These cars have previously been Teals of the Week Nos 100 to 120 on Page 1 of this website from March 2014 onwards.



The Jagatti
See also DEH403C
Above: Bob Mills, Roger Frank and new owner David Turner photographed with the Jagatti by Keith Lidgerwood.
In 2009 Keith Lidgerwood and Bob Mills created a unique Teal Type 35 with the new 35B front suspension,  and fitted this Teal with a Jaguar 6-cylinder 4.2 litre engine.  These engines are usually only seen in Teal Type 59s.   Below  is the Teal in the workshop at Sorbie, Cheshire,  and other photos show roll-out day, when new owner David Turner of Yorkshire picked up the Jagatti, with builders and Tealers Keith, Bob and Roger in attendance.  David planned to  complete the Teal by fitting the instruments, carrying out the wiring, changing the steering wheel and fitting Brooklands screens.
The workshop at Sorbie, Cheshire – note suspension, engine  – and Bob Mills back left. 
Keith hands over the Jagatti and new owner David Turner makes sure all is secure for the journey to N. Yorkshire.
Over many years from the late 1990s to 2012 Keith Lidgerwood and Bob Mills in the workshop at Sorbie created, rebuilt, modified, fettled and put back on the road  many  Teals, probably at least a dozen, as well as much other sporting machinery.  We pay tribute to Keith and Bob’s  skilled and creative engineering, which has greatly enhanced our Teal marque.
LANDMARK: This Teal Jagatti  is Teal of the Week No 100 – the first Teal of the Week appeared on Sky Blue Teal on 21st October 2012 –  a hundred Teals in 72 weeks – and more  lovely Teals to come.
‘ Bluebottle ‘
WLE385S and JSU534 
As of Jnu 2024 Philip Noble, TOC Member owns this car, bought it from a Mr Glaysher, who bought it at Auction pre 2022.
Lindsay Crighton was one of the pioneer Tealers in the 1980s, who has sent us many photos of Tealing nearly 30 years ago  (see  the Teals in the 80s  page on this website); his handsome Teal Bluebottle, shown above with its original registration plate, was driven by Lyndsay from Scotland to many classic car rallies, and is shown below with a young Pat Elwell, our TOC chair keeping an eye on Bluebottle from her – er –  chair back right… note Bluebottle’s new  period registration plate, and other early Teals in the background.  Is that Bob Mills’ 4-seater Red Baron behind Pat?  And to the left is that John Elwell’s Blue Beast?
Another prominent Tealer of the 80s and 90s is David Wilson (he of the splendid moustache,  builder/driver of his red Teal Oscar –  see Teal of the Week No 76) ; here David is seen sitting in front of Lindsay’s Bluebottle, which uniqely was fitted with  a chrome soda siphon on top on the radiator cap….  humour was ( and is ) an important part of Tealing…
And here’s Lindsay Crighton himself, in a Barbour full of character,  with his lovely Scottish Teal  Bluebottle – many thanks for the early Tealing photos and memories which you have sent the website, Lindsay.
The Brillo Pad Special
Roger Butcher poses for the camera as  Colin Andrews admires Roger’s Teal, usually  called The Brillo Pad Special.  Why?   A Tealer writes:
” Roger took delivery of his Teal in early 1989 in unpainted condition. He preferred to call it ‘The Spirit of Self Indulgence’ and as far as we could see he never did a thing to it and the unpainted finish was ghastly, thus it became known as the Brillo Pad Special.
He went on a few trips at home and abroad and these occasions were the only times the car had any form of service. It broke down so many times that the effort put in by the others touring with him somehow meant that the car ended up in a far better state after a trip than before it – very rare in Teal circles.  He always maintained that he preferred the distressed look. He was a blacksmith by trade and a hammer was his favourite tool!
Roger was certainly larger than life in all respects and was once referred to by Ben Trumble as a human object of God-like proportions. He has written amusingly in Teal Spiel with the best, and very difficult,  article being when he outlined his trouble with the tax man, vat and going broke.”  This is when the Teal had to go. (This moving and amusing  article by Roger Butcher in 1991  is reprinted in Teal Spiel special  Teal Owners’ Club 21st Anniversary Edition of 2009, page 24).  
Roger also had an impressive collection of badges on his Teal – though on closer inspection most of them appear to be of British and foreign beers….  Where is this unique Teal today?  
TEALS  OF THE WEEK Nos 103 and 104
OAS302 and 159ENO
OAS302  159ENO
There has always been since the mid-80s considerable enthusiasm for Teal cars north of the border; for instance The silver Teal Type 35 four-seater  on the left was built  and is still driven by academic  David Swinfen of Dundee.   On the right the red Type 35 four-seater is the mount  of  Brian Cunningham of Ramsey, near Huntingdon.  These handsome Teals are seen together  here at John O’Groats at the end of the Teal Spider Run One in 2007.  They are flanked on the left by Rupert and Jean Quested and to the right by Cliff and Jan Sedman.  Spider Run 2 from John O’Groats starts this June – see details further down this page and in the March 2014 Teal Spiel.

 Comment: TOW 104 (red) for sale at Chelsea Cars in June 2016- asking £35K.


Des Jones (L) and colleague  with his handsome two (or three)-tone Teal Type 35 four-seater  at Aberystwyth in 2007 on the Teal Spider Run One.  Tony Hamilton-Gray (TOW No 106 below) led us  on Leg 3 from Llandovery to  Aberystwyth, then Des led on from there to Mach, with Tony bringing up the rear with tools, tow ropes and water (in case they were needed),  and then Tony led us on  up Cader Idris to Porthmadog – an epic and happy run.   Below: Teals and Tealers at Aberystwyth, 2007:
Later Comment (9Apr 2014):  since this piece on TOW 105 was published on line, Tealer David Ward has let us know that he found this information on the Brightwell’s Auctioneer website from 2012:

” This Teal Bugatti Type 43 replica was built in 1979 using a 1971 Triumph 2000 as the donor car. It retains the 90bhp 2-litre straight-six engine of the donor, mated to a four-speed manual gearbox. Between 1998 and 2004 the car was off the road and in storage until it was bought by the current vendor’s father. A Teal Owner’s Club member, he used the car regularly on club events and rallies until his death last year. “

” It comes with a full set of weather gear including hood and sidescreens and is MOTd until June 2012. Said to be in good running order, it is due to be driven some 70 miles to the sale. Being registered as a 1971 car, it qualifies for free road tax. With the looks of a real Type 43 but at a tiny fraction of the cost, this nicely patinated lookalike should give its new owner plenty of fun over the coming summer months. “


Tony Hamilton-Gray purchased his Teal in late 2004, towed it from Halifax to West Wales (clutch slave cylinder faulty), had the clutch fixed, adjusted the foot pedals, fitted a loudly-honking brass horn to the front, an oil filler cap to the top of the radiator shell, a petrol can to the drivers-side bodywork, a bigger petrol tank, a stainless steel saucepan to cover the air intake hole in the left  in the bonnet, an electric 12v SU petrol pump, and plans to fit larger headlights.  This unique and character-full Teal guided us round Wales (see above).  The photos and data are from Teal Spiel Feb 06  (then in black and white) – thank you, Tony,  and Chris Poolton (Editor).


Note: this Teal has been owned since 2009 by Andrew J. in Exeter, Devon 


Update – October 2017



Total Head Turners of Esssex have an early Teal 35 for sale (£19,000) 





Total Head Turners of Essex have an early  Teal Type 35 Boat-tail for sale ….1800cc MG twin carb motor.







John Coley of Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, a skilled engineer,  built his own Teal Type 35 to a high standard of finish, and designed the unusual hand brake guard seen here. John was an early and  leading member of the Teal Owners’ Club; his Teal was always immaculate,  and it was rumoured that at the beginning of each Tealing season he hand-polished his wire wheels, spending at least four hours on each one…  His registration plate also seems unusual – is that IXI 1930?
Brian Waiting towed his aluminium-bodied Teal Type 35 (probably an early Bob Jones car)  to the Isle of Man in 1988.  A keen car enthusiast, Brian worked on many projects over the next 20 years, but never finished his Teal…
Sadly, Brian Waiting has now died, but a friend of his who has always admired Teals has taken over the project, and will strip back and start again to get this Teal on the road at last.  They’re still out there! Best wishes   T.O.C.
This happy couple were spotted motoring near Chichester, Sussex; this is also the home, of course, of the Goodwood motor racing circuit. A coincidence? Maybe. This is a pretty early GRP Teal of the 1984/85  period when Ian Foster made the chassis and bodywork for the first 30 Teals. It is rare to see a Teal nowadays with a ‘Q’ plate – in fact I’ve only ever seen  four – but I lead a very sheltered life. 


Here’s another shot of TOW 109, spotted by David Ward:






 The scene is Stoneleigh Park Nr Lemington Spa  in May 2007, the annual general meeting of The Teal Owners’ Club.  Teal UR 4465 is drawn up in a row with  other handsome Teals  (and handsome Colin Andrews). There are three unusual features to this Teal Type 35: first the unusual vent to the right of the bonnet for the SU carburettors; second, have you ever seen a Teal Type 35 with the spare wheel fitted the same side as the driver/steering wheel – ie the right-hand side?  And third? See next photo of the pretty rear end:
 Isn’t that a useful hinged hatch in the middle of the boat tail?  No need to tilt the seat to gain access, just lift the hatch and lower away your shopping, spares, duty-free; a feature not often seen on a Teal.
This stylish Ian Foster – period (1984-85)  GRP Teal Type 35  boattail with alloy wheels was spotted in early June 2013 at the Heskin Hall Steam Rally  in Lancashire, near  the heart of Tealing Country…
The boot rack is quite rare, and pretty useful on long-distance Teal runs/rallies…  this beauty was also photographed by a Tealer at Southport, so we can be pretty sure she’s from Lancashire:

FOOTNOTE: this early Ian Foster Teal Type 35 was spotted by David Ward for Sale on Ebay  in October 2016; she was built in 1984/01 (very early GRP Teal), owned by Ron Taylor ever since,  and has a 2000cc engine .

A couple of years ago (March 2012) this smart earlyish GRP Teal Type 35 ‘Mark 1’ of about 1985 by Ian Foster was spotted for  sale in Spain for Euros 25,000…
Do you know where she is now?  Rather good transport for summertime Spain, perhaps?
 Bob Jones, innovative designer and builder of Teal cars  from 1986 to 1998, has sent the website this photo of his  first aluminium Teal Type 35 to which he fitted Motor Wheel Services (MWS) splined adaptors and 18″ wire wheels to his specification back in 1986, changing the whole look and stance of the Type 35.  Is this Teal still running 28 years later?
Spotted in France recently, and featured on the French website The Gegeblog.canalblog, a classic car photo album site.  That storage bag is rather well placed for the driver to access from his seat, isn’t it?
TEALS OF THE WEEK No 115 and 116
Two very early GRP  Teals, badged as Worsleys, build by Ian Foster at Patricroft, Eccles in early 1984.  The badges are indistinct, but are ornate  Worsley signatures, based on the Tudor Worsley courthouse  building in Manchester  after which  Teals were initial named…
Are these Teals still running?
Graham Elsam from Lincolnshire has owned a unique Teal for some years.  Here it is photographed in Wainfleet soon after a recent MOT, and also  below being refuelled by Graham over the pavement, a system that we senior (=old) Tealers will remember from the 50s and 60s.  The wheels of Graham’s unique beauty are most unusual, as are the spline fittings.  Graham says 3 of the 4 wheels have fallen off at various times, but they seem secure now.  You can see below that the tyres are rather thin, which combined with the 2.5 litre Triumph six under the bonnet and a bit of rain makes for interesting motoring…  The front ironwork of this glorious Teal looks like it may have been modified.  Doesn’t she look like an authentic 1920s racer?  Thanks for the most intereresting photos of your splendid Teal Type 35, Graham .

(PS: petrol’s not cheap in Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, is it?)


Just for interest, next tax due date is January 2025, so she’s still on the road.
A colleague of Tealer  David Ward  spotted this attractive dark blue aluminium Teal Type 35 last month  in the car park of Moss (Triumph and MG spares) in Hanworth, west London. It belongs to long-standing Tealer John Hudnott from Wimbledon (thanks Cliff), and John tells us it is fitted with a 1.8 Marina engine and, unusually,  a 5-speed Ford gearbox with modified propshaft.  John will send us more photos which will be added. 
One of our finest Teal Type 35 boat-tails  is owned by Dr Wolfgang Knupfer, keen Tealer and loyal TOC member, and is located near Ulm in  the beautiful  Baden-Wurtenburg  region of  southern Germany.   Wolfgang has owned her for three years ( ex Don Jenkin, Cornwall ), and has done quite a bit of work on her over the winter ( see  below):
In the workshop
She is equipped with  a 2500cc 6-cylinder Triumph motor  (130 bhp) with four-speed box and overdrive  on 3rd and 4th, new sky-blue wire wheels (Tealer Hector Martin drove over from Amsterdam to Wolfgang’s to pick up the old wheels,  have them refurbished and re-tyred, and David Ward has now fitted them to Hector’s Teal – ex-Gigi), a Bugatti steering wheel, and beautiful proportions.
Wolfgang is doing more work on her this spring ( a little different from dentistry), and promises us more photos when all is  complete.  Meanwhile, here is this lovely Teal to enjoy – an Ode to Joy, as Schiller would have told us…or as Keats would have it ‘a thing of beauty is a joy forever’.  She’s a delight, Wolfgang; thanks for the photos.
This good-looking aluminium Welsh Teal Type 35 is powered by an 1800cc motor, comes from Porthmadoc,  and was discovered on ebay by Tealer David Ward.  Below are photos of cockpit, engine and boat-tail.  Bids start at £14,000…would she  suit you?  See also Teal of the Week No 61; we believe this may be the same car – thank you Andy
More Teals to Come…in TOW 121-140

Last Updated on 6 months by Admin