We are delighted that Bob Jones, owner of Teal Cars,and their designer, builder and test driver from 1986 to 1998 has provided many photos for the SkyBlueTeal website from his personal collection,and from the collection of his friend, neighbour and fellow Teal test driver Paddy O’Brien ; they have now sent us this group which both increases our knowledge of how Teal cars developed, and also triggers happy Teal memories.


“The Teal T35 built by my good friend,neighbour and part-time member of staff, Paddy O’Brien”


“First set of 18-inch wires. The Teal 18-inch wire wheels were built to my spec for Marina suspension by Motor Wheel Services (MWS)”

“Capesthorne Hall Kit Car Show”

” Left-hand drive Teal T35B at Grimsditch Hall ”

Comments: a. Bob only made 3 or 4 left-hand drive cars in the twelve years he built Teals (1986-1998). b. Nearly all original Bugattis, even those built for France and Italy, are right hand drive.

” Teal Type 59 at Grimsditch Hall ”

“Teal Type 52s on show”

“Teal Type 43 for Tony Pope at the Atlantic Business Centre, Broadheath ”

” Teal Type 43 – Tony Pope”

” Teal Type 44 ”

” Teal Type 44 ”

” Teal Type 44 – Full Weather Gear ”

“Teal Type 59 No 1 at the NEC ”

” Setting up the special wings for Carl’s T 59, ably assisted by Ben Trumble”

Teal Type 59 No 1 under construction

“First run of Teal Type 59 No 1” (Paddy O’Brien in shades top left)

Bob’s caption: ” Wot hair?!”

” Carl inspects progress ”

” Carl’s T 59 ”

” Carl’s T 59 Newark ”

” No 1 Type 59 ” YWT246S

” Delivering Teal Type 59 No 1 to Graham Hinckley ”

” Type 59 No 1 with admirers ”

Bugatti Type 73C (foreground), TealType 59, Bugatti Type 49 – Atlantic Business Centre, Broadheath

Original Bugatti Type 49 being re-bodied by Bob Jones at Teal Cars

Original Bugatti Type 49. Note the lovely engine and interesting wheels

Original Bugatti Type 49

Original Bugatti Type 49 with low-slung fuel tank

Bob’s Caption (and see note by owner John Barton below): ” Original Bugatti T 73. I was asked to produce a body similar to the 1930’s Mercedes racers. The Bugatti T73 came just post war but the project was never finished. Several chassis were produced.”

Footnote: Ettore Bugatti died in 1947. Also see note below by owner John Barton

Bugatti Type 73C bodied by Bob Jones/Teal in the style of 1930s Mercedes racer.

Comment by the Owner of this fine Bugatti Type 73C, John Barton: “I have just been looking at my old friend Bob Jones photos on the Teal website. I hope he will not mind me making a couple of small corrections to the captions. My car which is depicted and which Bob bodied is a Type 73C not a Type 73 [ I have a Type 73 as well ]. Secondly, as I am sure Bob will confirm, he did not design the body. It is a copy of the body on 73C005 now raced by Tom Dark [my car being 73C004] Sadly I did not know that the then owner of 005 had cut down the dashboard which is why Toms car looks so much smaller than mine. The body design was done by Bugatti in 1946 and was similar to the prewar T50 BIII Cork car.

Bugatti Type 73C with Bob Jones-made body

Bugatti/Teal Tailpiece

Paddy O’Brien’s Teal Type 35 ‘Tessa’ Paddy is very much part of the Teal story, as test driver, demonstrator and friend of Bob Jones throughout the development of Teal cars in the 80s and 90s…

Paddy’s Teal Type 35 ‘Tessa’

Paddy’s ‘Tessa’

A Teal with doors! Bob Jones has just sent me (Jan 2009) these photos of an unique Teal unknown to me. He and Peter Farrell built it at Peter’s request as a 4-seater. This unique Teal (which does not have a Type number) was also able to act as a test bed to check the viability of fitting doors to the 4-seater chassis. Bob comments (2009): ‘The chassis flex was, I felt, too severe and I never followed up the idea apart from the Teal Type 44, which was a different car altogether.’ Bob thinks these photos of Peter and his wife Margaret may have been taken at the Stafford Show in 1988. Note the flared wings.

Peter Farrell’s one-off 4-seater Teal with doors and flared wings – side view.

Teal with Trailer – Dicky Dawes. Bob Jones and Paddy O’Brien have found these photos of a most unusual Teal built with Dicky Dawes – as you can see, it’s a delightful custard yellow colour, but unusually Dicky made a ridged and rivetted boat tail � la Type 59, and a splendid little trailer to carry all the bits and pieces that inevitably come with a Teal expedition…. do you know where this delightful Teal and trailer are now?

Paddy and Bob have come up with some fine pictures of a Teal 35B kit with the narrow radiator option in an advanced stage of assembly at Grimsditch Hall – the lovely bodywork of the special boat tail with access � la Type 43 is by Dicky Dawes:


Bob Jones moved the location of Teal Cars production a number of times in his 12 years of ownership and manufacture. He summarises the moves thus:

“1. Harrowby Mill – May 1986 small unit around the corner from PJF fabrications. Carried on working for AA and developed 1st Ally body – stay approximately 4 months. (1986)
2. Moved to larger unit in Harrowby Mill October 1986. Left AA and employed Peter Farrel and others – stay approximately three years. (1986-1989)
3. Moved to Atlantic Business Centre Broadheath, continued to take on staff and expand within the Centre – stay approximately three years. (1989-1992)
4. Hit by recession. Moved to Eccles Car Hood and Cushion Company premises, Cawdor Street, Eccles with a view to taking over the lease. Found the place to be falling down around us, so didn’t bother! Stay approximately six months (1992)
5. Moved to Viaduct Road back in Broadheath now directly employing only two people and using sub-contract work as and when needed. Stay approximnately six months. (1993)
6. Finally moved to Grimsditch Hall courtesy of my good friend Mike Astil. Idyllic setting for about four years. (1994-1998)”

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin