End fame (see below); this lovely 2.5 litre Teal is now in Germany…
John and Wendy with happy smiles at the end of the Teal Spider Run, celebrating 30 years of Teals, at Land’s End in June 2014
Tony and Margaret Williams enjoying Spider Run 1 in 2007 in their fine 6C/2500 Teal boat-tail. Tony’s brother David now runs this powerful and graceful Teal Type 35B
Cliff Sedman and Jan enjoying a break on Day 2 of the run at Cheddar Gorge on the 2007 Spider 1 rally; Cliff and Jan have been at the heart of Tealing for more than 20 years, organising, leading and participating in numerous happy Teal rallies in England, Wales, Scotland, France and Spain. Cliff and Jan have often visited the Continent in their Teal solo, frequently to France, and also to Holland, Germany and Norway. Cliff has been Chairman of the Teal Owners Club , and the source of much helpful technical advice and practical aid to those less skilled in engineering than himself. Jan is also a most keen Tealer, with a great sense of humour and limitless supplies of boat-tail cake and tea – and, with Cliff – of terrific fancy dress costumes! Tealers across the country value them highly, and wish them well in their move to the West Country.
Jan on the Angouleme Run 2008 – with handy drinks supply
Tealers – Angouleme 2008 – Cliff, Jan Dot, Phil, Lavinia, Ian and Stuart; a golden evening
Brian and Cliff bonding at the 2008 Goodwood VSCC meet
Hamish McSedman reaches John O’ Groats on the 2007 Teal Spider Run
Brian enjoys the Scottish Border country with Brigitte in 2009
Jeff Turner, of Coronation Street fame, and also a well-known TV Gardens Guru in the north-west, pauses with his colleague at the Rovers Return in his powerful 6C/2500 Teal Type 35, built by his own fair hand(s).
Cheerful Tealers at Moffat in the Scottish Borders on the Lakes, Borders and Isle of Mull run in 2009 – one of the best imho…
Dot and Phil at speed on the Lakes and Borders Run…
Photo: Iain Ramsey – thanks
…. and their daughter Debbie takes the Teal wheel in the Pennines:
Maria Bueno, Wimbledon Tennis champion happy with her Teal Type 43
Film stars are delighted with their Teal in Hemingway’s ‘The Garden of Eden’ – mind you, they think they’re in a Bugatti…
… Below, Tealers Glen and grandson are also delighted – but then they are in a Bugatti – at Longstone Tyres in 2011:
Jeff and Mary enjoy the Spider Run 2 in June 2014 at Charleston, heading for Land’s End that evening. Jeff is a close friend of Bob the Builder, our Bob Jones, creator of the later Teals from 1986-1998. Jeff and Mary took their fine Teal to Italy, Switzerland and France last year, and are planning more Continental adventures in 2015, once Jeff has fitted the new radiator and fans. Potential overheating is a concern for many large-engined Teals, and Jeff has a 6C/2500 motor…
Stuart on the Angouleme 08 run, with his close friend Baguette….
….Baguette, a gift to Stuart from the dozen other Tealers on the Angouleme and Spain run 2008, was not always treated with the respect that she,perhaps, deserved.
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Neil Bridges is a keen,cheerful, positive and long-standing Tealer (and a skilled musician), having owned at least three Teals – and a Mike King Type 35. Here heand Pam are above on the Shropshire farmhouse run in one of his Type 35 two-seaters, and below with Pam in one of his four-seaters (Phoenix) at Keith Lidgerwood’s at the spares sale organised by Bob Mills in September 2013. From Keith’s garage doors behind Phoenix at least five new build or rebuilt Teal Type 35s have emerged, together with several other Bugatti look-alikes.
Neil and Pam (also a keen and cheerful Tealer, as you can see) took part in the Spider Run 2 in summer 2014, and here they are emerging under the archway at Cartmell in the Lake District, heading south while John King waves the flag…
Last Updated on 8 months by David Brown